
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 93 - You... How can you have so much power?

The night is dark. A thick, dark cloud comes from the western sky, blocking the moon. The city of Nanjing is silent. Dead leaves litter the roadsides and abandoned cars are strewn about in the middle of the road. A black shadow passes quickly between two buildings, with a large white rabbit's head and scarlet, bloodshot eyes. He ran fast, a thin piece of red human flesh between his sharp teeth.

The rabbit-headed man leaps over two flat buildings and into an alleyway with his legs in the air.


A bullet came from behind him, and the rabbit-headed man stepped aside, but his long ears were pierced by the bullet. He roared in anger at the human pursuing him, uprooting a large tree from the road and throwing it at him. Fu Wenduo sidestepped it, and with a flip of his right hand, he thrust a sharp, black, sharp weapon at the rabbit-headed man's head.

The rabbit-headed man moved quickly to avoid the blow, but Fu Wenduo's right hand pierced the wall, making a long gaping hole, and his hand was stuck in the wall. The rabbit-headed man took the opportunity to turn and flee, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw a tall, thin figure standing at the exit of the alleyway.

Tang Mo put his hands on his waist and looked calmly at the rabbit-headed man, chanting softly, "Give me back my grandfather!"

In a flash, the flames came in a blaze of fire. The rabbit-headed man's eyes widened in horror and he screamed in rage, frantically trying to run backwards. But Fu Wenduo stood behind him. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and somehow he had a stone shield in his hand. Fu Wenduo had just taken it off the wall.

The rabbit-headed man had no idea that Fu Wenduo, whose hands appeared to be stuck and immobilised, had removed a large stone slab from the wall. The huge slab was in front of Fu Wenduo's body, blocking his escape and keeping the flames from burning down on him. By the time the rabbit-headed man reacted and tried to jump up to escape, the flames were already burning.


Screams of bitter resentment echoed down the alleyway.

When the fire had finished, Fu Wenduo tossed the slab aside. He looks down at the body of the rabbit-headed man, burnt to a black charcoal, and leans down to examine it. Soon the body turns into a wooden medallion. Tang Mo picks up the badge. Upon seeing the letters on it, he frowned, "Or S."

Fu Wenduo stands up.

During this chaotic night, the sounds of fighting and explosions could be heard all over Nanjing. There was a constant barrage of gunfire and the sound of buildings breaking up never ceased.

Tang Mo puts this badge in his pocket: "We now have fifteen badges. In terms of time, it's now ten forty minutes past ten. The fourth group of rabbit-heads has been killed, and the only ones left are so few in number that the chances of us running into them are very low." After a pause, Tang Mo's tone sank, "... Things are not looking good."

The two walked out of the alley together.

"Seven S's, five R's, one U, one P, and one E." Fu Wenduo's right hand returned to its original shape as he said calmly, "If the progress remains the same, we will have collected all the letters by 6am tomorrow, except for I, which we have not yet collected. "

Tang Mo: "But the number of rabbit-heads is getting smaller and smaller. And there are just too many S's and R's."

Four hours and fifteen badges later, it looked like Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo were on the verge of passing the game. When Tang Mo got his second E badge, he guessed that killing the rabbit-headed man would give him a badge with different letters that would eventually spell "surprise". As he expected, the next badge he received had letters on it that did indeed relate to surprise. But too many of the fifteen badges were duplicates.

Surprise, with eight letters in total. Of these, S and R are repeated letters and there are two. All other letters have only one.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo need four S's and R's and two each of the other letters to make two complete surprises. They are very strong and this game of sweep was originally started by The black tower to screen out the last place finishers, not by them. With their strength, they could have gotten the badges by running into the rabbit-heads. However, the badges they got were duplicated.

"We didn't deliberately pile up to look for rabbitheads, and in four hours we've walked through Nanjing's main city, Jiangning District and Qixia District." The reason for all the walking was that there were so few rabbit-headed people and so many players that it was difficult for them to find one that hadn't been killed. Tang Mo said, "Basically, we can rule out the possibility that 'rabbit-heads appearing in the same area represent the same letter of the alphabet badge'."

Fu Wenduo: "The rabbit-headed people appear at random locations and appear at each full hour." At this point the two of them reached the border of Qixia and Pukou districts. Fu Wenduo looked up at a traffic sign on the road, and after a pause he said, "It's Pukou District."

Tang Mo nodded, "Well, go."

