
chapter 13

The Mirror of Reflection

Riven and I dismounted our steeds, our eyes fixed on the ancient tree before us. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke and ash, but as we approached the tree, a strange, pungent aroma wafted out, like the scent of old books and forgotten memories.

The woman's whisper seemed to carry on the wind, her words a haunting reminder of the trials ahead. "In the mirror of reflection, you will see your true selves. Will you be able to confront the darkness within?"

As we reached the tree, a strange, glowing mist swirled around us, like the veil of a forgotten world. The mist coalesced into a mirror, its surface reflecting an image that was not our own.

Riven and I stood before the mirror, our eyes locked onto the reflection. The image showed us as we were, yet it was not quite right. The lines on our faces were deeper, our eyes darker. The reflection seemed to be a twisted version of ourselves, as if we were staring into the abyss of our own souls.

The woman's voice whispered in our ears once more. "In this mirror, you will see the faces of your past, your present, and your future. Will you be able to confront the shadows within?"

As we gazed into the mirror, visions began to flash before us. We saw ourselves as children, innocent and full of wonder. We saw ourselves as adults, scarred and weary from the trials of life. And we saw ourselves as old men, wise and worn, but still haunted by the shadows of our past.

The visions blurred and merged, becoming a jumbled mess of memories and emotions. Riven's grip on my arm tightened as he struggled to maintain his footing in the swirling chaos.

I felt myself being pulled into the mirror, my soul torn asunder by the conflicting images and emotions. But Riven's presence beside me was a beacon of hope, his strength and determination anchoring me to the world of the living.

As we gazed deeper into the mirror, I saw a figure emerging from the depths of the glass. It was a woman, her face twisted in a grotesque grin. Her eyes burned with an unnatural hunger, and her presence seemed to draw the very light out of the air.

The woman's voice whispered in our ears once more. "Will you be able to defeat the Queen of Reflection?"

Do we face the Queen of Reflection?

To be continued...