
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 167 - Tang Mo: No need to sell yourself for The black tower, right?

Tang Mo said calmly, "The last method is not feasible." His expression was calm, not at all embarrassed by Jackass's questioning. Of the four people present, Jackass was the only one who didn't see Tang Mo's point. Chen Shanshan was silent for a moment before trying to ask, "No?"

Fu Wenduo: "Well, it's not feasible."

Chen Shanshan said: "Okay, then there is only one second way, to take away all the props and stop giving them to Mr. Fu's school. But I don't recommend this method. For the time being, it's more useful to have the props in our hands than to know the meaning of that uncertain power note." If it was just one or two items, that would be fine, but what was being taken was all of Fu Wenduo's items, and a few of them were of rare quality. The young girl said without hesitation, "Brother Tang, what do you think?"

Chen Shanshan was unaware of the existence of MOMO. If Tang Mo had taken Fu Wenduo's archiver, there was no guarantee that he would be able to use it again. The archiver is too useful for Tang Mo to risk it.

Tang Mo: "Well, we don't have to think about that for now."

Fu Wenduo's eyes drifted to Tang Mo's body and quickly withdrew.

The way to learn the truth about The black tower world from Fu Wenduo's powers is almost broken. Tang Mo could not have killed Fu Wenduo and taken all his props. It is even more unlikely that Fu Wenduo would do so in the future, when he has more props. The truth clock does not lie, so there is only a third way.

Tang Mo thought for a long time, he closed his eyes and sighed softly. "When we got back to Earth, The black tower announced a new release on May 18th, which is seven days from now ..."

The taking of Fu Wenduo's powers was put aside for the moment, and the group got serious and started talking about next week's new update to The black tower.

Chen Shanshan: "The new version definitely has something to do with the Transparent Man. The Chosen people got a message from The black tower monster, who gave us the recommendation that it was best to attack the tower. This time, apart from Brother Tang and Mr. Fu, there were players from Europe who raided the fourth floor of The black tower. But unfortunately, we were slower than Mu Huixue." After a pause, she said, "While Brother Tang took a little longer because he asked Schrödinger to help him make new props, Mu Huixue almost made it through The black tower last month, so she took longer. And more importantly ... does it matter to us if Transparent Man clears The black tower first?"

The black tower BOSS's warning could never have been an empty one.

The fourth floor of The black tower seems to be a very important one, and being the first to clear it might get you some special treatment. Unfortunately the Earth survivors no longer have access to know.

Tang Mo thought for a moment, "Seven more days, you'll be back in Shanghai tomorrow night."

Jackass was stunned: "Back to Shanghai?"

Tang Mo: "Yes. Tomorrow we will go to Chosen and exchange the information we have. Chosen is the biggest smuggler organisation in Beijing, so they must have more information than we do. A new version is coming and no one knows how the Transparent People will treat the survivors now. Chosen won't roll over with us until we're sure of the other side's attitude."

Ruan Wangshu was able to get Li Miaomiao to follow Tang Mo to the tower, and Li Miaomiao volunteered to help Tang Mo in a crisis, risking his life to divert his wounds, so this group can be trusted for now.

"When you get the information, take it back to Shanghai and exchange it with Luo Fengcheng. There are many organisations in Shanghai, but none with the strength of Chosen. Luo Fengcheng's side could be dangerous."

Jackass nodded gently, but he said, " Shanshan is not coming with me."

Tang Mo was slightly stunned: "What?"

Jackass rubbed the back of his head. It had been almost half a month since he arrived in Beijing and the big guy had only just remembered one thing. He had forgotten what Luo Fengcheng had specifically told him before he left: "Dr. Luo said that Shanshan would team up with you guys and wouldn't have to go back to Atak. Her abilities will only be reused with you guys ... eh, didn't I mention that?" With that, he turned his head to the short-haired girl who was kept in the dark and confused, " Shanshan, didn't I say that? Oh, well I'm saying it now."

Chen Shanshan: "..."

Tang Mo: "..."

Is it really okay to be so casual!

After taking stock of the current situation, the group rested and prepared to go back to the Chosen the next day, just in time to pick up Fu Xiaodi. Tang Mo had just turned around and hadn't taken a few steps when Chen Shanshan called out to him, "Brother Tang."

Tang Mo turned around and looked down at the small, thin girl.

Chen Shanshan looked calm, obviously only fifteen years old, but as calm as an adult. "Your ability is to copy away other people's powers, so ... do you have my powers?"

Tang Mo was silent for a moment and said, "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about your powers when I got them in the city's Northern Poly."

