
Chapter 3: God Chosen, Voice Calls!

' Im A What?!? '

It was clear that i didn't understand what Adrian had just said, and the fact that this was all so sudden adds to my confusion.

' A curse, Zalan. It's what the people call us. They act like we're a threat to them just because we're different '

( What is he talking about?! ) That question echoes through my mind. But no matter how hard i try to answer my own question there was just no explanation.

' Different? How? This is not making sense at all! ' I said in utter confusion. Adrian, as if understing my reaction, answers my question.

' Well you see... It started long ago, when the god of the universe decided that it needed a group that will help him bring about peace to this world and so he decided to give selected people unique powers to rule the rest of mankind together. Initially overwhelmed by gratitude and awe, they soon became intoxicated by their newfound abilities, believing themselves chosen to enact divine will. As their arrogance grew, so did their misuse of these powers. They started to cause cause chaos the showcase their superiority. These people are our from our own family line Zalan, their powers were passed down to us. And everyone in the world remembers what they have done and thinks that we are the same ' Adrian explains.

After what he had told me I finally got an answer on why my family and I were being hunted down by those knights. Though, I was still in shock after learning the truth.

' Remember the time you got attacked by a bear Zal? ' Said by Satoshi in the corner of the room.

' Yeah... I do.. '

' Well you had a large wound on your stomach right? '

' Oh yeah, i forgot about that ' my hands reached down to raise my clothes to see no signs of injury whatsoever.

' See? We believe your ability is some sort of regenerative one, me and Satoshi also posses one ' Adrian said.

Now the voice before i passed out from the bear attack is explained. I asked was going to ask them about their abilities but decided not to and before they left the room Adrian handed me a some money and told me to get something nice from the market. I slept that day since i did not want to do anything after everything that has happened.

Waking up from my sleep, i picked up the money that Adrian gave me and decided to explore the kingdoms marketplace to see if something would catch my eyes, I leave the house to see the bustling streets of Sorable. Kids running, Merchants working, the horse carriages speeding and more.

My attention got caught by an old man selling weapons and other stuff, I figured that i could probably use one to protect myself so i headed over his direction to look. He greeted me and i asked for the weapons that he is selling. He then showed me barel full of them and one caught my attention, it was a sword made with some sort of blue metal. It was shining at me, as if telling me to pick it. I asked about the sword to the old man and he responded with*

' Oh seems your eyes laid upon that one, well i actually dont have any idea where that sword came from, i just saw it on my porch yesterday with a note saying " sell me ". Anyways, feel free to touch the sword young man then let me know if you want it '

Listening to the old man, i grab the sword by its handle and suddenly my heart skipped a beat and i was in the white void again. There was a unfamiliar woman with light blue hair wearing an elegant white dress in front of me. The she speaked and i recognized the voice as the same voice from my dreams.

' Zalan, Im happy to know that wherever i am, you'll always find me ' she said as she came closer to me and held my hand before shortly disappearing.

' Hey? Young man? Are you okay? ' said the old man to me as i snap out from my imagination. ' So what do you think? Will you buy it? ' he adds and i said yes before handing him the payment. It was not that expensive so i was able to go to other shops to buy more items.

Recapping to all the things i bought today was, the sword i bought from the old man, a pair of basic leather boots and gloves, some foods that should last atleast three days, a cool looking pendant ( it was for sale so dont blame me ), and five herbs that claimed to boost my energy for some minutes. I wanted to buy more but i didn't think it would be a wise idea to use up all the money Adrian gave me.

On the way back home, when the sun was setting, i accidentally bumped to Satoshi and he said that he was taking a stroll on the kingdom too. He went along with me going back home. As me and Satoshi were walking, i glanced over at building where a lot of kids ( probably my age ) were exiting out from. They were wearing uniforms so its probably a school. I couldn't help but feel jealous and Satoshi noticed that and said*

' Your looking at the students of the knights academy, perhaps you would like to join them? ' he said. I tried to deny it but he saw through my lies.

' No-no not at all.. haha '

' Your a terrible liar kid [ he chuckles ] if you really want to, me and Adrian can enroll you ' he said and my eyes sparked with joy.

' Really? Really? ' i said and he nods to my question.

' Yeah, tomorrow they will be hosting an examination event to the Knight's academy and those who pass will be able to join. Who knows? Maybe you will pass their exam ' Satoshi says with a smile.

( If i could pass this exam, its a chance for me to learn and also have fun! ) I thought to myself

After walking for a bit more we finally reached home

' who's house is this anyway? ' i asked, and Satoshi replies with*

' It's Adrian's house '

' Ohh, he's one rich guy ' i said. As we opened the door, we were greeted by Adrian sitting and drinking coffee at a table.

' Oh hey you two, your finally back. Zalan did you enjoy your shopping? '

' Yeah, thank you for the money ' i replied to his question.

' Glad to hear that. It's the least i can do, oh yeah and Satoshi did you get the things we need? ' Adrian asks Satoshi.

' Yeah i did ' Satoshi answers Adrian's question.

I didn't really understand what they were talking about but after that we had dinner and i went to the bedroom Adrian assigned me to. As i close my eyes, i couldn't help but feel someone was watching me... I felt sudden chills in my body. As I looked outside the window I see, from a mile away... a creature of terror.