
The Eagle's Queen, Jinjing

"Lui Jinjing , when is your flight due to arrive ?" Mother Lui asked. " Mom, It'll arrive in the next twelve hours" Lui Jinjing replied. "I'll hang up now" She said. "Okay, bye mom" . After twelve hours, Beijing, China. Shi Shaochuan was waiting in his Rolls Royce for Lui Jinjing, "It'll be so exciting to see Lui Jinjing" he muttered. Lui Jinjing walked towards the arrival post, as jetlagged as she felt, she just pulled her luggage with her. Shi Shaochuan came out of the car as he sighted her. "Lui Jinjing" he shouted waving. "Shi Shaochuan" she muttered when she saw him and smiled, she couldn't run but she could walk at a faster pace, he ran towards her and picked her up . "It's been a long time, Lui Jinjing" he said. "That's true, I missed you all a lot" She emphasized. "Me too" he said as he dropped her on her feet. They talked and talked, she told him about her experience and her acting profession during the drive. Within thirty minutes they arrived at the Lui mansion. She technically jumped out of the car out of excitement, she jogged towards the door and rang the doorbell as she used a face cap to shade her face. "Ding ding" the doorbell rang. Lui Feifei rushed to the door as she opened it she thought it was a delivery girl. "What do you want to deliver?" she asked. "I'm here to deliver your sister" Lui Jinjing said. She immediately recognized the voice, "Sister??" she said as her eyes were filled with so much love and concern. She hugged her tight , " I missed you so badly" Lui Feifei said . " Me too , little lass " . She entered the building and Feifei went to inform her mother. Shi Shaochuan brought in her luggage. Mother Lui came running down the stairs as though her life depended on it. "My child" she said as Jinjing ran up to her . " It's been a long time mom , I missed you every minute of the day" Lui Jinjing explained everything to her mom and how to her career became a success , as her father was a military man , she also aspired to be one but she was passionate about acting, so she did the both of them alongside each other. Lui Jinjing is a famous model and international actress , she works as a military personnel in the US also. She has achieved so much in the past few years but she needed to help with a serious case and she had decided to bring her acting and modeling back to her home town. Shi Shaochuan is a very good friend of hers , who dreams of one day being her groom . Her mother wants the same but does Lui Jinjing want the same??.

Aribo_Adani · Urban
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5 Chs

First Meeting

After a few weeks

Lui Jinjing had started getting familiar with the vicinity, she was to officially resume duty in the armed forces by tomorrow and she was getting ready for work . Then her phone rang ..

" Hello , Jin Mi " she said smiling.

" Hi Jinjing" she replied.

" Since I've arrived you haven't had the time to come visit me right ?"

" Jinjing, My mother collapsed and we're at the hospital, they said they would have to perform surgery on her now and we need a compatible kidney" Jin Mi narrated.

" What ??!!!!, I'll be right there in a jiffy" She hung up and ran out of her bedroom .

" Mom, Mom" she shouted.

" Jinjing, what happened??"

" Mimi's mom is in the hospital and she's in a critical condition, I have to go"

" Alright, leave now, I hope she's safe" Her mom said.

Lui Jinjing entered her car and drove off ,


"You must try your best to get that sample of blood in an hour" a husky masculine voice reverberates through the hospital's corridor.

"Yes sir" the person at the other end of the call responded.

He hung up,

he walked towards a VVIP ward ,

" Doctor, how's she doing??" he asks.

" We've been able to keep her under our control for some time but she needs the blood donation immediately" he stated.

" I'm trying my best but you should also be helping me out " he says restlessly.

Lui Jinjing arrives at the hospital on time and she entered the elevator immediately.

She went towards the ward where she met Jin Mi crying.

" Mimi " Jinjing called out.

" Jinjing, it's me" she said teary eyed.

" How's she?"

" She needs to be operated on immediately, but I haven't found any compatible kidney"

" I'll make some calls and I'll try to find a suitable donor" Lui Jinjing assured.

" Thanks Jinjing"

Lui Jinjing made several calls and alas she was able to find a compatible donor, she was ready to pay the bill herself and she also gave all the information to the donor.

" Mimi, it's settled, I'll go and get you some snacks" she said.

" Thank you Jinjing" Jin Mi said and hugged her.

" You've done a lot for me too , Mimi "she replied

" I'll be back" Lui Jinjing added.

She entered the elevator and that took her to the canteen, but instead it took her towards the highest floor, she was confused and realized she had misplaced the numbers, the elevator dropped at the top floor where she overheard a doctor saying they need a blood donor who had the blood group O .

Lui Jinjing stepped out of it,

" Doctor, I'm O positive by blood group" she stated.

" That's wonderful ma'am we've been looking for one " the doctor appreciated her.

" I'm willing to donate my blood " she said.

Then the nurse whispered to the doctor,

" Doc., she's an actress, a very renowned and well known actress and I heard she just arrived in China a few days ago"

The doctor cleared his throat,

"I'm sorry ma'am, it's not a must you donate your blood, I know you'll need to always keep yourself healthy as an actress" he stated.

" I'm willing to help anybody, It doesn't matter. This person's life is at stake ,please do the blood transfusion as soon as possible"

" Alright ma'am, come this way"

Her blood was collected as it matched the patient's . Jin Mi called her up.

" Jinjing, the operation has begun, the donor arrived earlier, where are you?"

" I'm still in the hospital, I just donated blood to a patient, I'll be there with you in some minutes" she said.

" Alright, be safe"

Lui Jinjing stepped out of the lab and came out holding up the cotton wool on her arm.

As she was trying to get into the elevator , Xu Feng came in an they bumped into each other.

" Hey, watch where you're going" Xu Feng said.

" Its obvious you bumped into me first and it was too hard for you to apologize , anyways there's nothing to expect from rich jerks like you" she scolded.

" Listen, who the bloody hell are you?, don't test my patience this very minute " he said as he grabbed her arm.

Lui Jinjing saw how deep his eyes were, she felt so dizzy and she was losing consciousness slowly.

She fainted and he quickly grabbed her,

" What the heck?, why is misfortune after me today?" Xu Feng lamented.

" Doctors, Nurses someone has fainted " he yelled and they started coming over

He carried her in his arms , he looked at her face.

"What a beauty!!, but she just had to be so arrogant and cocky " he thought.

He laid her on the stretcher and left immediately.

As he walked towards Xu Shiyu's ward when the doctor came out .

" President Xu, we were able to find a donor and your sister is fine now" the doctor announced.

"Thank goodness, that's a sigh of relief" he stated.

"She'll be under observation for twenty-four hours and I'm sure she'll regain consciousness soon"

"Thank you very much , but who donated blood ?" he asked.

"It was a well known actress and she was so kind enough to donate blood to a stranger,"

"Can I meet her?" Xu Feng asked.

"She must have left but I'll converse with the nurses about who she came to see"

"Get her info immediately" Xu Feng ordered.

"Yes president Xu" the doctor bowed and left.