The two soon entered the Pukou district.

There are eleven districts in Nanjing," says Xiao Jitong before Tang Mo and Xiao Jitong part ways, "You may not know about Nanjing, but there are eleven districts in Nanjing. The black tower says that there are eleven rubbish disposal stations in Nanjing and six in Dongying in the 49th district of China. I don't know how many districts and counties there are in Dongying, but Nanjing corresponds to eleven districts. The first station we found was in the centre of Qinhuai district. Most likely, the other ten rubbish disposal stations are also located in the centre of the other ten districts. In the next few hours, the Nanjing team will visit these locations to check out the details. We will meet back here for the last hour. Tang Mo, Mr. Fu, if you want to find us, you can come back here."

The rabbit-heads appear in completely random locations, but there seems to be a pattern in the location of the waste disposal stations.

Half an hour later, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo arrive in the central business district of Pukou. From a distance, he saw a small, oddly coloured house sitting in the middle of a crossroads. Tang Mo walks closer and looks at the five large letters on top of the house.

Tang Mo: "This is the seventh rubbish disposal station. Just like Xiao Jitong said, all the rubbish stations are located in the busiest areas of each district." Tang Mo's mind is thinking fast.

Why build in such a place?

The rabbit-heads appear in completely random locations, with no pattern to be found. Instead, the rubbish stations are built in the centre of the busiest areas of each district. As you can imagine, like Nanjing, the rubbish stations in the other ten cities are located in the busiest areas of their respective districts. The black tower has the same number of stations as the number of districts and counties in each city, and places them in such locations. ...

Fu Wenduo: "Putting the waste disposal station in this place must be because these places have some kind of similarity."

Tang Mo muses, "They're all the busiest parts of each city."

"The busiest sections, then these must have the highest footfall before the Earth comes online." Fu Wenduo narrowed his eyes as he pondered for a long time, "The most crowded lots, and determine the number of rubbish disposal stations according to the number of districts and counties. The most crowded, the most prosperous and well-known lots."

Hearing this, Tang Mo exclaimed, "The most prestigious lot!"

Fu Wenduo looked over at him and the next moment he frowned, understanding what Tang Mo meant.

Tang Mo: "Players have to put SURPRISE in the rubbish disposal station to pass the game. By setting the dump in these busy areas, we are making sure that every player can find the location of the dump as much as possible. Players may not know the central part of the district they are unfamiliar with, but where they have been for a long time, they know where the busiest part is and are most likely to walk to it."

Fu Wenduo: "This will maximise the chance for all players to know where each waste disposal station is located."

Tang Mo: "Maybe in the first hour of the game, there are already many players who have found the nearest rubbish disposal station." At this point, Tang Mo's voice stops.

A cold, icy breeze blew from afar, blowing Tang Mo's hair back. He looked up at the commercial area around him.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo are standing at a wide crossroads. The bizarrely coloured rubbish disposal station stands in the middle of the intersection, surrounded by a once busy shopping street. But today, the long street is silent. There is not a single sound, only the rustling of the leaves as the wind blows across the ground.

The place is empty, as if Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo were really the only ones standing here, scanning the area.

Tang Mo's eyes sweep over the surrounding buildings and shops, and he purses his lips. After a moment, he turns his head to Fu Wenduo and, in silence, the two men agree to leave the rubbish dump with one step. When they left, there was still no movement around them, as if no one was really there.

In the meantime, Nanjing Gulou District.

In the middle of a forest of small shops and shops, a middle-aged, lecherous-looking man fought his way forward to escape, clutching a wooden badge tightly. He ran forward as hard as he could, and as he ran a hundred metres away, two young men turned from the junction and shouted angrily, "Give us back our badge! Don't run, give us back our badges!"

The middle-aged man would not stop anywhere. He fled in strides, using his familiarity with the area to his advantage, he ran into an alleyway and lost the two younger men in a few strokes. But the younger men were clearly a cut above him physically, and even if he lost him for a moment, it wouldn't be long before he could find him and catch up again.

The three men are in constant pursuit of the old town.

As time passes, the middle-aged man gradually loses his strength. The distance between the three men slowly shortened. Suddenly, an arm yanked hard on the middle-aged man's clothes and yanked him hard to the ground. The middle-aged man grunted in pain, and before he could recover, a fist came crashing down on his face.

"I'll let you run, I'll let you run!"

