
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 130 - 19 million.

Night falls, darkness overtakes the land. Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo darted off the road with the girl's body and found a nondescript house and settled inside. They saw no one on the way. There are not many surviving players in Beijing, so it is not unusual to walk for five minutes without seeing a single person. This time, however, it was as if someone had pressed the stop button and the whole city of Beijing had gone completely silent.

The huge city became an empty one, with less than a hundred people not forcibly pulled into the tower games.

The same is happening across the globe.

The number of players who remain on Earth is a small minority. Only players who have attacked a tower within three months, or who have won a game of Last Man Standing, will not be forced to attack a tower.

As the night wore on, Tang Mo looked out of the window at the darkening sky and turned on his torch to illuminate the body.

They checked the props and weapons on the girl. A normal kitchen knife, a police gun, and three rounds of ammunition. The girl only had a strange looking stone prop, Tang Mo read the prop description, which could increase the player's running speed for a short period of time, however it could only be used three times and had now been used twice.

Finally they re-examined the cause of the girl's death.

As Fu Wenduo had hastily checked earlier, it had been stabbed through the heart and killed with a single blow. It was human, not like The black tower monster.

Tang Mo hands the stone to Fu Wensheng. The prop was of little use to him, more useful to a child. He looks up at Fu Wenduo with a heavy face: "This is the second victim. When we saw her this time, she wasn't dead, but the murderer had disappeared. There are two possibilities, firstly, she did take part in The black tower game, only to be thrown out by The black tower and returned to Earth before she was dead; secondly, she was killed on Earth."

Fu Wenduo looked steadily at Tang Mo: "The second one."

Tang Mo also knew that the first was highly unlikely, and he said, "Then there's only one problem ... whoever killed her is either stronger than you, or at least faster than you, and was able to escape a second before you got there, without a trace. Either he has very special powers, or props," after a pause, Tang Mo said that answer, "He can be 'invisible'."

Fu Wenduo suddenly asked, "Which one do you think it is."

Tang Mo froze. He looked into Fu Wenduo's eyes and they stared at each other in silence. Fu Wenduo had already guessed that Tang Mo possessed some kind of intelligent psychic ability; Tang Mo had not elaborated on Chen Shanshan's psychic ability, but when it came to judgemental questions, he would make guesses based on his "super-intelligent mind".

Tang Mo thought intently for a moment and said seriously, "I don't think it's either."

"That's what."

Fu Xiaodi was listening and thinking. Without waiting for Tang Mo to answer, he suddenly spoke up, "Could it be related to that Mu Hui?"

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo both turn their heads to look at him.

Fu Wensheng explains, "Brother, Brother Tang, look. The invisible killer appeared after an update error in The black tower, which is a bit of a coincidence. It was never there before, but now it's suddenly appeared, so it could be related to the update error. Of course, it's also possible that there is an invisible man who has been following us, but doesn't kill us, but always kills people around us. ..." By the end of his speech, Fu Wensheng himself thought it was unlikely.

An invisible enemy, who has been updating Tang Mo since a week ago, never targets Tang Mo and the others, but instead kills players passing by. When the Tang Mo arrived, he fled immediately. What was the point of this? Is it to show off his special escape skills?

When Fu Wensheng gave his thoughts, he expected Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo to discuss the matter further, but when he heard his words, Tang Mo slowly sulked and Fu Wenduo stopped talking. The boy thought he had said something wrong, but on reflection he realised that if what he had said was true, then the matter was very complicated.

The appearance of the Invisible Man is linked to the mysterious 4.0 version of The black tower.

The invisible enemy is the most dangerous enemy of all. Could it be that when The black tower version 4.0 is updated, human players will encounter such invisible enemies and fight them?

Fu Wensheng shivered at the thought. The child shrinks from thinking about such a horrible thing.

It was a grocery shop and Tang Mo took a tablecloth off the shelf and put it over the girl's body. The three of them rest here for the night.

Early the next morning, Tang Mo opens his eyes and walks to the window. He looks up at The black tower not far away and counts the numbers on it.


Whispering the number silently, Tang Mo clenched his fingers and repeated the number he had seen last night.

Almost a million and a half less.

The black tower doesn't explain the eight-digit number, but at first glance all players probably guessed that it was either the number of players forced to attack the tower, or the total number of surviving players on the planet. A month ago Xiao Jitong told Tang Mo that there were about 20,000 players left in Nanjing. Before the launch of Earth, Nanjing had a population of about 10 million people, so in the same proportion, the number of surviving humans worldwide is 20 million.

"More than a hundred less people in ten seconds, a million and a half less people over the course of a night ..."

"Most of the players who are forced to attack the tower are those who have never played a tower attack game." A low male voice rang out from behind Tang Mo, and he turned his head to look. Fu Wenduo walked over to the window, also looking at the heavy The black tower, and said lightly, "The first three days are the peak of the sharp drop in numbers, and after three days, the rate of reduction will drop."

It's the best of the best.

Weak players won't last more than a few days, they will fall right at the beginning of the Tower Attack game and probably won't even be able to start the main quest. However, if a player survives the three days, it proves that they have the strength to at least start the main quest, and then they have the hope of passing the Tower Attack game.

