
The Eagle's Queen, Jinjing

"Lui Jinjing , when is your flight due to arrive ?" Mother Lui asked. " Mom, It'll arrive in the next twelve hours" Lui Jinjing replied. "I'll hang up now" She said. "Okay, bye mom" . After twelve hours, Beijing, China. Shi Shaochuan was waiting in his Rolls Royce for Lui Jinjing, "It'll be so exciting to see Lui Jinjing" he muttered. Lui Jinjing walked towards the arrival post, as jetlagged as she felt, she just pulled her luggage with her. Shi Shaochuan came out of the car as he sighted her. "Lui Jinjing" he shouted waving. "Shi Shaochuan" she muttered when she saw him and smiled, she couldn't run but she could walk at a faster pace, he ran towards her and picked her up . "It's been a long time, Lui Jinjing" he said. "That's true, I missed you all a lot" She emphasized. "Me too" he said as he dropped her on her feet. They talked and talked, she told him about her experience and her acting profession during the drive. Within thirty minutes they arrived at the Lui mansion. She technically jumped out of the car out of excitement, she jogged towards the door and rang the doorbell as she used a face cap to shade her face. "Ding ding" the doorbell rang. Lui Feifei rushed to the door as she opened it she thought it was a delivery girl. "What do you want to deliver?" she asked. "I'm here to deliver your sister" Lui Jinjing said. She immediately recognized the voice, "Sister??" she said as her eyes were filled with so much love and concern. She hugged her tight , " I missed you so badly" Lui Feifei said . " Me too , little lass " . She entered the building and Feifei went to inform her mother. Shi Shaochuan brought in her luggage. Mother Lui came running down the stairs as though her life depended on it. "My child" she said as Jinjing ran up to her . " It's been a long time mom , I missed you every minute of the day" Lui Jinjing explained everything to her mom and how to her career became a success , as her father was a military man , she also aspired to be one but she was passionate about acting, so she did the both of them alongside each other. Lui Jinjing is a famous model and international actress , she works as a military personnel in the US also. She has achieved so much in the past few years but she needed to help with a serious case and she had decided to bring her acting and modeling back to her home town. Shi Shaochuan is a very good friend of hers , who dreams of one day being her groom . Her mother wants the same but does Lui Jinjing want the same??.

Aribo_Adani · Urban
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5 Chs


Lui Jinjing arrived home and changed into a lovely evening gown as she waited for Shi Shaochuan ,

"Mom , I'll be going on a date with Shaochuan I might stay at his place overnight . So see you at dawn " she explained to her mother.

" Take care dear" her mother replied .

Shi Shaochuan picked her up at the right time and he drove her to the best restaurant in Beijing .

" Shaochuan, this place looks lovely , I didn't expect Beijing to look so beautiful " she complimented.

"Many things have changed since you left Lui Jinjing" he said hiding a meaning to his words.

"Shi Shaochuan you never told me about your wife since I returned " she said as she assumed her seat and a waiter walked towards them .

" Good evening sir and ma, may I take your order " he said cutting their conversations.

" I would like to have sushi and some juice please " Lui Jinjing said.

" Are you sure, you'll be okay with that ," Shi Shaochuan asked.

" It's fine "

" I'll have a bottle of wine and sushi also " he said .

" Back to our conversation , how's your wife ?" Lui Jinjing asked.

" She left " he responded not looking into her eyes.

" She left ??, " Lui Jinjing laughed .

" Yeah she did , I was tired of her being all clingy and all that" he laughed back .

" I'm happy you were able to get rid of her " Lui Jinjing said as she took a sip of her juice .

" Lui Jinjing , there's something I've been wanting to tell you " he said sounding serious .

Lui Jinjing looked at him as she tried to pick up sushi .

" What's wrong Shaochuan ?" she asked.

" Lui Jinjing , you've been single for two years now , we've been besties since childhood , because of the fact that I couldn't love any other person apart from you made me go into a relationship with that mad woman . Lui Jinjing , you're a self made person , a young actress and a well skilled detective. You've achieved so much after Hu Qinglun left you ." He paused and Lui Jinjing is stupefied , heartbroken and frightened.

