
The Dungeon Master of Lust

Gina was a fairly ordinary person, no goals, no life, no sex life. On her thirty-fifth birthday she decided that enough was enough and went into the dating scene again to find someone to love. The only issue was that her best date sacrificed her in a demonic ritual leaving her as just a ghost, or so she thought. Author's note: I plan to update this twice a week, usually on Friday and Saturday if I can, but if I have a nice bit of inspiration, I might do an extra chapter on Sunday. Besides that, I'm not fully sure what the story will fully be about so expect the tags to change as the story progresses to properly show what is currently happening rather than what I originally planned.

Knucle · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Testing her new body. (R-18)

For what felt like a week she deliberated on the five options, "Doctor, I've decided to go with the Hyena-kin, the others are nice, but it just seems perfect for me."

Removing the other options on the sphere, Dr.Willow stepped away with a large grin on her face," Wonderful choice, now do you have any customization you want to do?"

"What can I customize?" Gina remembered the doctor mentioned that before, but she never explained what the

Tapping away suddenly the body was suddenly separated into dozens of unique parts, "Anything really, we'll start at the body shape. You can add more muscles, increase your height more, or just change it to be almost fully animalistic." She messed with the orb showing Gina each of the examples she mentioned, with the last form gaining a dog face, full body fur, and even paw pads on the hands and feet.

"I'll go with just the one you showed me earlier, that's all a bit much to me."

"Fair, the orb tries to get an accurate reading on the base form, but it has trouble with the smaller decisions which is why we're going through this." she went back to the sphere removing the different examples, "What about your ears? You can keep both types, but some are a bit disoriented from that. You could also just go with the Hyena ears."

"Just the animal ears." From there the doctor went patiently through each and every section, allowing her to change anything she wanted, from her new fur's color and pattern, how far her claws might grow, even if she had a tail or not. 

She ended up keeping almost everything the same, with only small tweaks if she did decide to change something, like adding retractable claws for an easier time handling items, there was only one major change she made. 

It was a scent gland, personally recommended by the doctor, it produced a unique scent and enabled her to mark items with that scent, either through bites or other 'physical' activities. With her new sense of smell, it would make finding her partners easier if they were within a few miles of her. The doctor also put forward another extra add-on to the scent gland, having it contain addictive properties that when injected would leave the person wanting more as time went on. 

When they were finally done hours had passed and while Gina was getting tired, the doctor only seemed to be getting impatient, constantly sneaking glances at Gina, though not hiding it well.

She didn't bother asking the doctor why she was constantly leering at her, it would just lead to awkward conversations, better to not drag herself into one. With a slight huff the doctor finished up, stepping away from the orb and facing Gina, "Is there anything else you want to change? This is your last chance."

Looking over the image of her new body she didn't have anything to mention, even though it was herself she would have no problem being pounded down by the beauty before her, "I'm good."

 "Perfect, now if you could please watch my hands." The doctor held her hands out in front of her, doing a small snap with her hands before stepping back, "There what do you think?"

Gina was confused, all the doctor had done was snap her fingers, "What do I think about what?"

Dr.Willow laughed, "Your new body silly, I just finished the procedure." 

Looking down Dr.Willow was actually speaking the truth. No longer was she stuck in a ghostly form instead she was the exact same image as the simulated one, gone was the slight flab she had replaced by a nicely toned body, her spotted tail swished back and forth behind her while atop her head she now had two cute hyena ears with her old ones gone. She was a bit upset that the doctor hadn't warned her, "You could have warned me."

Dr.Willow just laughed, "Sorry Ms. Lier, but a few awakened start to panic when I say I'll perform the procedure, it's always just easier to make them fall unconscious with a spell." Right out of thin air a notepad suddenly appeared in the doctor's hands, "Now we've got to run some tests, got to make sure I did this right and everything about you is working correctly and properly, that okay with you?"

It would be stupid to just leave without making sure her new body is functioning, "Of course doctor let's begin." 

