
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 162 - Bastard, what are you waiting for!

In the dark, dark steel corridor, Fu Wenduo walks in the lead with a torch, followed by Tang Mo. The five players set off from the top of another staircase, searching the first floor first. Their pace was swift and they soon found the first door.

Li Miaomiao's mood is much lighter now that he knows how to get through. Fu Wenduo, however, kept his head down, staring calmly at the steel door handle.

The next moment, his right hand flung itself into a sharp, cold, three-pronged weapon, and his left hand slammed down on the door handle. In a flash, hot flames shot out of the door and Li Miaomiao shrieked: "What is this!" He rushed to one side to avoid it. Fu Wenduo waved his hand to knock away the flames, which were so hot that they were a horrible milky white colour.

Tang Mo's eyes went cold as he looked inside the door and saw a huge, twisted beaker standing on the inside of the room. It shook the beaker from side to side, and flame after flame spewed from its mouth, smashing into the door.

Tang Mo immediately said, "Close the door!"

Fu Wenduo reached out to close the door behind him when another ball of flame crashed into him and he had to move out of the way.

Tang Mo rolled over to avoid the two flames, bracing himself on the ground with one hand and pulling out his small parasol with the other, the handle forward, trying to hook the door handle. The beaker in the room buzzed, it paused for half a second and then shot out a cascade of white flames at a faster rate. Just as the flames were about to pour out of the door, at the last second Tang Mo hooked the parasol over the handle and slammed the door shut.

The crowd all breathed a sigh of relief and calmed their breathing.

It all happened in a matter of three seconds, but the terrible flames burned into the player's skin, making a nuisance sound. Fu Wenduo's right hand returned to its original form, the back of his hand scorched and blackened. He took out his dagger and cut away his charred skin without changing his expression. At this, Li Miaomiao and the others paled, and soon found themselves with a growing wound on their own skin where it had been burnt. The two female players gritted their teeth and also cut away the skin that had been touched by the flames.

Li Miaomiao asked, "What was that? We've walked through this room before and there was nothing in it at all. How could a strange beaker suddenly appear, am I remembering it wrong?"

Zhao Xiaofei thought of the first round of the game when she was forced to cut off a few pieces of her own flesh, and she gritted her teeth and stared at the door in front of her with hatred.

"You remember correctly." By some coincidence, Fu Wenduo was right in front of Tang Mo when the flames burst out, and Tang Mo only burned a bit of his hair. He cut some of his hair away and said, "There really shouldn't be anything in this room. You could even say that this room wasn't even in this location."

The crowd was astonished.

Tang Mo took out the map drawn by Fu Wenduo: "Just now we went up the stairs and when we went this way we walked a total of five metres and saw the door to this room. However, according to the map, the door should be about eight metres from the stairs." Tang Mo looked at Fu Wenduo.

Fu Wenduo nodded: "It is indeed eight metres."

Zhao Xiaofei immediately thought, "Wait, you mean these rooms will change?"

Tang Mo: "It's not just the location of the rooms that has changed, but also what's inside. So it's Schrödinger's steel castle."

Tang Mo looks up at the blackened ceiling. As soon as the middle-aged butler leads Schrödinger out of the kitchen through the circular tube, Tang Mo is vaguely aware that the steel fortress is entirely Schrödinger's property. Inside the fortress, the little black cat has absolute control.

"Schrödinger is a great inventor." A low, muffled male voice rang out and Tang Mo turned his head and his eyes met Fu Wenduo's. Fu Wenduo looked at him and said, " This is its fortress, it can completely change the layout of the room, change what is put in it. But the second round we just played, it didn't change the position of the room where the truth clock was. When I looked upstairs, it didn't change the position of the other room doors either." After a pause, Fu Wenduo said, "Only in the third round, it made a change."

Tang Mo laughed as he understood what Fu Wenduo meant: "Yeah, it only changes in the third round, why is that?"

Fu Wenduo curled his lips, "I would also like to know why changes were made only in the third round, while also putting an extremely dangerous invention in a room where there should have been no inventions."

The two of them are in perfect harmony. Li Miaomiao couldn't understand what Fu Wenduo and Tang Mo were playing at, and she was about to ask for clarification when Tang Mo had already given the answer, deliberately stretching out his tone and laughing, "Maybe because he was weak?"

