
The Dungeon Monitor

Oh? Another lone wanderer amongst the wastes? Come then friend, sit by the fire and warm thyself. What's that traveller? You ask of my tale? Well, I would not say that my tale is spectacular, but I would recount it to the best of my voice. I served alongside many of my kin, with the insignia of death baring bright menacing on my chestpiece, we were kin in both blood and battle, serving under the banner of a grand lord. He taught us of doubt, of reasoning, of the hatred of the divine. He taught us that should something ever happen to him, that we must not seek what occurred. I jest! He did not speak of the last, he simply groans and lives as he pleases. But he made sure we hated the divine, after all, they birthed us imperfect, but for what reason you ask? I know not myself fellow wanderer, but we banded together under mechanical and physical strength and won! Glorious is it not? Aye, our lord had taught us well, and we shed our roots for the sanctity of greater pastures. He led us, and I don't truly believe that he'd left us, but those are but ramblings of mine friend. Ah, you're leaving so soon? Are you not comforted by the tales and flame? I understand, what was buried should stay buried, but this one was never buried. This tale, is of a master that needed to have flesh, one that both embraced it and chose to it be disgraced. This is the tale, of what he would call himself to be, a "Monitor". ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good day to you all! This is my first book that I've decided to write that isn't a fanfic. Rest assured this is going to be a learning experience for both you and me. I hope you enjoy and I'll be fine with constructive criticism that is valid, if you spam those " good good good good" stuff, I will delete them. This is the second addition to this work. It will be dark, just like TMT, BUT I will not hold back any bars. The deepest and darkest recesses of both yours and my minds will be bare open for keeping this work dark as hell. We will rip asunder a world bit by bit by bit. Perhaps we may even become desensitized to the madness. (A note, I have no fully decided on an upload schedule, and you shouldn't listen to the note on the second chapter(whenever it may come out) and yes, I will somewhat make the chapters longer, but my main focus is my fic for the time being. So yeah) (Newer Note! It's gonna be a weekly upload, so don't worry. Also I don't really have plans for a ko-fi or anything yet, and I will not put this work in a paywall, it doesn't deserve that, it's not exactly great.)

AntiLoliLewding · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Announcement For This Book

Hey there guys, so, I know what I've promised about writing this book, that I would do my best to actually write an original, and that I would spend an entire year on it. Well, truth be told, I'm starting to feel a little burnt out with it.

I know, I know, barely anybody read this story in the first place, and most of you came from The Meme Train, so it is with a bittersweet heart, that I announce that The Dungeon Monitor will also be undergoing an indefinite hiatus, and that The Meme Train will finally be leaving the station once again.

I've been sick this December for a really long while, so yeah, it gave me clarity that this book stopped giving me the joy of exploration a long time ago, and that I kept yearning for my fic over and over and over again. So much fiction that I've read, and so many thoughts about how Frank would have done some of the most God awful things in them.

Needless to say, we're returning to form. Unhinged, possibly sleep-deprived, and full on coked out form. So yeah, I will also be changing the update schedule to be more similar to TDM, since I can't really keep up with 2K words every other day anymore.

My eyesight would kill me, and so will my family. So yeah, I hope you guys are happy with it's return, and I'll see you guys in like, a couple months? Who knows?