
The Earth Was Destroyed While I Was Meditating for 5000 Years

Do you ever believe in magic? Have you seen it? Or can you feel it? At this time right now I believe no one will believe in magic. We know that magic is a fairytale-like the story of the witch or a popular story from your folktale who has magic in it. Talking about magic will only leave you to a question, are magic is real? Or is it just a fabricated story for children? Either way, we don't know the truth about it but what if I told you all of the story around the world about magic was the truth? Will you believe it? Well, there's no way you will believe it same as me, even I don't believe it too until I experience it myself. It took me a hard way to make me believe in magic, magic that changes the fate of the world. A boy who's awake from Meditation and found out that his world is already destroyed. Moreover, the Earth has already passed for 5000 years. How can he survive when the world destroyed? How can he still alive for 5000 years even though he is just an ordinary human? This is a story about the journey of a boy who searches for the reason of how could he still alive after 5000 years!

Maruzensky · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Wake up

this the first time I meditating and for some reason for the first hour I meditate. I heard a voice, Many voices. The voice is mixing from the voice of the girl and there is the voice of a boy but the voice is too low. Even I can't hear clearly what they said to me. From what I guess they're calling my name again and again but I don't know whose voice is it, I don't recognize it at all.

The voice is keeping calling my name for about 2 hours it's creepy. But I must endure it because right now I'm in the middle of meditating. Maybe the reason why teacher Wessel tells me to meditate in this place is that there is a trial for me to enhance my focus as I thought before. If it true, that the reason he sends me to meditate here to enhance my focus, then this makes me improved my impression of him even more.

'as expected of old man Wessel he is really know everything to teach someone to improve'

that was what I think about him.

more than 2 hours 30-minute hearing a voice calling for my name again and again even if it's creepy I must stay focus. the more I focus the more voice is coming to call my name. They are desperately calling my name but I'm sure from all of the voices who are calling my name no one has an intimidating tone or afraid of me. From what I can hear they're calling me with a happy tone or sincere feeling in it, I can feel it. Even though it's creepy but I feel happy for some reason. After 2 hours 55 minutes ignored the voice, the voice stopped 5 minutes before I finished meditating.

'Are this mean I'm already cleared the trial in here?'

That was what I thought. Maybe because I cleared the trial from this place I can't hear their voice again? Suddenly my surrounding became silent for a minute I can't hear any wind, water, or bug it's like I'm in a place of nothingness. I can't hear any voice at all. And before I open my eyes there's another voice, it was a girl the voice is too vague but I feel nostalgic but I can hear what she say to me, she said

"time to wake up"

I can hear the voice when she wake me up and the voice of giggle can be heard too. like a child waking up his parent or like a girlfriend waking up his boyfriend I can hear the excited voice from her.

After hearing it I decided to open my eyes because I thought I already finish 3 hours of meditation.

"ghhhhh" it's dazzled.

My eyes still got blurry. for some reason, there is still light from the sun. I thought right now it's should be 7 PM but why there is still a sun? Suddenly my body becomes so warm, slowly and surely I open my eyes again when my vision is already cleared, I surprised that it was already noon again.

"holy shit, I thought I meditate for three hours, how can I meditate for one day?"

Because I started meditating was about sun near it's down so I feel right now it should be at night. And I don't know why but I can feel something different from my body it's like my bundle of excitement coming from my body. My body wants to do something but I don't understand what it is. It's like I finish warm-up and now I want to do some sport, it kind of that feel. there's another thing that I realize, I can feel the presence like, I can feel there's an ant in the tree I can know where the exact spot they are or I can feel a big fish in the lake my perception becomes sharper. To be honest I don't believe what I feel so I ignored it. I more prioritize the time I wake up right now.

'I can ignore my body for now. but this is strange when I meditate surely I still counting the time so why it can be one day?

weird, are the difference in time is connected to the voice who calls my name when I meditate? Or is it because the time gets slower when I meditate well there is no way the second one true, isn't it? but right now I must tell the teacher and my friend first about it. I'm sure they're worried about me.'

"Okay let's go back first,"

I said it to myself. Despite this weird atmosphere, I'm more worried about my friend and my teacher. Because I haven't come back since yesterday.

"hmmmmm, why is the boat different from when I used it before? shouldn't there's only one peddle but why there are two peddle right now?"

this is getting more confusing.

Maybe teacher Wessel or my friend come here giving me more peddle and checking me because I'm not waking up for more than 3 hours. But shouldn't they wake me up then? Maybe it can be one of the pranks that teacher Wessel set up? But from the voice from when I meditate... I don't think this is teacher Wessel's prank. Well, getting more questions only makes me more confused I should ask them about it when I'm going back.

after getting to the shore, I look around at the forest. there's this kind of feeling from my heart, that I don't know what forest is this? And where am I? I have never seen this forest before I don't know anything. The more I think the more confused I am.

why is the forest somehow different? and where is the dorm building? it's should be can be seen from here.

are this is a dream or what? I'm scratching my head and slap my face two times. I can still feel a little hurt, then this is not a dream.