"I... I'm not vain! You're the one who's weak! Your whole family is weak! Your whole black tower is weak! The sweet, sticky roar suddenly rang out in the steel corridor, a sound that startled the two female players, who, on second thought, suddenly understood the intent of the conversation Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had just had.

Tang Mo winked innocently, "Just a guess, the great Lord Schrödinger, no need to get so worked up."

When he said this, the little black cat blew up even more. The soft voice kept cursing Tang Mo and sometimes the damn truth clock. It was only when the little black cat said that Tang Mo was a shameless, ugly human being that Fu Wenduo's voice stopped abruptly when he said, "You look more like a thief".

After five seconds, the little black cat became even more furious: "You shameless humans!!!"

Now even Li Miaomiao understood that they had really found the right way to get through the game.

The Schrödinger can change the position of a room at will and change what is placed in it. But what it cannot change is the corridors. This is the way The black tower gives the pass, and it has no right to change it. But it can put more dangerous failed inventions into the rooms, and the five Tang Mo players have to find all the rooms to win the game, and if they die in one of them, the game is lost.

At this thought, Li Miaomiao's face became even more ugly.

Before Fu Wenduo opened the door, Tang Mo suddenly said, "Let's take turns opening the door."

The crowd bristled and turned their heads to look at him.

Tang Mo's face doesn't change: "If there are 108 rooms, it's not fair for him to open the door to each one."

Li Miaomiao's scalp tingled. She didn't think it was fair either, so she had pretended not to know since no one had mentioned it before. But now that everyone was about to pass, and Schrödinger had probably put something even more dangerous in each room, she was weak and really didn't want to open the door. But Tang Mo is also right ...

Both female players were a little embarrassed when a laughing voice rang out, "How can you make a lady do such a thing?"

Tang Mo looks at a smiling Grea: "So what?"

The smile on Grea's face paused slightly as he looked slyly at Tang Mo. After a moment, he asked rhetorically, "... by a gentleman instead?"

Tang Mo said quickly, "You do it then."

Grea, who has no chance of backtracking: "..."

Li Miaomiao and Zhao Xiaofei For the first time, this odd hybrid looks really good to me.

Schrödinger did not really go so far as to place dangerous failed inventions in each room, as Tang Mo, Fu Wenduo and Grea took turns opening the door. As Grea opens the door most often, he also has the most chances to encounter dangerous inventions. But often, in a split second, he pulls up his cane with the opposite hand, hooks the doorknob and closes the door.

Tang Mo looks steadily at Grea and his short staff, his brow furrowed slightly.

"My lady?"

Tang Mo looks up and locks eyes with Grea, who, torch in hand, turns and walks to the next room. An hour later, the players have finished searching the first floor and descend the stairs to the ground floor. They had already searched 71 rooms. As they searched more and more rooms, Schrödinger's curses became more frequent.

In one of the most dangerous moments, Tang Mo opened a door and a blinding white light instantly enveloped the five men. When Tang Mo came back to his senses, he was surprised to find that he could not move his body at all, except for one eye.

This is more restrictive than the world of truth!

Schrödinger's macabre and mysterious inventions appear in front of the player, even as Tang Mo discovers a familiar pocket watch in the middle of a room. He walks up without moving to observe the watch and is the last to leave the room. The next door is just across the corridor and it is Grea's turn to open it as he walks past, leaning on his short staff.

The short staff hits the ground with a rhythmic clattering sound.

Tang Mo pulls a small, delicate pocket watch from his pocket, looks at it and quickly puts it back. His movements were so quick that none of the three Greasers noticed. Fu Wenduo and Tang Mo are standing at the end of the line when they lock eyes.

Tang Mo shakes his head slightly and Fu Wenduo frowns.

As the players find the 107th room, the little black cat's voice comes to a screeching halt. Tang Mo aimed his torch at the final staircase and took one step up. His foot had just stepped on the first step when a gloating voice rang out, "Hahahaha, you think you've really won?"

Tang Mo's footsteps immediately stop.

The Schrödinger laughed madly as it said triumphantly: "You have already lost. Did you think the great Schrödinger would really be caught in the crosshairs of your stupid humans? Humans, you really are naive! You've lost by walking up this staircase, come on up, come on, I can't wait to make you into my collection!"

"Meow~" the middle-aged man's muffled voice drifted out softly after Schrödinger's.

When Zhao Xiaofei and Li Miaomiao heard this, they looked doubtful and uncertain.

Fu Wenduo, on the contrary, did not look much, he had his hands in his pockets and looked calm.

