
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 209 - My psychic ability is not weaker than hers

Tang Mo's eyes narrowed, and his tone confirmed, "You've cleared the fifth floor of The black tower too."

Hearing this, Bai Ruoyao put his hands in his pockets and put a big smile on his face, "Wow Tangtang, don't you think in your mind that I can't pass the fifth level. Everyone's going for six, don't you think I'm strong enough to go for six." The baby-faced youth made a hurt face, "You doubt my strength."

Tang Mo didn't pay any attention to him.

He and Fu Wenduo cleared the fifth level of The black tower yesterday, a full day after they had already done so. If Bai Ruoyao had chosen to enter the tower game as soon as The black tower version 4.5 was updated, it would not have been impossible for him to clear the fifth floor.

This baby-faced youth possesses a strength that is completely at odds with his playful appearance.

Fu Wenduo said lightly, "That dart was just an ordinary dart."

Bai Ruoyao's smile faltered for a moment, but he didn't choose to take the dart out of his pocket, "Yeah, well, I'll make it a collector's item, hehehe, it's a gift from Mr. Fu's school." There was no intention of returning the dart.

Fu Wenduo raised an eyebrow and swept him away.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo weren't going to nag Bai Ruoyao, who was going to say more nonsense, but after remembering Santa's candy house last time, he felt a bit bored and got straight to the point: "If I'm not mistaken, you've tried more than once since you cleared level five yesterday. You've tried more than once to get to level six, right? All unsuccessful?"

Tang Mo asks rhetorically, "Did you succeed?"

If Bai Ruoyao had succeeded, he wouldn't be standing here.

Bai Ruoyao smiled and said, "Since no one has succeeded, I'm relieved. It's no fun, we can't attack the tower and we don't know when we'll be able to do it. Eh, Tangtang, how about we set up a tent under The black tower. We'll have to try to attack the tower every now and then, otherwise we'll be at a disadvantage if we don't know when The black tower is normal and allowed to be attacked. We'll have to grab six."

"Is that what you came here to say?" Tang Mo looked calmly at the baby-faced young man in front of him, and after a long time, he curled his lips: "You just want to pry information from me ... to see if we know what's wrong with The black tower."

Bai Ruoyao laughed at the sudden poke in the eye and changed the subject: "Did I say that?"

What he didn't expect was for Tang Mo to simply say, "What do you have in mind."

Bai Ruoyao froze for a moment, having never been asked such a friendly question before.

Fu Wenduo : "You're here, aren't you, because there's some speculation."

The first three players to clear the fifth floor of The black tower in China stared at each other in silence for a long time before Bai Ruoyao spread his hands with a smile: "I really have an idea, Tangtang, how do you know?"

Next, Bai Ruoyao walked through the doors of the 80th Form for the first time, right into the Chosen Base.

In the absence of Ruan Wangshu and Yu Zheng, Li Miaomiao and the other core members of Chosen had also entered the game and gone to attack the tower. Tang Mo took Bai Ruoyao to a senior classroom where he and Fu Wenduo had landed, and Bai Ruoyao was not shy about sitting at the podium.

"This is a great place, located at the intersection of several malls, with great transport links and close to The black tower. Chosen is a real treat."

Tang Mo : "Get down to business."

The smile on Bai Ruoyao's lips slowly faded as he said, word for word, "The sixth level of the tower attack game ... may not be that easy."

The black tower suddenly has an error and all players are banned from level 6, what is the reason?

In fact, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo realised something when they realised that the data error was only occurring on the sixth level of the tower attack game: The black tower was deliberately waiting for players in other zones to pass the fifth level and have access to the sixth level.

This whole thing looks unfair to the players who have already cleared Tier 5. In Rush Six mode, every player in the world is grabbing those three spots. Time is incredibly valuable to them, and every second they delay, they risk going from being the third player/team to clear level six, to being the fourth and losing their reward.

But The black tower ruthlessly denied their request to attack the tower early and forbade it.

Bai Ruoyao sat on the podium and said, "All of us are waiting for someone from the other four zones, namely South Asia, Russia, West Asia and America, to clear the fifth floor. Tsk, Tangtang, don't you think it's unfair that we have to wait for those useless guys."

Tang Mo pondered for a long time, then looked up and said, "This is all just your speculation."

Bai Ruoyao blinked at his words, "Speculation?"

Tang Mo leaned against the windowsill with his arms around his chest: " The black tower forbids players from raiding the sixth floor because they want to wait until every zone has players who have passed the sixth floor, and then we can all attack the tower together. Is this not your speculation?"

Bai Ruoyao laughs, " Tangtang, do you remember the third update in The black tower version 4.5?"

Tang Mo's body lurches.

Bai Ruoyao asked himself, "Thirdly, The black tower version 5.0 is expected to introduce interoperability mode ... What is interoperability mode?"

As early as the day of the 4.5 update, Tang Mo, Fu Wenduo and Chen Shanshan speculated on the possibility that in 5.0, The black tower would be interoperable across ten regions worldwide.

But that doesn't mean he could have guessed in advance that the sixth floor of The black tower was version 5.0.

Tang Mo did not answer Bai Ruoyao's question.

A low voice suddenly sounded, "You are very sure of yourself."

Bai Ruoyao's laughter stopped sharply and soon he turned his head to look at the man in black standing by the window and grinned cheekily again, " Mr. Fu School, I'm sure of what?"

Fu Wenduo said calmly, "You're so sure that you can't pass the sixth level because you have to wait for all the other zones to be cleared."

Bai Ruoyao : "Did you?"

Fu Wenduo looked down at him, "Yes."

Bai Ruoyao rubbed his chin: "Did I really?"