A young man's eyes were red with rage and haste as he gasped for breath and his fists greeted the middle-aged man's body unceremoniously. His companion snatched the badge back from the middle-aged man's hand and spread it out to see that it was engraved with an S.

These two young men were both official players, both of them had very chicken-like powers, they were not strong, but they were still a little stronger than the ordinary reserves. Earlier they had managed to come across a single rabbit-headed man, and with no other players around to chase them, they rushed up to kill the rabbit-headed man. After a lot of effort, the two of them managed to kill the rabbit-headed man. Just after taking the badge, it was stolen by this middle-aged man.

Where could the two men stop. After beating the middle-aged man to a pulp, one of them spat on him before getting up to leave. But the moment they stood up, a sinister gleam flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, whose face was covered in blood. He suddenly pulled out a sharp dagger from his sleeve and stabbed the young man nearest to him viciously: "I'll kill you!!!"

The young man's eyes widened in fear and he subconsciously tried to dodge, but it was too late. As he waited in terror for death, his companion suddenly reached out and grabbed the dagger, while with his other hand he took out a small knife and stabbed it viciously into the middle-aged man's chest.

The middle-aged man stared at them with wide eyes, and after a while he broke off completely.

The two young men were shivering as they watched the scene.

"Brother, your, your hand ..."

The voice of the young man who killed the middle-aged man trembled, "No, it's okay. I didn't mean to kill him, he was the one who just tried to kill you ..."

It was the first time they had ever killed anyone.

Killing people may be very common in other districts, but in Nanjing, even stowaways rarely kill people, let alone regular players and reserves. These two brothers looked at each other and gradually calmed down. Just as they were about to leave, they heard the murdering brother say in surprise, "What was that?"

My brother also gave a strange "eek" and bent down to pick up a wooden badge. Looking at the letters on it, he exclaimed, "Is that a badge?

"No, where did this badge come from, did you see it earlier?"

"I don't see it. It can't be, the badge wasn't even there a moment ago. It appeared out of nowhere!"

The brother froze for a moment: "How can a badge suddenly appear, does it mean ..." His body stiffened and he looked down at this middle-aged man who was already dead, and he said: "Everyone in the above ten districts ... are all rubbish. The rubbish sweeping game of the enders. It's the Endbringer's trash sweeping game! Jun, you can get badges for killing people! You can get badges!"

The same thing happened in nine other districts in China. Even behind a skyscraper in Nanjing's Qinhuai district, a short, lean old man drew back the knife he had stabbed into someone's heart, and he bent down to pick up a badge that had fallen next to the man's body. After seeing the letters on the badge he said coldly, "R again," and wiping the blood off the knife, the old man put it away and quietly left the area.

By the time Tang Mo returned to the main city of Nanjing, he had seen a number of bodies lying on the ground on the way. He even saw a middle-aged man kill a woman with his own hands. The middle-aged man had just killed someone and was at his most nervous. When he saw Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, he took two steps backwards in weakness. When he had calmed down, he ran back and took a wooden badge from the woman's side before continuing his escape.

There are only forty members in the Nanjing group, and seven in the raiding group. Even if they were all in Nanjing and had not entered the replica game, it would be impossible for five people to manage such a large Nanjing city.

When The black tower first announced the rules of the game, Tang Mo and Xiao Jitong surmised that you could get a badge for killing someone.

The black tower calls players in zone 10 trash, and the game itself is a trash-cleaning game. It's quite possible, then, that killing players (and clearing out the trash) could also be rewarded with something. The most likely reward is the badge. Players will surely find out this fact, it's just a matter of time before they do.

When the first person found out that you could get a badge for killing someone, the whole of Nanjing was in chaos.

Tang Mo was standing by the roadside when he saw a young body. It was a young girl in the shape of a schoolboy, and her eyes were wide open as she looked at the sky, but unfortunately she could not see the sky at all, only the dense sycamore trees. The leaves obscured the sky from her, and even if she could see it, it was only black.

It's still early in the morning and it's time for The black tower's rubbish sweep.

Most of the Nanjing players are less powerful and the rabbitheads are too fast to catch and difficult to kill. But humans, who are also players, are so much better than rabbitheads to kill. Right now it's fine, there are still five hours and five batches of rabbit-headed people left. If only the last two hours are left, the last hour, what will happen then?