Starting from basic physical activities like running, jumping, and her new flexibility they moved through all the different parts of her body, ensuring each worked as intended. The most interesting part was her new senses, she could hear whispers clear as day from across the room, even slight smells like chocolate were now stunningly clear to her, and her eyes glowed slightly in the dark light cat's eyes. Each of these results was noted down by the doctor, though she was getting increasingly impatient as they went through their tests, her wings getting slight flutters of annoyance whenever they moved onto the next test. 

After testing her claws, Dr.Willow grew a large, excited grin noting down the results rapidly before sharply turning towards Gina, "Perfect, now Ms. Lier if you could undress, and sit on the bed we'll begin the last test." One of the numerous items she had pulled out of nowhere for the testing.

Repeatedly flexing and unflexing her new claws it took a moment for Gina to realize what she had asked, "Wait you want me to undress doctor?"

Another slight flutter of annoyance, she answered, "Yes, undress! I need to make sure that everything is working, including your new member." Unconsciously the doctor licked her lips, and while she certainly didn't notice Gina did.

Everything clicked now, why she was getting so impatient and annoyed as they went through the tests, and her constant glances at Gina's body, she knew what was coming and was desperately looking forward to it and looking over the doctor she had to agree.

Dr. Quinn Willow was an adorable fairy lady. She was incredibly short, barely reaching her belly button, but she made up for it with her other assets, a large chest and ass that easily beat out Gina's former size. They were pure pillows of wonder and while Gina had tried her best to not look at them jiggly whenever the doctor stepped it was hard to avoid it. Her smooth blue hair complemented her butterfly wings perfectly, with a neat pin nose, full pink lips, and captivating blue eyes.

"Well, what are you waiting for? We don't have all day." In her thoughts of the doctor's beauty, she had been too absent to notice that the doctor had already begun undressing, revealing blue lace underwear that kept her ass and breasts in place, as well as shapely thighs and a slight plump stomach that had those perfect love handles Gina liked to see in shorter women. 

Without even another second of hesitation she ripped off her burnt dress, revealing her small breasts and newly acquired package, already starting to harden, slight small drips of anticipation leaking from the chocolate tip.

She sat down on the edge of the bed, leaving her knees open for the doctor, who was slowly walking towards her, hunger in her eyes as her hips swayed hypnotically as she approached. Kneeling down between her patient's legs she took in a deep breath, all of the testing had left Gina slightly sweating and the salty smell mixed with the scent gland's lavender scent was intoxicating to Quinn. 

Gina meanwhile was struggling not to grab the doctor's head and force it down her length. She was incredibly aroused, more than she had ever been in her life and just the doctor's hot breath already sent shivers down her spine.

Taking one last sniff, Quinn pulled back, staring directly into Gina's eyes and asking in a sultry voice, "Are you ready to begin Ms. Lier?"

"Yes, I'm ready DoctAhh!" Not even letting her finish, the doctor started her work giving a long lick up and down the length of Gina's shaft before lapping up her tip, tasting her precum. Switching to light pecks she reached down with her delicate hands to cup her patient's new furry balls, feeling the weight behind them and took a moment to bury her face in them to take another long sniff. 

"Doctor, please slow down." She gave no reprieve for Gina, giving constant kisses and licks along her shaft, staining hot leaking chocolate bar in her pink lip-gloss.

With heavy and hot breathing, she pulled back, letting it rest against her face as she started stroking it, her small hands not able to wrap around the entirety of her shaft, "How does it feel? Does it feel good?" 

"It feels amazing, but would you please just give me a moment to just catch my breAthh!" Interrupting her again Quinn took almost the entirety of Gina's length completely in her throat with a single dive, stopping only at Gina's knot.

It was perfect for Gina, while she normally liked to lead, the sensitivity of her new member was too much for her. Quinn was also far too good at finding each of Gina's new weak points, from giving her balls light and small squeezes to lapping at the underside as she moved her lips along her patient's length. Quickly, Gina felt her release building within her, and even with all her strength holding it back she was already at the edge, "Doctor, I'm close, I'm going to cum soon."