Tang Mo turned his eyes away and his voice was calm: "The real period of sharp reduction would be 12 to 24 hours after entering a tower attack game." This is his experience from three tower attacks. The Tower Attack game was different from other copy games in that there was usually one or more side quests that could only be completed to open the main quest. 24 hours after failing to open the main quest, nine times out of ten, it would never be opened again.

Fu Wenduo was about to say something at his words, when suddenly, his gaze flickered.

Tang Mo's eyes slowly widened and he stared at the black tower.

The black tower is suspended in mid-air, the sun shining brightly on the black tower, and the white eight-digit number in the centre of The black tower is pulsating. This time, however, the numbers are not in tens, nor in hundreds, but in tens of thousands!

One minute, the number changes to: 26381314.

Ten minutes later, the number changed to: 24913421.

An hour later, the first digit dropped completely down to 2 and became 1.

On Earth, players who do not have to play a game of Tower Attack have at this moment found a safe place to gaze at this silent change in numbers. It was no blood, no cannon fire, just the simplest of invisible numerical decreases. Yet in this hour of gazing, ten million people have disappeared into that cold black tower, without a sound.

Russia, Red Square, Moscow.

In the snowy sky, a burly, bear-like man wrapped in a thick coat turns away without looking back after seeing the numbers fall down 2.

Beijing, 8th S.

Practising Yu Zheng sits in the corridor of her senior classroom, as if she is not afraid she will fall, sitting on the edge of the handrail, watching the numbers decrease, her expression unchanged.

Nanjing, New Nanjing Group.

While Xiao Jitong stopped looking at it long before the number dropped to 25 million, Ningning stayed under The black tower with her crossbow in her arms. She tilts her head and watches in silence, not saying a word.

Shanghai, Atak Organization.

Last month Luo Fengcheng asked all the players in the organisation who had never attacked the tower to enter The black tower and complete their own tower attack game. He has become a full player and has found his powers. As of last night, there are only members of Atak left in the mall, along with two players on the first level of The black tower.

Luo Fengcheng was sitting in his office, not bothering with what was going on outside, when suddenly his door was pushed open.

Jackass rushes in, gasping for breath, too anxious to speak. Chen Shanshan poured a glass of water and handed it to Jackass as the ordinary-looking girl with short hair sat reading a book. She asked, "Has someone else been killed by the Invisible Man, Jackass?"

Jackass nodded and then shook his head vigorously.

Luo Fengcheng narrowed his eyes, "What's the situation?"

Jackass finally caught his breath after drinking the water, his Chinese having become fluent in the last six months, and said quickly, "Yes, another body was found that had been killed by the invisible man. But this time, ahem ... no, not this time, that's not what I want to talk about. Dr. Lowe, it's the numbers that have changed! The number on The black tower you said yesterday should be the total number of surviving players, which is over 28 million. Just now, just now there are only 19 million left!"

Luo Fengcheng was suddenly struck.

Chen Shanshan's hand froze in mid-air as he took the cup.

After a few moments, Luo Fengcheng murmured: "Did it come so quickly ..." He said nothing more and took a thick stack of information from the drawer. He read through the information in detail and handed it to Jackass, saying calmly, "Go to Beijing sometime and ask for Tang Mo and Mr. Fu's school. This is a serious matter and no player in Shanghai can solve it. Shanshan, you go with them. They need your powers."

Meanwhile, Suzhou, Guanqian Street.

Two tall foreign men walk down an empty shopping street, looking bored at the deserted shops on either side.

They walked for ten minutes without seeing a single person. The blond man finally cursed "Fuck" and said angrily, "Where is everyone? Why is there no one left? They've killed everyone by now. Damn it, I only have 56 minutes of rest left, why is there no meat pig."

The brown-haired man on one side snorted, "The next break belongs to me."

The blond man said dismissively, "Can you find a meat pig, my dear David?"

At the sound of the words, the two men moved. They pricked up their ears and listened carefully to the movements around them, when suddenly the blond man raised his head and slowly curled his lips. An odd, crazed smile grew on this handsome, profound face, as if he were a madman who hadn't eaten in three days and suddenly saw food, and his eyes lit up as he stared dead into the first floor of a speciality shop.

The middle-aged man hiding on the first floor rushed away from the window in terror, shaking nervously: "What the hell, what are those two ..." Before he could finish his sentence, a black shadow flashed past his eyes. The last thing the middle-aged man saw before he died was a strand of golden hair, his head slipping off his neck, and the brown-haired man's roar seemed to be audible in his ears -

"Fuck you! Pete, this break is mine and you're fucking stealing my time again!"

The head slowly fell to the ground, and it all happened in a second. The middle-aged player who had already cleared the first level of The black tower could not have imagined that the difference in strength between the two sides would be so great. His head slowly rolled to the ground, his eyes staring straight at the blond man's right hand. On that right hand was a rough red onyx bracelet.

The brown-haired man roared and slammed his fist into the blond, who dodged it playfully.

Half a minute later, the two figures disappeared from the room, leaving only the already cold body of the middle-aged man.


The author has something to say.

Tangtang: I heard that the brains of our team will soon return to the team~ [Rarely excited

Mr. Fu: ... Am I not your brain?

Tangtang: as long as you are happy ...