
The road to Encree

Breathtaking. The moment Crini steps past the border, the light mist blocking the view from the Anivean side lifts, like a veil, floating high in the sky. The sight appearing when the fog is gone leaves Crini with eyes wide and eyebrows shot up from the stunning beauty spreading before her.

How long she had to see scenery like that? Since she was unexplainably transported from the picturesque shores of her homeland to a reality beyond her wildest imagination? Yes.

A vast and vivid green bed spreads from the point they stand, up to as far as the eye can see. Far in the distance, the strong sun falls into something shiny, causing it to reflect the blinding light of midday in various directions.

That was nothing compared to the dryness and sandhills of the Anivean desert. Unconsciously, Crini started to count the different shades of green she could spot, but she dropped off the attempt a few seconds later.

Poinari and Loftak follow Helion in tow, their pace light - as if a heavy load has lifted from their shoulders. A small path appears in their vision, slithering through the trees and dense bushes.

Safety. That feeling, like a spirit dancing amongst them. The passage to Encree is secured for the moment. They've earned a few days of rest which will be a big advantage for the progress of the tournament.

As they walk through the forest, the group looks in awe at the exotic flowerbeds around the trees and the little bushes decorated with a colourful palette of mouth-watering fruits.

Little chiming sounds break the silence. Something moves behind the leaves of a nearby tree. Crini lifts her head and her mouth drops open when a small neon-green round creature with a fluffy long tail, little claws on its feet and dark eyes with bright yellow irises emerges from behind the deep green leaves.

Crini lets a cute shocking cry escape her lips. "So beautiful," she says amused, tilting her head to the side to get a better look at the fascinating creature.

Small bird-like creatures - in bright colours Crini saw for the first time - fly between the branches, singing eerie melodies, causing excited gasps from the rest of the group. It appears that the Encreean scenery fascinates, not only her as an alien but other species of Ethnos too.

Turning around, she spots Poinary's purple irises glowing faintly and a bright smile revealing sharp pure-white teeth plastered on his face. He was looking with interest at the flora and fauna of Encree, taking everything into those hungry eyes of his.

There were so many questions that Crini wanted to ask. But none was in the mood of talking. Since they came out of the portals, everyone looked numb. Poinary was looking pretty exhausted since his trial ended. It must have not been easy for him. At least not as it was for Crini.

Soon the path widens. Everyone stops short in their tracks. "No matter how many times I've been to Encree, that view never ceases to amaze me." Poinary whispers looking up. Crini and Loftak follow his eyes with Helion standing perfectly calm, like another day at home.

The path has led them to a clearing. It feels like the trees are stepping aside from their way as they keep walking, leaving a magical view of the city in front of them. Or better say… above them.

About a couple hundred metres above them, a massive complex spreads up to the top, in a web of structures built into massive trees, with trunks that are easily cover in diameter Queen Tesfira's palace and gardens. Bridges made of thick ropes and wooden planks are the connecting points between the structures. A whole city carved inside large trees, discreetly camouflaged in the wild plantation.

"Follow me." Helion's smooth deep voice resonates from behind them as he makes his way in front.

Approaching the large tree trunk, Helion reaches out his right hand and gently touches the flaky wooden surface. A sign glows the moment his finger connects with the wood. Narrowing her eyes, Crini discerns the image of an ornate arrow, pointing straight up.

A dull sound breaks the symphony of the forest around them, followed by the gear-rotating sound. Looking above their heads - following Helion - they witness a large rectangle box slowly descending from above. Once closer, Crini sees that the box is knitted from dark and light brown wooden sticks, giving a beautiful pattern to the large basket.

Touching the ground with a thud, the basket stops in front of them. Helion grabs one of its sides and pushes it to the outside, detaching a part of it, serving as a small door. With a gentle gesture, he invites them all inside the basket before he joins them, closing the small door behind him.

The basket with a push-up, detaches itself from the ground, making Crini lose her balance but Helion reaches out for her and breaks the fall. Poinary and Loftak look around them, bewildered by nature's beauty in this sector.

Crini on the other hand, is standing there with arms crossed in front of her chest, tapping her foot annoyed that the basket reaches up to her height and she can see nothing from here. When their ride is brought to an end, everyone steps aside and into a platform attached to a big branch.

The branch widens and becomes flat as it extends to connect with the core of the tree, forming a wooden alley. A big statue is placed at the open space carved in the tree's core depicting a tall Encreean in battle uniform, similar to what Helion wears. The area around the statue is even, and full of people of all ages looking eagerly towards them.

The crowd bursts into applause and cries of praise. The young ones are cheering with their hands in the air, jumping up and down frantically. Crini - used to the order followed within Queen Tesfira's palace - gives way for Helion and Poinary to go first. Loftak follows right after them with Crini last.

Order was something passionately followed by all Ethnians and Crini knew her way around them after all those years. It was the easiest way not to get attention. However, she wasn't expecting to receive that reaction.

Hi everyone!

Hope you're all well :)

With a bit of delay (sorry for that) Book 2 of 'Rebirth of the Legend' series is out!

I hope you'll enjoy Crini's new adventure at this new environment and the many adventures and trials to come!

P.S. This story is part of my imagination only. Any resemblance to persons or creatures, deceased or not is coincidential. All rights reserved.

EvinaRcreators' thoughts