
The Eclipse Mark

The day you are born, you have a prophecy just for you. On your 13th birthday, you get one of twelve marks I am different

Goddess_vigilante · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 8

I was standing in the local clinic. Chelsy wasn't awake yet, Thanatos was standing outside. At the moment, she wasn't wearing a shirt because the healer (who is female) had to put ointments on her. Although, it slightly disturbed me. Not her body, but the scars littered around. She had... an alarming amount of scars.

"Was she in a fight recently?"

"Not that I know of."

"Does she pick fights often?"

"Um, no. I haven't known her for long though." The healer nods and leaves to talk to Thanatos. After a second or so, Chelsy wakes up.

"I regret everything."

"I thought so." She looks at herself and squeaks. She quickly covers herself and looks away. "Are you gonna talk to me about those?"

"Just forget it." She picks her shirt back on and storms off. I take a deep breath and sigh.

"I'll talk to her." Thanatos nods before running after her. Seems he was always talking to her and not me.

"I'm worried..."

~~{Chelsy's POV}~~

"Leave me alone."

"Can't do that."

"Can't or won't?" I grit my teeth

"Can't. Just talk to me, Chels." Oh great, a nickname

"Leave me alone. Why are you so insistent on talking with people? Maybe you should leave people alone!" He grabs me by my arms and pulls me close to him. Too close.

"Maybe you shouldn't bottle your feelings up. Looks like we both have issues here." I push away from him.

"I don't have issues, you're just pushy."

"Your scars say otherwise." That hit a nerve in me. A deep nerve that I've tried to pretend doesn't exist

"My scars are mine, and they are none of your business."

"How old are you?"


"You heard me. How old are you?"

"...Fourteen. Why?" I cross my arms, although I could almost tell where he was going with this.

"When water mages are in a pool of water for a long time, their injuries are usually gone. Unless they got their scars before they got their mark."

"I was clumsy as a kid."

"That's bullshit, Chels! Tell me what happened." He grabs my hand, but I smack his chest. (Somehow, it felt like a weird angle)

"Don't touch me. Stop touching me. I don't need your sympathy, I don't need your stupid help!"

"Why can't you just trust me for one second? We've been together for what? Three days? We've spent the entirety of three days together."

"Three days is nothing. You're gonna need a lot more than three days."

"How much more? How much more before you tell me that someone has been hurting you?" I raise my hand to slap him, but I...

I can't do it.

Because he's right, isn't he?

Gods, what am I thinking? Who cares if he's right, he's being an asshole. Three days is nothing in a lifetime, in 180 years. (Frankly, I'm planning on using all 180 years.) No one should automatically trust someone after three days, that's completely stupid.


"Leave." I lower my hand and turn away from him. "Just go already. You're not helping, even if you think you are."

"I'm sorry if I overstepped."

"Well, you did! Are you happy now!? Why can't you go!? I want you GONE!" Tears brimmed my eyes, but I made them disappear as soon as they came. Perks of being a water mage?

"This isn't healthy. You need to tell someone."

"I don't need to tell anyone anything. I especially don't need to tell you anything."

"Then don't tell me! Tell someone you actually trust, your friends, your siblings, your parents!"

"They... don't- forget it. Just leave me alone."


"Forget it. Please... forget it." I run my fingers through my hair. My tangled, messy hair.

"Your parents?" I don't say anything and I guess he takes it as a yes. "Can I give you a hug?"

"Why are you asking now?"

"I feel like I should. But can I?" I bite my tongue. I wanted to say yes, but I also wanted to just push him away and run.

"I don't know." He rests a hand on my shoulder. I felt like this was becoming a habit.

"Let's start from here then."

"I'm okay with that." The words "thank you" hung on my tongue but went unsaid. I think he got the message anyways.

"I'm here. I see you."

"Well, I would really hope so."

~~{Luna's POV}~~

"Running off probably isn't your best idea. You know you're still in Antheia, right?" I cross my arms as the two come back. They looked... upset. Although that could be the understatement of the century.

"Shut up and get me back into that clinic." She falls on my chest, a little loopy.

"Will do, ma'am." I jokingly salute.

"I am not in the mood."

"Okay, okay." I help her lean on my shoulder and we go back to the clinic. The healer scolds her for being so careless.

"Yeesh, you sound like my sister. I'm sitting, I'm sitting!" I laugh as the healer scolds her even more.

"Dear, can you leave the room?"

"Oh, yeah. See ya later!" I close the door behind me, but I still glance back at the window on the wall. I couldn't hear them, but I saw Chelsy's face fall. They talk for a little more before the healer gives up and leaves the room.

"Would you happen to know anything about her family, dear?"

"Oh, no. Not really." The healer nods.

"You can go back in, I think she needs a friend." I wave goodbye shyly before heading into the room.

"Wanna talk?"

"About what?"

"Anything. Anything in the world." A slight smile danced on her lips.

"Well, I am wondering about this guy everyone's talking about. Heard he's cute."

"Do you believe them?"

"I'm not on the market for anyone, but what about you?"

"Oh please, I have bigger things to worry about." I roll my eyes

"So you don't like anyone?"

"This was the first time I've been out of the castle in months. I think I can say no. You?"

"Not at the moment, no. I just haven't met any good guys lately. Or girls."

"Wait, what-"

"Hey guys! This dude named Dani came, said he wanted to meet you two." Thanatos popped his head in.

"Coming!" Chelsy gets on her feet and starts walking out.

"Woah, you cannot just leave-" I sigh. Time to meet Dani, I guess.

Yes, Chelsy is bi. Luna's bi-curious (Although she's completely sure she likes guys), Thanatos is pan.

Dani is not my oc, Dani belongs to someone on Wattpad named Scaredy_cat_nyaaa! They have been very generous to let me use him, so check them out!