Tang Mo: "The players had already spotted where the rubbish disposal stations were, but none of them showed up. There must be some players hiding in the shadows around each dump. To get through the game, you must enter the rubbish disposal station. There ... is the best place to kill someone to take the badge."

"There are clearly not enough rabbit-headed people to get 20,000 Nanjing players through the game, and there are now players from other regions entering Nanjing to play." The voice stops and Fu Wenduo looks at Tang Mo. Tang Mo's face is impassive as he crouches down and holds out his hands to close the little girl's eyes. He waits for Tang Mo to stand up before Fu Wenduo continues, "Killing players and collecting badges is definitely not the way to get through the game. The black tower doesn't give that kind of game."

Tang Mo nods: "Yes. Every The black tower game has a way to get through, but killing is certainly not the only way to get through anyway. It must give something that gives every Nanjing player a chance to get through."

Tang Mo carefully recalls the nine rules of the game given by The black tower as he ponders them, "Take your surprise to the rubbish disposal. Your sur..." The voice stopped abruptly and Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo looked up at the same time. A strong rabbit-headed man flew over their heads and landed steadily on the opposite side of the road.

The rabbit-headed man flew out of a small building nearby, and he didn't notice anyone around when he did. When he saw Tang Mo, his long rabbit ears tilted to one side. The two men and the rabbit looked at each other from across the road. The next moment, the rabbit-headed man turned his head and ran away, while Tang Mo's eyes went cold and he instantly rushed up to him.

The rabbit-headed man was unlucky too, for although he was fast, he ran into Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo. They split up and easily blocked him.

The rabbit-headed man was surrounded by Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo in the middle of the road, his red eyes darting back and forth between them. Soon he turned his head towards Tang Mo and let out a whistle: "Kiri!" As if sensing that Tang Mo might be weaker and a breakthrough, the rabbit-headed man's strong legs hit the ground hard and, like a missile, swished towards Tang Mo.

Tang Mo takes out the small parasol and opens it with a snap.


The rabbit-headed man slammed into the parasol and fell backwards. Tang Mo was also jolted back three steps by the force of the blow. Fu Wenduo immediately rushed forward, and Tang Mo put away the parasol and stabbed the rabbit-headed man who had been knocked to the ground. The rabbit-headed man screamed in terror and jumped about. Tang Mo followed him and stabbed him with his parasol.

Small parasols pierce the ground and walls, making one big hole after another.

Fu Wenduo is already close and the rabbit-headed man is cornered by Tang Mo in a dead end. Tang Mo narrows his eyes and raises the parasol again and stabs it. This time the rabbit-headed man could not dodge, and the pink parasol stabbed him straight in the head. The rabbit shuddered and his body turned into a million points of light as a wooden badge fell to the ground.

Tang Mo bent down to pick up the badge, and Fu Wenduo came to his side.

At that moment, a hoarse laugh sounded from behind them over the sound of the soughing wind.

Both men turned to look in unison.

Under a huge sycamore tree, an extremely beautiful young woman stood behind it, the corners of her mouth raised as she surveyed them wistfully. The woman was extremely good-looking, no less than any popular actress on the line on Earth. But it was not she who made the laughing sound, but a middle-aged man standing beside her.

The man's grim gaze darted over Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo's bodies, finally landing on the wooden badge in Tang Mo's palm.

The woman hid her lips and gave a laugh, her voice extremely soft and ambiguous in tone, "That little handsome guy, what are the letters on your badge ...?"

Tang Mo pocketed his badge and looked coldly at the two men.

The woman seemed a little displeased at not getting a response from Tang Mo, and she disliked the way the man ignored her. She looked at Tang Mo and let out a snort from her nose. Then she looked at Fu Wenduo again, "That handsome guy, what letter of the alphabet did your friend just get? Tell us, we're not going to steal it, we're just curious."

Fu Wenduo looked at her with a calm expression.

Seeing Fu Wenduo staring at her, the smile on the woman's lips intensified. She was about to say something else, but Fu Wenduo just gave her one look and turned away, leaving a faint comment: "Not like a Nanjing player."

Tang Mo nodded: "According to the time projection, players from Wuxi, Changzhou and Anhui might have arrived by now. The accent sounds a bit like Suzhou and Wuxi."

Fu Wenduo gave a low "hmm".

The woman ignored by the two: "..."

As she watched Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo's distant backs, the woman's face looked as if she had tipped over a palette of colours. She clenched her fingers and looked to her companions. The two men nodded, and the next second, a sharp crack of wind sounded from behind Tang Mo, and he sidestepped it. A small silver knife sliced past the side of his cheek.