Fu Wenduo did not dwell on him. His dark eyes were fixed on Bai Ruoyao's face for a long time, and then Fu Wenduo: "You seem to be hiding something."

Hearing Fu Wenduo's words, Tang Mo also took a closer look at the baby-faced young man. If Fu Wenduo hadn't mentioned it, it would have been hard to remember. Bai Ruoyao was a man of great mystery.

He was a secret state intelligence officer and was powerful before Earth came online. But his powers are just too chickenshit. Although his physical strength is extremely high, which makes him a very powerful force. But compared to Mu Huixue and Ruan Wangshu, his powers are in a very awkward position.

It was Bai Ruoyao who was the third player in China to clear the fifth floor of The black tower, and the only one to do so solo.

And he knew a lot of information.

Who knows where he found all that information. Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had only a vague guess about The black tower and powers, yet he was able to accurately state that "each player's powers are not unique, and that there have been people with them before".

Tang Mo suddenly thought, "The black tower BOSS who told you some information, as you said, is called Bai. Who is she?"

Bai Ruoyao : "You guess."

Tang Mo has several fairy tale characters associated with 'white' in mind.

Bai Ruoyao said to himself: "I'm sure? Am I, why don't I think so. Hehehe, probably I'm smart enough to guess these things, Mr. Fu School."

Fu Wenduo : "What else do you want?" A little bit of a rush of guests.

"So much for crossing the river?"

Fu Wenduo looked at him coldly, "What you say, Tang Mo and I have speculated before. But until The black tower is confirmed, no one knows what the truth is." That's all.

Bai Ruoyao deliberately acted like an outcast after being used and abandoned, but unfortunately, neither of the two people in the classroom would appreciate his movie star-like acting skills. With a regretful sigh, Bai Ruoyao smiled and said, "Indeed, there is one last thing. Tangtang , Mr. Fu School, The black tower Sixth floor ... team up to pass?"

Tang Mo had been looking at Fu Wenduo as they exchanged some dark words about Bai Ruoyao. When they suddenly heard this, they turned their heads in unison.

Tang Mo looked at Bai Ruoyao with a measuring look and he let out a laugh, "Where do you get the confidence that we'll team up with you?"

An hour later, the baby-faced young man in the white jacket walked out of the eightieth form at a leisurely pace, humming an out-of-tune song. As he walked to the entrance of the school, he made a point of turning around and waving hard to say goodbye to Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo.

Tang Mo felt good and funny: "Can a guy like him really cooperate? Maybe he'll sell you next."

Fu Wenduo felt differently, saying, "If the sixth floor of The black tower is really what he says it is."

Tang Mo was silent for a moment: "Eighty percent likely, that's what it is."

The two turned their heads together and returned to the classroom.

Three days later, Chen Shanshan returned from the Tower Attack game. Probably because they had been in a tower attack game with a team of Tier 5 players, Chen Shanshan had a very easy time in this one. Li Miaomiao was injured and was carried back to Chosen by Fu Wensheng, who was a lot shorter than her.

Fu Xiaodi rushed to heal Li Miaomiao's wounds with her psychic powers after carrying her back. The child blamed herself a little: "She got these injuries because of me. I was the one who was hurt. ..."

Li Miaomiao was still unconscious when Chen Shanshan gave him a look and said, "Since we are teaming up to attack the tower together, we are teammates. Sister Li's ability is supposed to transfer wounds from other people to her own body, and then use her powerful self-healing ability to recover. If she doesn't transfer your wounds away, you might die in the game."

Fu Wensheng nods his head.

In the evening, Li Miaomiao woke up. By the next day, she was alive and well and did not look like she had almost died the day before.

Tang Mo's voice was calm as he saw the two children and the female doctor getting even closer: "Her powers are useful."

Tang Mo would love to have that terrible self-healing ability without having to transfer someone else's wounds to herself. Unfortunately, given the quality of Li Miaomiao's powers, Tang Mo may need to almost kill her to obtain them. It is even possible that Li Miaomiao's powers are no less difficult to obtain than Fu Wenduo's.

The later it gets, the harder it is for Tang Mo to get powerful powers.

"Self-healing abilities?"

Tang Mo turned her head to look at Fu Wenduo: "Yes, I want her self-healing ability very much. Her self-healing ability is much better than mine, and even quite a bit better than yours."

Fu Wenduo : "My ability to heal myself and hers is reflected in different ways."

Fu Wenduo took out a small dagger with his hand and raised his right hand to his wrist. Tang Mo was startled and subconsciously tried to stop him. Fu Wenduo stopped before cutting his own wrist, and said to Tang Mo, "I don't think you need to do it so badly. My ability is genetic restructuring, and I do recover from injuries much more slowly than she does, but I am extremely capable of healing myself when it comes to repairing broken limbs."

Just after the ground floor of The black tower, Fu Wenduo had one of his legs bitten off by the big, crazy turkey. But he quickly grew a new one. Such is his power of self-healing.

Fu Wenduo retracted his knife and Tang Mo breathed a sigh of relief. The breath was not completely relieved when a low male voice rang out, "My powers are no weaker than hers. So ..."

Tang Mo jerked his head and looked at the other man.

Fu Wenduo's lips parted without uttering a word, but Tang Mo knew what he was about to say.

... So, when are you going to take my powers away?

The words were about to come out of his mouth when a clear child's voice suddenly interrupted Fu Wenduo's words.

"Dingdong! Yelena Ivanovna, Russian District 6 Reservist, has cleared the fifth floor of The black tower! The mandatory tower attack in the Russian sector is over."

The two men exchanged a quick glance.

Tang Mo : "Same as the time you raided a level of The black tower and caused all China players to force the tower to be attacked, as soon as someone cleared it, the attack ended immediately?"
