
The Eagle's Queen, Jinjing

"Lui Jinjing , when is your flight due to arrive ?" Mother Lui asked. " Mom, It'll arrive in the next twelve hours" Lui Jinjing replied. "I'll hang up now" She said. "Okay, bye mom" . After twelve hours, Beijing, China. Shi Shaochuan was waiting in his Rolls Royce for Lui Jinjing, "It'll be so exciting to see Lui Jinjing" he muttered. Lui Jinjing walked towards the arrival post, as jetlagged as she felt, she just pulled her luggage with her. Shi Shaochuan came out of the car as he sighted her. "Lui Jinjing" he shouted waving. "Shi Shaochuan" she muttered when she saw him and smiled, she couldn't run but she could walk at a faster pace, he ran towards her and picked her up . "It's been a long time, Lui Jinjing" he said. "That's true, I missed you all a lot" She emphasized. "Me too" he said as he dropped her on her feet. They talked and talked, she told him about her experience and her acting profession during the drive. Within thirty minutes they arrived at the Lui mansion. She technically jumped out of the car out of excitement, she jogged towards the door and rang the doorbell as she used a face cap to shade her face. "Ding ding" the doorbell rang. Lui Feifei rushed to the door as she opened it she thought it was a delivery girl. "What do you want to deliver?" she asked. "I'm here to deliver your sister" Lui Jinjing said. She immediately recognized the voice, "Sister??" she said as her eyes were filled with so much love and concern. She hugged her tight , " I missed you so badly" Lui Feifei said . " Me too , little lass " . She entered the building and Feifei went to inform her mother. Shi Shaochuan brought in her luggage. Mother Lui came running down the stairs as though her life depended on it. "My child" she said as Jinjing ran up to her . " It's been a long time mom , I missed you every minute of the day" Lui Jinjing explained everything to her mom and how to her career became a success , as her father was a military man , she also aspired to be one but she was passionate about acting, so she did the both of them alongside each other. Lui Jinjing is a famous model and international actress , she works as a military personnel in the US also. She has achieved so much in the past few years but she needed to help with a serious case and she had decided to bring her acting and modeling back to her home town. Shi Shaochuan is a very good friend of hers , who dreams of one day being her groom . Her mother wants the same but does Lui Jinjing want the same??.

Aribo_Adani · Urban
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5 Chs

Whose office?

" Shall I say , you're welcome to the military or shall I throw a big party for your arrival" he mocks her .

"There's no need Commander , I'm perfectly fine with you welcoming me" she scoffs.

Lui Jinjing drops her legs from the desks and gets up , she goes into the bathroom and fixes her mask .

She admires the surrounding of the office and steps out.

He sights her and gets disgusted.

" Don't you dare put on that mask around me " he sternly speaks.

" I'm not staying here , I'm going to ask Feng Ling to direct me to my office . Thanks for welcoming me once again " she walks out .

She finds Feng Ling as soon as she stepped out,

" Hi, Feng Ling ,where is my office please?" she asks.

" The boss just asked for you to be transferred to his office" she replied.

" What !, I don't want to stay in his office . I think I have an office of my own right ?" Lui Jinjing said.

" Yes you do, but ...." Feng Ling had said.

Lui Jinjing cuts in ,

"I'm going to my office and that's final " she said as she dragged Feng Ling along .

Feng Ling tried to object but she couldn't , as they walked towards her office , three soldiers blocked her path .

"Lieutenant general , the general of the army has asked you to report to the office and if you dont do so willingly, we'll be forced to take you there out of your will " a warrant officer says .

" You wouldn't dare ," Lui Jinjing said.

" Then we'll have to take you by force ".

They surrounded her and she released her hold on Feng Ling ,

" Leave now or suffer , " she warns.

"No ma'am "

She takes to her stance and throws her fist at the one who came towards her first, she hits him and finds a weak spot and he's down on the floor in a minute,

" Come here again , if you dare" she warned again.

" You'll all be fired from your jobs once I assume position " .

" We're sorry ma'am ,we were only following orders" the both of them said and left .

Lui Jinjing marched to Xu Feng's office ,

" General " she says and salutes.

" Lieutenant general, what can I do for you?" he asks sinisterly.

" I would like to assume my position peacefully" she said directly.

" My office is wide enough to occupy more than fifty people comfortably , so why don't you want to share it with me" he said pouting.

" General, I don't want to stay here " she stood her ground .

" Then , I'll just have to dismiss that case and you wont be able to do anything" he threatened.

"You're such a wicked soul, fine then I'll stay in your office but at the farthest part of this office".

" Yes and no problem" he said.

" I was told that I'll need to fill some forms and all that " Lui Jinjing said.

" Yes but before that , take your mask off it really irks me " he said looking disgusted.

Lui Jinjing pulled it off and kept it on his table.

Xu Feng brought out a form and a pen ,

" Here , it says your name " he dictated.

" I'm meant to fill it on my own ,isn't?" she asked .

" I have to fill it to avoid any form of mistakes " he answered .

" I'm Lui Jinjing by name " she said .

He knew she wasn't lying about being in the entertainment industry but he didn't expect her to be Lui Jinjing .

His face returned to normal immediately,

" Age ?" he stated.

" I'm ... I'm ...." she stuttered .

" What's all these stuttering ?, we aren't in your shoots , so please be quick " he mocks

" I'm 21 years old " she said and added

" But I'll be 22 in a few months "

" Relationship status ?" he asked with an arched eyebrow.

" That's personal , I have no answer for that" she sternly said

" Nobody wants to know about your status, it's just a protocol, you must follow"

"I'm not single ,so I'm Dating " she analyzed.

Xu Feng didn't expect that answer , but he rubbed off his expression immediately.

Her phone rings,

"hold me unto the night never let go, let's be one soul from now till ever , you're the sunshine that gives light to my life...," her phone's ring tone sounded out.

She smiled at the caller and Xu Feng was quite curious,

" Hi Shaochuan, " she said.

" Jinjing ,are you free for dinner tonight??" he asked.

" Sure , pick me at 7pm"

" Alright thanks " he said and hung up.

Lui Jinjing sets up her own table and finally she's done and happy with her new desk.

She seats on the chair and swirls when the doorbell of their office is rung, Lui Jinjing speeds up to pick her mask and enters the restroom .

Fixing it takes about 20 mins, as she steps out she walks into Xu Feng and a lady smooching in the office , she is apparently disgusted and clears her throat.

The lady gets disturbed and frowns at the intruder ,

" Get out " the lady snaps.

" Excuse me , this is my office and I'm not leaving here , you're the one who needs to take your rubbish to another space"

" Can't you see I'm busy with my baby , get out you bitch " Qin Li cursed.

" Oh , so we're cursing now , I guess" Lui Jinjing said.

" Please leave my office before I do what you wouldn't like at all, bitch " Lui Jinjing retaliated .

Xu Feng sat enjoying the scene as thought whatever that was happening wasn't his business.

Lui Jinjing pulls her by her hair and throws her out , then she shuts the door and faces Xu Feng .

" Please do your business somewhere else and not in this office that we share " she stated and went to her table were she sorted some cases .

Xu Feng was also busy and didn't bother with the time of the day until Feng Ling came in ,

" Boss , It's closing hour " she announced.

Lui Jinjing looked towards the window and saw that it was truly late and Shi Shaochuan would be picking her up in 45 minutes . She jolted up and packed her table .

" Thanks Feng Ling , we'll talk properly tomorrow " Lui Jinjing smiled and left .

She didn't even say goodbye to Xu Feng .