Fu Wenduo moved very quickly and grabbed the silver chain attached to the back of the knife. The middle-aged man was startled, then he bellowed in anger and the silver chain suddenly turned red. Fu Wenduo's brow furrowed and he let go of the chain, and the man took the opportunity to retract the knife and the chain.

At the same moment that the knife was withdrawn, a slender hand stabbed Tang Mo's cheek from the other side.

Tang Mo reacted quickly as he took a step backwards to avoid the blow. The young woman curled her lips into a smile, her eyes flickering over Tang Mo's face as she softly said, "You're right, young handsome, we're players from Wuxi. It's rare to run into each other, how about a little sparring? Don't look at me like that, we're good players, we never kill anyone. It's just a sparring session between players from different cities, friendship first, sparring second. What do you say?"

As she said this, the woman's soft, boneless hand was already pressing in, and Tang Mo didn't wait for a reply. Tang Mo rolled on the ground to avoid the blow. The woman's hand grazed the side of his face. Fu Wenduo was about to come to his aid when the silver knife came up again.

The middle-aged man laughed out loud, "Your opponent is me!"

Fu Wenduo raised an eyebrow and, without worrying about Tang Mo's situation there, charged straight back at the middle-aged man.

The four men fought in the spacious streets.

The thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

Silver chains are tethered to the knife and strike Fu Wenduo from all directions. The chains can entangle his movements and the knife is like the most poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity to strike at any moment.

At first the middle-aged man was able to laugh at Fu Wenduo's moves, but gradually Fu Wenduo was able to guess his next move before he could dodge it. The middle-aged man's heart felt bad and he thought to himself "Isn't Nanjing a trash area, how come there are still such good players".


The tree fell in unison and the man was so shocked that he retrieved his pocket knife and silver chain.

On the other hand, Tang Mo was not in as good a position as Fu Wenduo. The woman was so fast. She was like a swimming fish, slippery and her attacks did little damage, but Tang Mo had a hard time catching her. And she always attacked Tang Mo without intent, as if, as she said, she didn't want to kill just to cut. So her hands kept grazing Tang Mo's cheeks and wrists, as if she was deliberately stroking them.

Tang Mo didn't think the woman was really trying to eat his tofu, he narrowed his eyes and flipped his hand to open the small parasol.

The woman's hand hit the small parasol and she cried out in pain as she retreated back to the middle-aged man's side. Tang Mo had already figured out her movements and was ready to catch her with her next blow, but the woman was not. She braced herself on the ground with one hand, the one that had just kept touching Tang Mo pressed to the ground, a white glow emanating from her palm.

She giggled softly, "Ah ah, enough time yet. You're very touchable, little handsome, oh let me see, what kind of powers are you ..."

At the woman's words, Tang Mo's eyes widened. He sensed a hint of something wrong and put away his little parasol to attack and stop the woman from speaking. Who was surprised when the woman laughed and she slapped the ground hard, followed by a white ball of light suddenly rising from her palm and gathering around her. She smiled as she watched the scene, waiting for the outcome to emerge.

Then she saw her white mass of light split into two pieces.

The smile on the woman's lips froze for a moment, and the middle-aged man beside her looked at the scene in horror, his mouth wide open, "What ... is this?"

The white bald head keeps splitting. Gradually splitting from two to three, then four, five ...

In the end, a total of twenty-one light masses floated beside the young woman. Each of the light masses was small, twenty of them the same size, the size of a fist. Only one white light head was half the size of a head and rampaged through the middle of the light masses.

Twenty-one balls of light, four colours in all, jumped and danced in front of the woman's eyes. The woman's body began to tremble. She looked at the scene with fear and suddenly raised her head, looking at Tang Mo incredulously: "You ... How can you have so many supernatural powers?!"

At these words, the corners of Fu Wenduo's mouth curled up and he looked calmly at Tang Mo.

Tang Mo's face darkened as he gripped the handle of his small parasol tightly and, with a stomp of his foot, he charged straight up.


Author's comment.

Pretty Woman: Are you, are you still human!!! [horrified face]

Tangtang: Let you eat my bean curd [indifferent face

Mr. Fu: Let you eat my daughter-in-law's tofu, chop you ^_^ Oh yes, you told my daughter-in-law a little secret, give you a whole corpse good.