
The Eagle's Queen, Jinjing

"Lui Jinjing , when is your flight due to arrive ?" Mother Lui asked. " Mom, It'll arrive in the next twelve hours" Lui Jinjing replied. "I'll hang up now" She said. "Okay, bye mom" . After twelve hours, Beijing, China. Shi Shaochuan was waiting in his Rolls Royce for Lui Jinjing, "It'll be so exciting to see Lui Jinjing" he muttered. Lui Jinjing walked towards the arrival post, as jetlagged as she felt, she just pulled her luggage with her. Shi Shaochuan came out of the car as he sighted her. "Lui Jinjing" he shouted waving. "Shi Shaochuan" she muttered when she saw him and smiled, she couldn't run but she could walk at a faster pace, he ran towards her and picked her up . "It's been a long time, Lui Jinjing" he said. "That's true, I missed you all a lot" She emphasized. "Me too" he said as he dropped her on her feet. They talked and talked, she told him about her experience and her acting profession during the drive. Within thirty minutes they arrived at the Lui mansion. She technically jumped out of the car out of excitement, she jogged towards the door and rang the doorbell as she used a face cap to shade her face. "Ding ding" the doorbell rang. Lui Feifei rushed to the door as she opened it she thought it was a delivery girl. "What do you want to deliver?" she asked. "I'm here to deliver your sister" Lui Jinjing said. She immediately recognized the voice, "Sister??" she said as her eyes were filled with so much love and concern. She hugged her tight , " I missed you so badly" Lui Feifei said . " Me too , little lass " . She entered the building and Feifei went to inform her mother. Shi Shaochuan brought in her luggage. Mother Lui came running down the stairs as though her life depended on it. "My child" she said as Jinjing ran up to her . " It's been a long time mom , I missed you every minute of the day" Lui Jinjing explained everything to her mom and how to her career became a success , as her father was a military man , she also aspired to be one but she was passionate about acting, so she did the both of them alongside each other. Lui Jinjing is a famous model and international actress , she works as a military personnel in the US also. She has achieved so much in the past few years but she needed to help with a serious case and she had decided to bring her acting and modeling back to her home town. Shi Shaochuan is a very good friend of hers , who dreams of one day being her groom . Her mother wants the same but does Lui Jinjing want the same??.

Aribo_Adani · Urban
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5 Chs

Masked Lady

Lui Jinjing opened her eyes slowly and everywhere looked blurry as she had just regained consciousness. She saw that she was lying on a hospital bed, she got up immediately and went out of the ward where she entered the elevator and went to Mother Jin's ward .

"President Xu, she hasn't been found, she was kept in a ward earlier and now she has left" the doctor reported.

"Just get me her info immediately" he ordered.

" Yes sir" the doctor replied.

Xu Feng was beside Xu Shiyu as she regained consciousness,

She looked around and saw her brother close to her bed she smiled and raised her hand.

" Brother " she said and her voice was unclear but he still heard her clearly.

" Shiyu , you're awake" he said as he knelt close to her bed.

Xu Shiyu tried to sit up,

" You're still quite weak, you should be resting now, until you recover fully".

"Brother, I'm fine " she said .

" Stay still , you'll be attended to very soon "

Xu Feng said worriedly.

" Brother have you told mother about what happened to me" She asked

" Mom isn't aware of what happened" he replied.

"Brother, Mom will be very worried."

" That's why I didn't tell her anything about it, besides you should take your rest now .I need to handle do some things so take your sleep and I'll come and check up on you later" .

Xu Shiyu took her rest while Xu Feng stepped out of her ward.

As he steps out he finds the doctor in his office and he asks for the information he needed.

" President, she already left the hospital but the nurse who saw her earlier said she only knows her as an actress but doesn't know her real name so I'm sorry we weren't able to get enough information about her" the doctor reported.

"It's fine , Xu Shiyu is asleep now , please check up on her health if she's okay"

" Alright president"

After a few days,

Lui Jinjing has fully recovered and she's about to start her duty as a detective.

" Mother , I'm going to the base , I've delayed my resumption for a few days".

"Alright dear, have this lunch that I specially prepared for you"

" Thanks mother" Lui Jinjing said as she received the brown paper bag.

She drove towards the base,

Her mobile phone rings .

" Officer Smith , good that you called" Lui Jinjing said.

" Miss Lui Jinjing , please remember that you have to put on a mask so that you wouldn't be recognized" he reminded her.

" I know Officer Smith , I'll fix it before entering the base " she said.

" Good luck, you're working directly with the boss , he's highly efficient and he might be a bit cocky and a tough nut to crack but you have to be careful" he warned her.

" It's fine I can deal with such people , I'll get back to you later in the day , We'll get to see each other when I return to the US "

" It's a deal , good bye "

" Bye" she says and hangs up.

Lui Jinjing parks her car close to the base and brings out a mirror as she fixes her face mask .

After fixing it , she now looks completely different but still beautiful she blends the mask in by applying some facial treats.

She alights her car and walks towards the base .

As a new personnel , she wasn't recognized immediately.

" Please confirm with your administrator, I'm a new personnel , " she explains to the sodiers at the gate and they do as she has said .

Within a short while , a woman in the same uniform as her walks towards her with the other soldier.

" I'm sorry ma'am, there was a late announcement to all the soldiers" the lady apologizes before saluting her.

Lui Jinjing responds to the salute and replies her.

" It's no problem "

" Come in ma'am " the lady says .

They both walk into the admin offices as they pass by offices, hierarchy by hierarchy until they got to the Commander's office .

The lady taps on the doorbell and enters , she salutes the Commander and immediately places her hands behind her back.

" Sir , she's reporting for duty as second to the Commander Sir" the lady says.

A man was sitting in a very expensive leather chair and he was backing them as he was enjoying the view outside.

He swiftly turns his chair towards them and he directly has eye contact with Lui Jinjing .

His face comes back into her memory,

" You " she says first.

He's taken aback as he's never seen her face before , he looks at her face properly and discovers the truth.

" Feng Ling , you may leave " he dismisses her .

She shuts the door and Lui Jinjing is scared that she has blown her cover.

Immediately he says,

" Remove your mask " as his words landed ,Lui Jinjing was stunned , she said went stiff.

" And I mean now " he said says and hits his palms on his desk , making Lui Jinjing jolt.

" I'm not wearing any mask " she stands her ground.

He smirks ,

" Peel it off or I'll do it myself" he warned.

As he was about to get up , she starts peeling it off her face and he sees her and immediately her face flashes back.

" You again ,is misfortune really after me this time , " he said truly disappointed.

Lui Jinjing was pissed off,

" Why did you use a mask ?" he asks .

She ignores him and just stares silently with her arms crossed below her chest.

He examines her whole body, from top to bottom .

Her hair was packed in a ponytail and she has a great figure , long legs and pure white skin.

She was radiant without any jewellery or make up.

He clears his throat and looks elsewhere,

"I demand an answer" He grunts.

"Well, I'm also an actress and I work undercover in the US , I didn't want any reduction in manpower , when some of my fans in the military get a sight of me " she explained as she sat on the chair opposite his and crossed her legs ,placing her boots on his desk.

Xu Feng is speechless by the fact that she's not afraid of him , he saw how bold and confident she was.

And he wasn't going to back down so easily.

President and Commander Xu , it's time for action , he tells himself.