
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 211 - A pleasant reunion of the deceased ~

"Ding dong! Welcome to Noah's fun maze!"

The sound of a child's voice rang in Tang Mo's ears, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he blanched and moved quickly to dodge a black object that shot at him. The object grazed his scalp and flew straight into the wall behind him. Tang Mo looked up at the man who had shot the concealed weapon at him, but there was no one in sight.

It is a long, quiet and narrow corridor, dimly lit, where you can only see three metres around you.

Tang Mo looked around and whispered, "Fu Wenduo?" The sound reverberates between the walls, creating an echo that returns to Tang Mo's ears.

Tang Mo's heart sank.

I can't believe he wasn't assigned with Fu Wenduo!

In all of The black tower games, players are usually assigned to the same location, or at least one side, as long as they are in a confirmed group. For example, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo were assigned as Undertaker customs officers last time, and Chen Shanshan was not with them, but was tasked with helping them get through the game.

Tang Mo turned to the wall and removed the concealed weapon nailed to the wall. The quadrangular boomerang shaped dart glowed bright black, and Tang Mo observed it for a moment before placing it in his pocket. After making sure no one was around, he took a white turkey egg out of his pocket and gave it three light taps.

" Tang Mo ."

"Fu Wenduo." After a pause, Tang Mo said, "Where are you?"

Without further ado, Fu Wenduo said: "A black corridor, or rather, a labyrinth, Noah's fun maze. There's a left-hand exit ahead of this corridor, which I'm not currently walking through. Where are you?"

"It's the exact same corridor." Tang Mo told the story of how he had just been sneaked up on by a dart.

Fu Wenduo's heart sank: "Have you found the sneak attacker?"

Tang Mo : "No."

Fu Wenduo: "We entered the game as a team, and The black tower doesn't separate us too far. Since this is a maze, the path between us must be clear and not too long. Stay where you are and I'll come to you. Be careful, hide in a safe place and don't move, the other side is likely to sneak up on you again."

Tang Mo put the glowing blue turkey egg in his pocket, his back pressed against the maze wall, and he sat down smoothly, cowering in the corner to hide himself as best he could. He lowered his voice, "How did you find me?"

Fu Wenduo : "The Trojan Horse of Troy."

The dark maze is deadly silent, not a sound can be heard. Tang Mo's hand is pressed against the handle of his parasol and his eyes are staring coldly at the exit of the corridor he is in. He was at a dead end in the maze, the only way out was here, and the only way anyone else could get in was through here.

Tang Mo waited quietly for a few moments, convinced that the guy who had attacked him with the darts was not there, before zipping up his shirt, turning around and starting to climb the wall with his bare hands.

All the mazes have the fatal flaw of being able to look down on all the terrain of the maze by climbing to high ground.

The walls of this maze are not very high, only three metres. The walls are smooth, but Tang Mo is agile and he stomps lightly on them, reaching the top in two strokes. But just as his hand reaches for the wall and he tries to climb, an invisible wall suddenly blocks his way. Tang Mo dropped back to the ground, propped himself up on his hands and looked up at the sky.

"Dingdong! Noah's Raku Play Maze, climbing the walls is forbidden, please ask the player to play according to the rules."

Tang Mo did not try again.

In the darkness, the sound of breathing and heartbeats is particularly noticeable. Tang Mo tried to reduce his presence as much as possible. Gradually, a faint sound of footsteps came from the other side of the wall. Tang Mo's eyes fluttered, his left hand pressed against the match tattoo on his right wrist, and his whole body pressed against the wall, hiding himself in the shadows.

The man came closer and closer, and just as the other man turned a corner and entered this corridor, Tang Mo flipped his hand and took out a large match, which he did not hesitate to smash at the other man.

The huge match head slammed straight into the man's skull and Fu Wenduo sidestepped and back-flipped to avoid the blow. The light was too dim for either side to see the other fully. Tang Mo's match didn't slow down and hit the man again. Fu Wenduo's right hand moves and transforms into a pitch-black, three-pronged sharpshooter.

The match collided with the sharp object with a violent clash. Fu Wenduo grabbed the handle of the match with one hand and pulled Tang Mo's wrist with the other. The two men looked up at each other and their eyes met in the air.

Staring wordlessly for a second, Tang Mo asked, "Where's the Trojan horse? I don't hear it." That's why he thought the visitor was not Fu Wenduo, but an unknown enemy.

"It makes a bit of a noise walking around on the ground. To prevent it being heard, I keep it in my pocket and only take it out when I hit a fork in the road."

Fu Wenduo removes a small yellow wooden horse from his pocket. It was placed in its owner's pocket, but even so, its four feet continued to flap in the air. Fu Wenduo shoved the wooden horse into Tang Mo's hands and it finally stopped running around. The wooden horse's back clicked open and a note popped out.

Tang Mo took it away and the corners of his mouth curled slightly: "... grind sugar."

Only on this narrow piece of white paper is written the word Grind Sugar. Tang Mo tucked this piece of paper back into the body of the wooden horse.

