
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 138 - What the hell are you?

Tang Mo didn't just ask Mosaic these questions.

Firstly, as mentioned in the rules of the game, Mosaic is trapped in the middle of the grid and cannot get out. Secondly, Mosaic's most important weapon is the big match, which she does not have now, and she is no match for Tang Mo. Having bargained with Mr. Bunny, Tang Mo will not miss the opportunity to bully the weaker bosses.

And Tang Mo and Mosaic are old acquaintances. He also knows a bit about the little girl's temperament.

Unlike Mario and Pinocchio, Mosaic likes to kill and kill, and does not like to play with humans. She follows the rules of The black tower game and mostly does not hide them.

Just ask and she should answer.

Tang Mo looked at Mosaic with sincerity, and since he was quite good looking himself, Mosaic squirmed a little under such a sincere gaze (as Tang Mo thought he was). The girl coughed twice, propped her hands on the table, rested her chin and said, "Since you've begged me so sincerely, I'll be merciful and tell you ..."

Liu Wansheng and Lin Qian's faces were suddenly filled with a capital 'fuck', and even Bai Ruoyao's smile froze for a moment.

The three of them have an internal consensus at the moment: is this even possible?

This is still really possible.

Mosaic said lazily: "The rules of the pass game ... Well, give me the book and I'll pass it, of course. Mum likes to make me read, she doesn't want to give me a happy childhood at all. If she comes back and sees me reading, she won't eat you. Of course, if I was reading a language book, Mum would pay the language teacher's salary and eat the useless maths teacher." Mosaic looked up, and through the thick Mosaic, Tang Mo felt the little girl's eyes on the word 'maths' behind her, and Mosaic grunted: "I prefer language to maths. I like languages better than maths, I don't want to read your maths book!"

"Hehehe, what about giving you both the language and maths books?"

Mosaic swiped her head and the doll-faced youth winked at her.

Mosaic said proudly, "Why should I answer your ... if you didn't ask me?"

"I beg you." Bai Ruoyao said directly without saying a word.

Mosaic: "..."

Are all humans so thick-skinned these days!

The young girl rubbed her head and began to wonder if the human players she had seen before were mutant human players. Are they all humans so shameless! After being depressed, Mosaic dutifully replied, "Give me the words at the same time ... that looks like all you teachers are at an average level ah. This is my own love of reading, what has it got to do with you guys. Of course Mummy won't pay you all, she'll be bringing me tasty bunnies and kangaroos, so she won't care about you. Maybe even think you are so useless ... eat you up!"

Tang Mo and Bai Ruoyao narrow their eyes at the same time.

One team gets through and gets a reward, the other team must die.

With two teams passing at the same time, there is certainly no reward and the possibility of all dying.

"So that's why so many people died before." Tang Mo thought secretly.

This copy of the reality at Peking University has not been open for long, and only a few dozen Beijing players have entered it. But they had come to explore it in an organised way, not many of them died, but all of them were the best of the Beijing players. Many of them were teammates of the same organisation. However, when faced with this option, they would not have chosen to cooperate, which would have led to their deaths.

Yes, what really kills this game is not the location of the books, or the number of squares a player can walk. Rather, it is the two teams, willing to work together or not.

Tang Mo stands in the grid for a long time, hesitant to move.

The young woman across the table couldn't help but say, "Hey, are you still leaving or not. Who knows when that werewolf will be back, and now that all the questions to be asked have been asked, you should hurry up and go."

"All asked?" Bai Ruoyao said in an odd tone.

The young woman didn't get it for a moment.

Tang Mo looked steadily at the little girl in the centre of the grid and said faintly, "Is violence forbidden in this game?"

Mosaic suddenly emits a sharp, piercing whine.

It sounded like fingernails scratching on glass, a crunch. Lin Qian and Liu Wansheng plugged their ears, and Tang Mo frowned. After three seconds of screaming, Mosaic stops and asks exaggeratedly, "Are all of you humans so bad? You think you can kill your own people? So bad, you're all bad people!" At that, she paused sharply and turned her words around, "But ... hehehe, I like it. Too bad this game doesn't count as allowing violence yah."

"How so?"

Mosaic is quite patient when it comes to killing: "When a player enters the grid, eh, like you, you step on this grid, right?" She is referring to Bai Ruoyao.

Bai Ruoyao pointed at himself, "Me?"

"Yes, you are standing in this grid with the book in it and the light film of the grid is lit. You try it and see if you can get out of this grid."

Bai Ruoyao extends his foot and is stopped by an invisible wall as his toe touches the edge of the grid.

Mosaic: "Here, you won't get out. Because you can't walk out until it's your turn. There can be an unlimited number of people in a grid, but only the first player to enter the grid owns the items in the grid's light film."

After a pause, Mosaic scratched his hair, "Eh, that's not very easy to explain. It means that if Tang Mo were to walk into this compartment now, the book would still be owned by Pretty boy, not Tang Mo's, you know."

Pretty boy Bai Ruoyao: "..."

Tang Mo suddenly thought Mosaic was quite cute.

Liu Wansheng: "I understand. But what is it that you say that violence is not considered permissible? Is it allowed, or is it not allowed?"