" Please be my girlfriend ,Lui Jinjing " he proposed.

Suddenly someone coughs which interrupts their moment . Lui Jinjing looks up and realizes that it's Xu Feng , she wondered what he was doing there .

" Hi , I'm Xu Feng, Lui Jinjing's boss " he introduced his self to Shi Shaochuan.

" I'm Shi Shaochuan , a very close friend of hers "

" Could I probably join you guys for dinner ?" Xu Feng asked.

" Sure , it's no big deal " Shi Shaochuan said .

Lui Jinjing never liked Xu Feng but he actually came at the right time and saved her .

He was on a casual V-neck t-shirt , He was looking ravishing and amazing , She hadn't taken a proper look at how handsome he was , He had blue - gray eyes and perfect facial features , he was more handsome than a male god and her mouth was wide open and agape .

" Jinjing " Shi Shaochuan called as he snapped his fingers.

She came back to reality ,

" I'm, I'm , I was just lost in my thoughts "

" So what brings you here , Xu Feng " Shi Shaochuan asked.

" I came here for dinner and it was a surprise to meet Lui Jinjing here, so I decided to join " he explained .

"That's nice"

Lui Jinjing was quiet and let them continue with their talks,

"So you must like Lui Jinjing a lot" Xu Feng asked.

" She's the one I love the most " Shi Shaochuan said looking into her eyes .

" Are you two dating?" he asked .

" No , but I hope so " Shi Shaochuan answered.

" But she told me she wasn't single in the form she filled this morning " As he said this Lui Jinjing looked at Shi Shaochuan for help but sadly he didn't look her way.

"She never told me about me anything about having a partner , Infact I just proposed to her and she hasn't replied " Shi Shaochuan said

" It's fine , she also looks like she loves you ,so Lui Jinjing what's your response to his request?" Xu Feng asked.

"I'm sorry Shi Shaochuan but I can't love again , I'm deeply sorry" she said and stood up immediately rushing out of the restaurant .

She completely forgot that she didn't bring her car with her.

Shi Shaochuan followed her immediately but he didn't find her and it started raining heavily,

"Xu Feng , you have to help me find her , we'll split up and search " Shi Shaochuan said,

Xu Feng never took orders from anyone but he just felt that she might be in danger.

The sky poured down heavily and everywhere was almost floody .

Shi Shaochuan tried calling her numerous times but she wasn't picking up.

Xu Feng searched for her but he couldn't find her.

Lui Jinjing was at the cemetery , she was drenched and the rain still kept pouring on her and she didn't mind ,

She was crying as she walked towards a buried person's coffin.

With the name Lui Zhang written bodly on it.

She sat on it and kept crying .

"Father ,father where are you?, Please don't keep looking at me this way , Father , I acknowledge that I'm not your daughter . Yes , it's true, I heard when you had argued with mom that night . But I knew you kept it from me for a reason and I never bothered to search for my parents because you always cared for me " She paused and kept crying .

"I'm who you always wanted me to become , a soldier , And I also didn't give up on my dreams , I'm now a well known actress . I have money and I can get whatever I want dad. But love is missing,

Hu Qinglun was planning on killing me and he just abandoned me , he never loved me . It hurts ,It hurts so much . After everything I did for us and him, he just had to betray me , "

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh" she shouted loudly.

"Dad, thank you" she blew his grave a kiss and left .

She kept wandering the streets even when she knew that , she couldn't hold in the coldness for too long .

Xu Feng and Shi Shaochuan kept searching for her but to no avail .

Shi Shaochuan retired to his house , while Xu Feng decided to search for her a few more minutes and head home ,

He was driving when he spotted a lady with his car's headlights in the rain .

He immediately recognized her ,

"Lui Jinjing " he muttered and stepped out ,

as he held her she lost consciousness , he took her in his car to his house .

He arrived at his villa and Xu Shiyu ushered them in as they were drenched , she saw that her brother was carrying an unconscious lady and she was curious to know who it was and surprisingly she was watching one of her films .

Xu Feng laid her on his bed and arranged her hair properly .

As Xu Shiyu saw her face , she recognized her immediately .

"Harmony , in the film Flames of Love " Xu Shiyu blurted out.