

The Preston's mood was not any different when they arrived. Fredrick and Aiden held a short memorial service at the backyard with candles and everything for poor Philip. The mood was as melancholic as it could ever be. Pen arrived shortly together with Linda, their smiles upside down. Linda had watched Philip grow up so you can imagine. This did a number on her. She always regarded Pen, Aiden and Philip as her own since she is barren and did not even procure her other half. This was all she had. Her legs sprints gave up on her as she lay on the grass sobbing and sobbing. Aiden, barely shed a tear. He was the type of guy to laugh at a burial. All his emotions went with Monique. They recapped, went in the house and each of them to their designated quarters. Pen calmly went up the stairs, a grey-light cloth in hand to help with emotions.

Hardly had she opened her door when Peter tapped her on the back. As she turned around, her mood changed impetuously. Their relationship was not only wrong, but horribly disgusting. Okay, I wouldn't call it a relationship. Pen never really entertained Peter but his masculine advantage always carried the day. Peter firmly grasped Pen's soft hand and dragged her into the room and locked the door. He viciously tore Pen's dress into two as he struggled with his own attire. Just as Pen sought to catch a breath, air was suddenly restrained from passing through her throat. Peter's biceps have Pen no room for any form of resistance. He choked her and pinned her on the rough wall of her bedroom closet. His rough hands escalating from her shin all the way to her innocence. Pen moaned with her mouth wide agape as she constantly tried to break free. Her bosoms firmly compressed to nothingness as she lay helpless on her princess bed. Pen's eyes dilated when she saw his…. This was the part she dreaded the most as it was not only a violation of her womanhood but also her purity. Thrusting himself inches deep in her as her eyes span around in circles. His cracked dark lips were in position to her soft lips. His tongue deep in her mouth up to a point Pen simply gave up and started crying. Peter rose up as cum spew all over her body as she forcefully swallowed some. As if nothing had happened, he wore his clothing and stepped out of the room. "If you dare speak a word I'' he threatened her having a devious grin on his colossal face. Pen put her pillow over her head as she cried and cried. She went to the bathroom and cleaned herself off the foul substances deposited on her. ''Penelope! supper now! ''Fredrick's voice echoed all the way throughout the house. She quickly wore her clothing and limped towards the living room. Whenever she was asked about her limping, she always said she had just sprained her ankle. Peter pulled out a seat for Pen as she took a plate from the Kitchen. Pen swallowed her unfathomable ire and ate her food. ''Is everything alright Penelope?'' Fredrick asked with his brow knitted in curiosity. Pen was hesitant and quickly thought of the previous ordeal. "I'm gonna fucking tell him. Fuck this dude!'' Pen constantly uttered in her head. Pen stood up furiously and started. "Dad, I have something I need to tell you.'' Peter quickly glanced in Pen's direction with a threatening eye. Pen did not hesitate and was like. ''Dad, I have something to tell you concerning uncle Peter!'' He was seen moving uncomfortably in his chair ready to pounce at her at any moment. "He has been ..h….he…has been doing things to me…..Things I don't like…he...he ..has b…been touching me. ''Pen couldn't hold her tears longer. She broke down there and then as her dad furiously got up. He held uncle Peter by the neck and within seconds, he was in the air. This escalated toa slap to his face. His cheeks turned read as he begged for mercy. Fredrick took a spoon from the table and impaled it at the back of his head where it developed a huge bump. ''Pack your things and get out of my house you disgusting creature. ''He muttered anger seething in his tone. Fredrick went straight to his daughter and consoled her. This man had really done a number on Pen and this resulted to Fredrick finally understanding her limping. He constantly asked her if she was doing okay. I mean, what kind of question was that. She was in shambles. No form of therapy could console this poor little soul. Peter came from upstairs dragging his belongings headed to the door. He constantly pleaded with Fredrick but all he received were looks of disgust and the likes. Aiden casually unbothered by the activities of the house, opened for a tall slender girl. She was in his class a while back. No one in the house, not even his father really asked about her. Fredrick had warned Aiden on getting girls pregnant and always threatened him on the same. Peter's life was in shambles. I mean, this was the only place he could call home after his life took a twist. Before losing his family, he was a very promising prospect. In primary and secondary school, he used to be thte top of his class up until he enrolled in the University. He was introduced to some vigilante type of gang that did all types of wrong. I'm talking weed, alcohol, cigarettes and the likes. At first, Peter's self drive and determination in life did not allow him to succumb to such but eventually, they penetrated him and his life started going down. His parents slowly noticed as every time he came home for the long holidays, he never really stayed home. Always came back reeking of alcohol. This often became very worrying for the parents. There was a time his mother went up to his room to do his laundry and came across some bhang and cocaine. At first, this came as a shock considering his exemplary behaviour ever since she was a kid. When his mom brought up the topic, Peter had an anger outburst and got into a physical fight with his mother. This really affected their relationship. When his mother informed his father, he was furious beyond words. He constantly whipped Peter for his unacceptable behaviour and one time, made a decision with his mother to take him to a correction centre all the way up towards the North. Little did they know what would befall them. His father did not clearly see a road block and before he knew it, they all collided with it as the car overturned taking the lifes of both his parents. Peter always blamed this on himself. Always asking himself, what if he did not start drugs. He then and there vowed never to take drugs. With the help of Fredrick, his older brother, he was enrolled in a rehabilitation programme that really changed him but his most recent flaw did not depart. This caused him misery at a time in his life he did not expect. He roamed the streets hopeless, helpless and just…. He literally had no one to go to and was now destined to fall. The Preston household went about with their lives as usual. Pen was taken to rehab to heal. Aiden left to do whatever the hell he does. Fredrick could still not believe this.