Chen Shanshan: "What are the limitations of my psychic abilities?"

Tang Mo: "It's called 'Superintelligent Thinking', which increases intelligence, and for any one thing, your judgement will increase in accuracy, with an accuracy cap of 50%. In other words, any speculation you make has a maximum of 50% chance of being correct. This is a very powerful ability, but as a cost, your physical abilities will not be increased in any way."

Chen Shanshan was not even a bit surprised as she laughed helplessly, "No wonder I've cleared two levels of The black tower, gone through many copies and feel like my mind is more agile but my stamina has never gone up." Instead of blaming Tang Mo for quietly copying her powers, the young girl winked, "Brother Tang, if you had told me earlier, my teacher wouldn't have forced me to do the hellish workout, right?" Although Luo Fengcheng later found out that the workouts were useless for Chen Shanshan, who hadn't even developed a single muscle.

Tang Mo smiles: it's only at times like this that you can see that this is still a child.

Chen Shanshan suddenly said, " Before Jackass goes, copy his powers away too."

Tang Mo: "...?"

Chen Shanshan is very serious. Five minutes ago she was Jackass' teammate, but now she's Tang Mo's teammate, and she's not shy about helping Tang Mo dig a hole for Jackass: "Yeah, Brother Tang, don't forget, no one else has to be in it, his powers are pretty good too."

Jackass, who was running to a small shop in search of food, suddenly winced, unaware that he was being counted on by the former brains of the Atak organisation.

The night is dark, and with the sudden update of The black tower, the calm surface of the city of Beijing is rough.

Tang Mo did not rest. He took his newly made parasol to a clearing to test his new weapon. The brushing sound of the wind broke as the parasol snapped open and was closed again and again by its owner with a silent incantation.

The umbrella is even lighter and more handy than before.

The rounded tip of the umbrella is like a sharp blade that cuts through everything in front of it, sharpening iron like mud, and the wide umbrella surface is resilient. Tang Mo gives it a few tries before his eyes focus on the huge red jewel on the handle. Tang Mo stroked the strange jewel and after a few seconds, a small line of writing appeared on the umbrella.

[Props: Granny Wolf's parasol (Schrödinger upgrade)]

[Owned by: Tang Mo].

[Quality: Rare (Pseudo)]

[Grade: Level 3].

[Attacking Power: Extremely Strong]

[Function: Superbly defensive, the umbrella is super hard and the tip is incredibly sharp. Open the little parasol to act as a defensive object and close it to act as an offensive object. It has a mysterious effect due to the inlay of the Little Mermaid's tears. This effect is triggered automatically when the owner discovers its principle].

[Restriction: You must shout "Little Red Riding Hood Energy, Magical Girl Transformation!" when using the parasol]

[Remark: wolf grandmother's maidenhood (crossed out) ... Shameless! Your Excellency Schrödinger will never make props for you again in your next life, aww shucks! --Honorable Schrödinger.

Tang Mo: "..."

This is the first time Tang Mo has seen The black tower prop with its hidden function. All The black tower props explain in detail what they do and what their limitations are. On reflection, he guessed that Schrödinger had deliberately concealed the new effect of the small parasol in retaliation.

Stroking the smooth red jewel on the handle of the umbrella, Tang Mo muttered, "Are these the tears of a little beauty?"

"Every tear left by the Little Mermaid turns into a pearl ...," a low, mellifluous male voice suddenly sounded from behind, and Tang Mo turned his head in surprise as Fu Wenduo filled in the next sentence, "But in But in the world of The black tower, Schrödinger is a little black cat, so it's not impossible that the little mermaid's tears are rubies."

The two men's eyes met in the air.

Tang Mo backhanded the small parasol to his waist and calmly asked, "Whisper has been at Chosen, is everything okay?"

Fu Wenduo frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with his brother's image of being a simple bully in Tang Mo's mind, and decided to reveal the truth, hinting, "He's not as well-behaved as you think. He went to Chosen and Li Miaomiao attacked the tower with us, seemingly in exchange, but in fact he was also using the opportunity to observe the situation inside Chosen. If there's a problem, he'll escape on his own."

Tang Mo didn't notice Fu Wenduo's hint and nodded, " Ruan Wangshu doesn't look like that kind of person either."

"I remember when we first met, you were also experimenting with a certain prop."

Tang Mo instantly understood what Fu Wenduo meant, and then his face darkened.

... Mario's stinky hat!

When they first met (and met), he was too stupid to notice that there was someone hiding next to him and hit the wall three times in front of Fu Wenduo!