This time it was Fu Wenduo's turn to point at a dark humanoid figure on the ground not far away and ask, "What is that?" Just now Fu Wenduo thought it was Tang Mo sitting on the ground, so he was unprepared and was successfully attacked by Tang Mo.

"Cheating stuff." After a pause, Tang Mo laughed, "Did it fool you?"

As he talks, Tang Mo walks over to where Fu Wenduo is pointing and moves the 'dummy' he has created from his clothes and backpack. Five minutes earlier, Tang Mo had tucked his backpack into his jacket and pulled down his trousers. The two pieces of clothing are placed against the wall, creating a false person against the wall to confuse the enemy.

Fu Wenduo did not answer. Only then did he realise that Tang Mo had two bare legs and was putting on his trousers.

While his jacket could be taken off and used as a trap, Tang Mo only had one pair of trousers on, which he had to take off in order to confuse the enemy. After putting his clothes back on, Tang Mo picked up his backpack and looked up to find Fu Wenduo still staring at the place where he had put the dummy.

Tang Mo : "What are you looking at?"

Fu Wenduo gave him a look, "Fortunately, I found you first."

Tang Mo immediately understood and gave a laugh, "It's not like I haven't seen it before."

Without further ado, the two men moved to leave this corridor.

This corridor was very long, about twenty metres in length. Fu Wenduo said, "When I entered the labyrinth, I was also in a corridor of this length. But when I got out of the corridor, the labyrinth outside was normal, and there was no longer such a long passage."

Tang Mo also states the information he found: "The wall is three metres high and I have tried and cannot jump onto it. Although no attempt has been made, I presume that this wall, which looks so good to break, is also protected by The black tower and cannot be destroyed."

Fu Wenduo : "Who are the people who sneak up on you?"

Tang Mo was silent: "There are only two kinds."

The two men looked at each other.

Fu Wenduo : " The black tower monster."

Tang Mo : "Or ... human players."

Tang Mo took the dart out and handed it to Fu Wenduo. Fu Wenduo looked at it and said, "It's just an ordinary dart, made of iron, not a prop. It's not easy to tell if it's one of The black tower's monsters or something human." After a pause, he looked at Tang Mo: "What do you think it is?"

Tang Mo always has a 10% increase in accuracy when making speculations due to his psychic mind.

Tang Mo's eyes darkened and he said straight back, "Human."

The moment the words fell, suddenly a strange and dull music sounded. Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo immediately looked up into the darkening sky. Hundreds of loud, brittle children's voices suddenly sang out in unison -

"La la la la, Monday."

"There's a man from the ground that's gone into the great labyrinth."

"La la la la, Tuesday."

"There's a little monster that slides into the big maze."

"La la la la, Wednesday ..."


"La la la la, Sunday."

"The humans want to leave the Great Maze. Noah says there is only one way out of the maze."

The voice stopped abruptly and when it sounded again, it turned into a low, horrible, gruff male voice--

"No, no, no one is allowed out of the labyrinth!"

The music stopped and the stiff mechanical voice of The black tower prompted, "Dingdong! Trigger side quest one: leave Noah's maze."

Meanwhile, Earth.

When The black tower prompted the 30 players to enter the tower attack game on the sixth floor of The black tower, many of the more resourceful players who had been lying in wait near The black tower emerged from the shadows and found a closer hidden position to keep a wary eye on the giant tower.

China, Shanghai.

After hearing about the sudden death of the tower attacker in West Asia, Luo Fengcheng asked Jackass to drive the car and together with Tang Qiao, the three of them headed to The black tower hovering above Nanjing Road.

Jackass: "Doctor, what the hell is going on here. The black tower has never released information about the attackers before, so now all of a sudden this is happening. And this is a global notification. And what does it have to do with us if that man is dead?"

The death of a player in the West Asia region can be heard by humans all over the world. So when a player dies in another region, could it be that players in other regions know about it too?

Yes, a failed attack on a tower has only one outcome: death.

If you escape The black tower with an item such as the king's gold before you fail to attack, you do not fail to attack the tower, you abandon it. But The black tower says he failed, so he is dead in the game. He doesn't even have the chance to use a rare item to escape.

Jackass scratched his head: "That's a powerful The black tower tier 6 player, he must have had a life-saving prop. What could have killed him so quickly without giving him any life ... Ah, it couldn't have been The black tower that killed him, could it? He broke the rules of the game?"

Tang Qiao looks to Luo Fengcheng: "Doctor, did a human kill him?"

At these words, Luo Fengcheng's body lurches and he slowly lifts his head to look at Tang Qiao. The woman's face had a deep scar that could have been completely removed if she had a healing prop. But she didn't use it, leaving the ugly scar across her face as if to remind her of the cruelty of The black tower game.

Luo Fengcheng : "I don't think even Fu Wenduo, Tang Mo, or even Mu Huixue can kill a high-level player at level 6 of The black tower in such a short time."

Jackass : "So it's The black tower monster. I'm glad I listened to you, Doctor, and didn't attack the tower." The foreign man sighed in relief.

Tang Qiao, however, frowned and asked the Doctor carefully, "Is it really that simple ..."