'are this is a prank from the teacher? but how can he hide the building if it's a prank?'

Yes, it should be impossible to hide the building with the 5th floor in one day. There's no method to hide the build in one day. If there is a method to hide it then that method was to destroy the building. After walking 5 minutes in the forest I should be in the dorm right now but what I see is not a dorm it's was another large building. The building is decorated like a Japanese old house but it's different, there is some mixing with Minang culture house so the building's more look like aesthetic. the combination of the two cultures makes this house very different and somehow this building looks good. it's like a traditional house in a museum but this house is not like a museum. how can I describe it? this place is more looks like a place where the tribe leader lives.

'wait a minute how can they change the building with a 4th floor became something like this from just one day?'

I still look confused, how can they change it? With the supernatural power maybe? Or teacher Wessel uses power from the devil? Joke aside I can't comprehend what I see in front of me I try to find the absurd answer. Because I don't believe there's no way the building change for one day. In the middle of confusion then I saw in front of the building a boy and girl with a look of 10 years old with casual clothes but for some reason, their clothes look weird to me, they're playing with fire in his hand and pass it to each other. It's more like they're controlling the fire, the scenery when they are controlling the fire makes me forget about my confusion for a while.

'what a skillful kid.... '

on second thought, I realize something.

"wait, what? how the heck they can control the fire? No, more importantly how the heck they're permitted to play with fire I must stop this before there is an incident"

I step out of the forest and come over to the kid slowly. telling them to not play with the fire because it was dangerous.

"Hey kid, don't play with fire is dangerous! You should shut it down okay? Before anything bad happens"

the kids then shut out the fire instantly. Like a magic trick, they vanish into the thin air immediately it was a sight to behold. I don't know how he can do it but at least the fire is shut out.

"uncle, who are you? I never see your face?"

asked the boy, the boy has traditional clothes in him I never see this kind of traditional clothes.

"ah, brother think so too? I never see him!"

The girl said to the boy, it looks like he is her brother. The girl use traditional clothes too that I never see the same as her brother.

"then I will introduce my self. hello, my name is Galen"

I introduce myself to them, there's nothing wrong from introduce myself to the kids. And maybe it can be a lesson for them to be more polite to other people.

"I'm Taro"

"I'm Aliya"

The boy's name was taro and the girl was aliya.

"your clothes are weird uncle where do you get them?"

"What weird clothes"


the two of them rudely asking about my clothes because for them they are weird, While they are still laughing cheerfully at my weird clothes from their perspective.

"My clothes are weird? ah forget about that but more importantly, you shouldn't play with fire you know! what if the fire gets to the building and the building got burned down? it's gonna be a disaster"

I tried to scold them. I don't care if they said my clothes are weird, at least they should know playing with fire is dangerous.

"it's okay uncle, we can use water magic so we can shut down the fire instantly,"

said the boy cheerfully.

hmmmmmmmmm did I heard magic? does my ear become dysfunction because of meditation or what? I'm not imagining things, aren't I?

"that's right look here we can use water magic though it's only beginner class"

she proudly shows to me the water that comes from nothing in her hand and there's some glowing strange formula in her hand.


I can't comprehend my mind. The common sense that I know can't explain all of this not even common sense I never see or heard anything about water pop out from nothing you know!. And not only that, I have never seen that strange formula in her hand. '

How the hell.....'

my mind tries processing the phenomena that come in front of my eye.

What happened to this place seriously? and whose kid is this? while I lost my mind in thought, I heard many footsteps can be heard behind my back. The kids then shout and running to behind me.

"dad, you're back? waahhhhhh"

said The boy, he happily greeting his father and hug him.

"daddy, there is this weird man in front of the Aula, hmmm why there are so many people in front of our house?"

Aliya asking too someone who looks like his father.

Wait if they said I'm weird I can be mistaken by a stranger or criminal. am I really that weird? I must explain it to them.

in the middle of a confusing state, I must stay calm even if I still can't comprehend what I see, I must calm down because that's what the teacher in the dorm taught me. When I want to explain to them I looked back and seeing their face.

I turn my back, I still have not explained it to them instead it's getting more confusing for me. Because all the people on my back seeing me with a surprised face and some of them making a surprise face while closing their mouth with their hand.

whatttt????? did I really look that weird? Is it because of my clothes? Are they already think of me as a criminal or what? For now, I must explain it to them. I'm afraid if they see me like a stranger or someone who wants to kidnap a kid because I approach taro and aliya.

"ummmmm I want to exp....."

before I finish what have I said.

the people that right now in front of me, they take a step closer to me. I thought they gonna capture me, but the next thing they do, it's making me more super confusing, all of them kneel with one leg in front of me and said

"our master is already wake up, everyone please greet our lord!"

The second someone who looks like the leader said it, all of the villagers in present then kneel in front of me. They're like someone who gives respect to their leader. The smile can be seen from them some of them even have tears, tears of joy. Some of them have the eyes of admiration and respect for me, that's was what I see from them.

my mind lost for a second, I really don't understand this situation.