Grea's expression was wonderful as he looked at the ceiling with a strange scowl and then at the stairs at his feet. Finally he sighed softly and tapped the floor with his short staff as if that would block out the sound of Schrödinger's voice.

Tang Mo lifted his torch, "Let's go."

Schrödinger: "..."

How dare you not give a little reaction!

"Stand still! Humans, you're really going to lose, just walk up and you're in a trap made by me and the fake clock!"

Tang Mo takes a step up and a second step down.

"You lose, you'll be made into stinky toilets for Santa, I really will!"

Tang Mo After a few more flights, the five walk to the centre of the stairs.

"Hahahaha, forget it, then you guys should hurry up and come. I can't wait to see you guys turned into stinky toilets ..."

Tang Mo took one step to the top of the stairs. As he takes the final step and reaches the first floor, Tang Mo searches carefully for a moment and finally finds a tiny door at the side of the stairs. The door was only half a metre high and half a metre wide, and Tang Mo leaned down and took the handle with one hand.

"You abominable humans!!!"


The door to the room was opened.

The faint light of a torch shone in through the door of the room, illuminating the one man and cat in the room. The tall, middle-aged butler held a bowl of smelly cat food and crouched happily in the corner, licking it over and over. A tiny black cat crouched in the centre of the room, staring with big green eyes, staring straight at the five players outside the door.

The turquoise eyes seem water-washed, soaked with watery light, and as if they were angry enough to cry.

At that moment, the black tower's clear, childlike voice rang out...

"Dingdong! The third round is over, congratulations to the player for finding Schrödinger and successfully passing the main quest 'Schrödinger's Game of Hide-and-Seek'."

Outside the door of a small room, five players bent over and looked at the little black cat in the door. The little black cat sat on the floor, angry and annoyed. The black tower beeped and Grea thoughtfully broke the silence by saying with a smile, "There you are, the great Schrödinger."

Who knew that the next second, a sharp soft voice growled, "Bastard, what are you waiting for, go on!"

At the sound of the words, the crowd froze. At the same time, a black shadow broke through the air with a whoosh and stabbed Tang Mo, who was standing at the top of the stairs. Tang Mo reacted quickly and sidestepped, but the black shadow swerved and cut Tang Mo's face. The blood flowed down instantly.

Half a month ago, the elfin prairie was scorched to black by fire.

The charred black earth that spread across the landscape spread to the horizon, and even after a day the smell of smoke from the fires had not diminished one iota. Many small animals crawled out of the dry soil, whining and crying bitterly as they silently tidied up their burnt black homes.

Suddenly a long-eared rabbit's ears prick up; a black-furred gopher stands upright and its nose twitches.

The next moment, two of The black tower's animals turn pale and start digging. In a few strokes they made a tunnel and fled into the earth. After a few seconds, the other small animals also notice the anomaly. Their eyes widen in horror and they run. At that moment, a small black dot slowly approaches on the distant horizon.

It was an extravagant pumpkin carriage, and Wang Xiaotian, in a long blue dress, sat on one side of the carriage, covering her mouth as if she were being amused and laughing.

The carriage wobbled and drove near a lush green meadow.

It's amazing that there is still a 10-metre diameter circular piece of grass in this burnt black grassland. Wang Xiaotian's eyes widened and he leaned over the window in wonder: "What is that?"

On the other side of the carriage sat a blond man in a deep red dress. At Wang Xiaotian's words, he turned his head and glanced at the odd circular lawn. The next second, he curled his lips gracefully, his short staff tapping lightly on the ground as his nice voice whispered, "My lady, that's what I'm here for when I hitch a ride in your lovely carriage."

Wang Xiaotian gave a sweet smile and said deliberately, "Great Excellency, did you not come for me? I am so sad."

The handsome, pale blond man took off his bowler hat and gave Wang Xiaotian a gentleman's salute. He opens the door of the pumpkin wagon, his boots crunching on the scorched earth. He took a step ten metres away and bent down to pick up two dirty boots from the ground. To no one's surprise, this handsome, elegant man suddenly brought the boots to his nose and gave them a perverse sniff. What was even stranger was that Wang Xiaotian didn't feel anything wrong when he saw what he was doing, but instead he licked his two little tiger teeth, showing a greedy look.

In the glorious sunshine, Grea turned back to Wang Xiaotian in the carriage and smiled: "My lady, this abominable smell is something I will never forget."