At the same time, China, Beijing.

Li Miaomiao bristled, "Such a strong The black tower monster, killing a tier 6 player in one shot? Head and Yu Zheng will be fine, right?"

Fu Xiaodi was also worried: "Big Brother and Brother Tang will be fine, they are so strong."

"Just The black tower monster."

The two men turned their heads in unison and looked at the short-haired girl.

Chen Shanshan is seen looking up at the black tower. Her voice is calm: "The black tower has made player elimination information available to the world and, for the first time, has clearly presented the number of players in each zone. This absolute fairness means that in The black tower's view, the game difficulty is absolutely the same for all players involved, otherwise it would not have announced the elimination of players from the West Asia zone. This is because it would have been unfair for the eliminated players from the West Asia zone to be announced globally if the games were of different difficulty."

Fu Wensheng : "So they're playing on the same difficulty level?"

Chen Shanshan : "It's not the same, it's absolutely the same."

Fu Wensheng's eyes widened: "You mean ..."

"They're involved in the same game, maybe." Chen Shanshan's fingers were clenched: "I'm very worried now, can Tang Mo's brother and the others hear The black tower's global briefing outside in the game. If they can't, do they even know that the 30 ...29 Level 6 players around the world are now in the same game as them?"

In a dark maze.

Tang Mo walks with Fu Wenduo, holding a small parasol, through the day's fork in the road. Whenever there was a fork in the road, Tang Mo would let Fu Wenduo choose, trusting in his luck.

Halfway through the walk, Tang Mo stops and listens carefully for a moment.

"Did you hear the sound of water?"

Fu Wenduo stopped walking and listened for a moment, "It seems a little?"

It was a very faint sound of running water, as if someone had left the tap open and a very thin stream of water flowed downwards and crashed into the sink.

Tang Mo looked around, trying to find the sound of the water, and it was at this point that he heard a familiar clattering footstep. It was a bit like the sound of high heels on the ground, with an additional, more crunchy thump. It was as if someone was walking and tapping the ground repeatedly with a very thin object.

The voice came closer and closer, from the other side of the wall, to the fork in the road in front of the two Tang Mo's.

At the sound of the voice, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo pressed themselves against the wall, holding their breath and not making a sound. They looked at each other with wide eyes and said the name in their minds at the same time.

The owner of the footsteps did not seem to notice the Tang Mo duo hidden on this side of the fork, leaning on his cane and pressing his crimson bowler hat with one hand as he walked towards the other fork.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo both breathed a sigh of relief as the footsteps faded away. Just as they were about to regain their breath, a soft laugh sounded from behind them.

The two men brushed their heads and turned to look.

Leaning against the smooth maze wall, the circus leader took off his bowler hat and gave them a slight smile and a gentleman's salute. He smiled, "It's been a long time, official player Tang Mo , stowaway ... Oh no, excuse me, it's reserve Fu Wenduo. It is my good fortune to see you all here. May I ask ... if I have the honour to take your heads?"

The gentlemanly smile on Grea's face didn't change even when he was saying such horrible things.

Tang Mo's eyes narrowed as he flipped his hand over and took out a large match and lit it on the ground, the burning match hitting Grea with a loud bang. Grea sidestepped the blow and laughed lightly as he was about to speak, but when he looked up, he saw Tang Mo had already put away the match and was running away with Fu Wenduo, with no intention of fighting him.

Grea : "..."

The gentle smile froze for a moment as Grea's eyes curled coldly at the corners of her mouth, her slender cane propped up against the wall, and her entire body darted after her.

On the other side, the doll-faced youth strolled leisurely through the maze with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face.

One thing Tang Mo didn't know was that Bai Ruoyao was extremely fit, no worse than Fu Wenduo, but his sense of smell was terrible. He could hardly smell anything.

Bai Ruoyao strolls leisurely through the maze, turning left and right from time to time, without any intention of finding an exit, or perhaps he believes in his nickname: Lucky Yao. He is lucky enough to be able to get out even if he wanders.

Turning casually to the left again, Bai Ruoyao hums an off-key tune as he enters a long, narrow corridor. He had just taken two steps when he stopped dead in his tracks. At the end of the corridor, the wolf grandmother, who was burying her head in human flesh and blood, suddenly raised her head, her green pupils staring straight at Bai Ruoyao.

A man and a wolf look at each other briefly for a moment.

Bai Ruoyao smiled cheekily and said, "Go on, I'm going the wrong way, see you next time."

Bai Ruoyao turns leisurely away, his steps unhurried. Behind him, blood drenched the ground and stained Granny Wolf's little pink dress. A strand of blonde hair and white human flesh caught in her sharp teeth, and she just stared at Bai Ruoyao without blinking, watching him step away.

Just as Bai Ruoyao was about to leave the corridor, a hoarse, greedy laugh sounded from behind him, "Heh heh heh, so that's why I like Noah's maze best, where I always find lost little lambs."

The sound of breaking wind sounded at the same time as the words fell.

The smile on Bai Ruoyao's face disappears completely.

"... Shit!"