"It's allowed." Mosaic said, "It's Tang Mo you walk into this grid and you can kill this Little Bai face if you want to. But when he dies, his body is in this square forever. Because his turn has been forced to end, he never leaves this grid, even if you want to throw his body out, you can't. The items in this compartment will always belong to him ... well, his corpse."

Lin Qian: "Isn't that the same as banning violence."

There is no way to change the ownership of the items in the grid if you kill them, so why kill them at all?

However, Lin Qian's face changed dramatically just as she said this. She suddenly understood the meaning of Mosaic's words. She looked across the room warily, at Liu Wansheng and Tang Mo.

Bai Ruoyao's note is different: "You call him Tang Mo, but you call me Little Bai-face. Don't you think that he is more Little Bai face than me? Is that why you call him that ... you and he know each other?"

Mosaic is unapologetic: "Of course I know him, and I despise him."

Bai Ruoyao got interested: "Despise Tangtang? Hee hee, why do you ..."

"It's your turn." Tang Mo's icy voice rang out.

Bai Ruoyao looks up to find Tang Mo has moved forward one frame. Now it's his turn.

Bai Ruoyao shrugs his shoulders and looks towards the square in front of him, then towards the square behind. Finally he strides to the right, to a diagonal square.

If we divide the whole grid into vertical 1-5 coordinates and horizontal A-E coordinates. At this moment, Bai Ruoyao is on grid D2, Lin Qian is on grid A2, Liu Wansheng is on grid A4 and Tang Mo is on grid E4. Each of them can take seven steps, and they are only on their second step. Liu Wansheng gives a wink to Tang Mo, who nods.

The two men follow the plan, Tang Mo walks into the compartment with the book and Liu Wansheng helps him make sure that the film of light in the compartment is bright.

Bai Ruoyao is a tricky, unorthodox man, and it is easy to get too close to him, so Tang Mo guesses where Bai Ruoyao is going and chooses the other side of the book. But where he goes, Bai Ruoyao goes. By the end of step 6, Tang Mo is on grid E3, Bai Ruoyao is on grid D2, Liu Wansheng is on grid B2 and Lin Qian is on grid B4.

The books are in compartments B2 and E2.

It is Bai Ruoyao's turn to walk, and he smiles as he strides forward into cell E2, lighting up the membrane of light in this cell.

The second to go was Liu Wansheng who, without hesitation, walked into compartment C2 and extinguished the compartments of Bai Ruoyao and Mosaic. The third is Lin Qian, who does not look so good as she enters compartment C4. Mosaic's grid lights up again. Lastly, Tang Mo.

As everyone expected, Tang Mo went sideways, not lighting up Bai Ruoyao's square, and in the process extinguishing Mosaic's square.

The first round of games ended quickly.

There is no doubt that all four failed to pass.

The black tower's mechanical voice rang out -

"The first round of play is over and the player has not passed. Please ask the player to return to their grid and wait for the second round of play to begin."

"Do you want to beg us?"

Bai Ruoyao and Lin Qian were turning back to walk when suddenly a calm male voice rang out. The two turned their heads together and looked at the plain-looking young man.

Liu Wansheng stood in C2 and pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, his voice calm: "As you all know, in this game, the first to go has no advantage, it's who goes last that counts. Right now, the last player to go is in our team. As long as he doesn't agree, no one will be able to pass. Two teams pass together, there is just a chance of death. When one team passes, the other team will definitely die. At the moment none of us know when the werewolf will be back, and if we don't get through before she returns, the consequence will be group death. So, are you going to cooperate?" At that, he laughed, "That's a bit inaccurate, it should be ... Are you guys going to plead with us and beg us to cooperate with you?"

Lin Qian froze, then became angry.

Bai Ruoyao looks at the young man with a smile.

Liu Wansheng, who had been smiling ever since he entered this copy, thought he was a smiling psychopath, not understanding what was behind each of his smiles.

Tang Mo, however, stood by and never said a word.

Liu Wansheng thought Bai Ruoyao and Lin Qian hadn't heard him and added, "What I meant just now was that as long as we messed up, you would never be able to pass the level in your lifetime. Only by begging us to cooperate can we have a chance of getting through together. So you have to plead with ..."

"I hear you." Bai Ruoyao suddenly spoke, extending his right hand in a pistol gesture and firing a shot at Liu Wansheng. Liu Wansheng's face sank.

"But I hear you, so what? First of all, The black tower game has always been fair, there can't be such unequal rules of the game, there must be something that will allow us to win, it just hasn't appeared yet or we haven't found it yet. Secondly ..."

The smile on Bai Ruoyao's lips slowly faded and he looked at the young man standing two frames away from him with a cold look of death.

"Secondly ... what the hell are you? Tang Mo was the last one to go, not you. Even he didn't make a deal with me, and you're talking to me ... for me to beg you?" Bai Ruoyao laughed again, "Hee hee, I declare, you are dead oh."


The author has something to say.

She Huiyao: The only one who is qualified to negotiate with me is Tangtang .

Tangtang: Oh, then you go to hell.

Mr. Fu: ... Today is another day without drama.