Tang Mo pulled out his small parasol and said lightly, "New weapon, help me test it out?"

Fu Wenduo noticed the change in Tang Mo's attitude and raised his eyebrows, "Good."

In the next moment, the pink parasol split the air with a brisk bang and stabbed Fu Wenduo straight in the face. Tang Mo's attack was not restrained, but violent and violent, with each thrust of the parasol striking at Fu Wenduo's vitals. Fu Wenduo did not dare to be careless and slipped a black knife out of his sleeve with his opposite hand. The sharp blade of the knife hit the tip of the parasol with a metallic clash.

Tang Mo looked at it, the tip of the umbrella was not cut, only a white mark appeared. He looked up and said, "A rare quality prop?"

Fu Wenduo: "A prop that could pierce a hole in a circus ringmaster."

The two men laughed in unison and attacked again.

Tang Mo was no match for Fu Wenduo in terms of fighting skills alone, but Fu Wenduo needed to be careful not to touch Tang Mo with his dagger. He looked a little wary as the dagger was bound to leave a serious wound if it struck Tang Mo. The two men fought back and forth, leaving the ground littered with debris.

A cold flash of light pierced Tang Mo's eyes as Fu Wenduo's dagger came straight at him. Tang Mo subconsciously opened his parasol to block the blow with its surface. Fu Wenduo quickly retracted his attack and stopped the blade just as it was about to pierce the parasol.

Fu Wenduo: "Not sure it's going to poke through this umbrella."

Tang Mo also put away his little parasol and stopped playing as he asked, "What props do you have?"

Tang Mo's tone is natural when he asks this. Given their personalities, even as teammates, both of them would hold back and not tell everything. For example, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had known each other before, something they had hitherto kept from Fu Xiaodi and both subconsciously kept to themselves.

But Tang Mo asked the question as a matter of course, as if there should be no secrets between them.

Fu Wenduo noticed this and the corner of his mouth ticked up, "Three rare quality props, six fine ones, and a few others. The rare quality ones are the Fire Egg MOMO, this dagger, and a pass to the Kingdom of the Underlanders."

Tang Mo: "I also have three of them, the Fire Egg MOMO, the King's Gold Coin, and the infinite non-probability pocket watch from The black tower. What's the use of a pass to the Kingdom of the Underlanders?"

Fu Wenduo: "Pass any three non-tapering games."

Tang Mo: "..."

Three games! Three fucking games!

The black tower, open your eyes, this is a stowaway, and the biggest stowaway in the world! Is it really okay for you to give him such an awesome prop!!!

Tang Mo suddenly felt that his gold coins were really weak compared to this unbelievable pass.

Looking at Tang Mo's changing face, Fu Wenduo kindly added, "But the props you get for passing the game are at most fine quality, and there is only one."

Tang Mo: "..." Well, you stop.

After this, the strange atmosphere that had arisen between them because of the Truth Clock comment disappeared. Tang Mo took the small parasol and the two walked back together.

When the Earth came online, without the dazzling lights of the city, the sky gradually became more starry.

Tang Mo looked up at the long-lost Milky Way overhead, paused slightly in his steps and spoke softly, "Even without MOMO, that pass is still very important." He would not take that pass away, it was something Fu Wenduo had lived and died to obtain. But then, I'm afraid he really wouldn't be able to get Fu Wenduo's powers.

Tang Mo settled down and made up his mind, "I don't think I'll be able to get your powers. Let's find out the truth about The black tower from somewhere else, and there's no need to rush now."

"Why can't you get it?"

Tang Mo stops for a moment and looks at the man beside her in disbelief.

Fu Wenduo, with his hands in his pockets, looked at him with a light smile and a calm tone: "There are three ways, aren't there? You can't kill me because MOMO is there, and the second one won't work either. But ... has a third one."

Making love.

These two words rang in the minds of both men at the same time.

But none of them said anything.

Tang Mo's eyes fixed on Fu Wenduo's face, as if trying to read the man's thoughts from his expression.

They are both gay and they both like men. This is something he knew when Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo were hiding in the warehouse and Tang Mo was touching Fu Wenduo's abs. Since there is no problem with sexual orientation, there is no essential contradiction. The clock of truth does not lie, and if they do it once, Tang Mo will get Fu Wenduo's powers and improve his strength, and they might even learn something about The black tower.

But ...

Tang Mo laughed: "There's no need to sell yourself for The black tower." With that, he turned his head and marched on.

Fu Wenduo's solemn voice rang out behind him, "What if it's not a sale?"