Hearing that, instead of slowing down Quinn only increased her efforts, rapidly working her lips up and down Gina's length, even though she was gagging at the girth of it and couldn't get past the knot. It was too much for her patient, and she grabbed the doctor's head, forcing it to go along her length faster, "I'm about to burst!"

The moment her head was grabbed the doctor snapped her fingers, magical chains appearing from nowhere and wrapping around Gina's arms binding her in place, at the same time she sent magic through her fingers and into the futa's furry balls inscribing a rune that locked away the victim's release. 

"What- What's the meaning of this! Is this another ritual?" She had just been about to burst, sure she had been a bit rough with the doctor, but that was no point to block off both her hands and her release.

Pulling herself off and giving one final lick to the tip as she answered her accusation, "You're far too quick of a shot, we'll need more time to get proper results, so until I finish examining you fully, you'll be stuck there." 

It was near maddening to Gina, all of the new pleasure constantly coursing through her, that new release that would have been oh so sweet, only for it all to be prevented by that busty fairy, "You Bitch! When I get out of here, I'll-"

Giving repeated tsks the doctor interrupted her, "Now that's no reason to act like that, you were the one that took it too far, now let's continue." Unclasping her bra, the doctor wrapped her bosom around the captured snake, working it up and down the length in a tantalizing display, rapidly increasing in speed as she suckled the tip, leaking massive amounts of pre-cum even with the rune lock on it. 

For almost an hour that went on and each minute was hell for Gina, the doctor working her magic in dozens of unique and amazing ways while the pleasure only built, she shook in rage testing her strength against the chains trying her damndest to break them only to fail each and every time.

After going through her full repertoire of skills, she backed off, letting the raging dick slam against her victim's chest, "I think that wraps up the tests, I can unchain, but where's the fun in that." 

Getting only a tremendous glare in response, the doctor only let out an even wider smile happy at her patient's suffering, "You know, I could let you cum, just uncork that firehose and let it fly. All you need to do is beg me for it." 

The degradation was too much for Gina, it infuriated her to the point that something snapped, using everything she had the chains broke away, fading into nothingness in a brilliant fashion.

Shock plastered the doctor's face, she raised her hands to try and recreate the chains, but it was too late, in less than a second her hands were already caught. 

Dragging her atop the bed, Gina sat on the fairy's chest to prevent the squirming brat from fleeing. Forcing her hands together she freed up one of her own and pinched at the fairy's nipples, pulling them both up having the trickster's tits sandwich her dick in their warm embrace. She jerked back and forth, pumping away for a few small seconds before letting out an enormous load over the fairy's face, coating it in her cream and leaving her blinded and gasping for air. 

Taking advantage of the doctor's weakness she flipped her around, putting her to her knees and forcefully arching her back. It was tough work placing her along the doctor's slit with the use of one hand, but she made it work, giving a quick slap before getting into position.

Surprisingly the doctor was already wet, lucky for her as Gina hadn't planned on giving any preparation to this trickster. Without any need for words, she slammed forward, ripping the doctor's lingerie as almost her entire length went into the small doctor, only stopping at the knot as they both moaned in pleasure.

She was incredibly tight, so much so that it was almost painful, and even though they had just begun Gina could feel the doctor working her pussy around her shaft, tightening around it to provide a more pleasurable experience.

Even with the additional pleasure, Gina gave no mercy to her new toy. Immediately pounding in and out of her without break, watching as the fairy's ass jiggled playfully with each and every thrust, begging her to slap that juicy rear to which she gladly did. Enjoying it as with each slap the doctor's wings automatically fluttered, showing just how pleasurable it was to her even as she tried holding back her moans. 

During one of her poundings the doctor let out a particularly loud moan, one that forcefully escaped her lips, and Gina's mouth instantly crept up in a deathly smile. She had found her g-spot. She started bullying it, rubbing relentlessly even as the doctor started begging for her mercy, "Please, Ms. Lier!" She was interrupted by her own moans, "Have mercy!"

The pleas only added to her rage, there was no mercy for her, why should she be so forgiving? Thrusting forward she could feel the welcoming hole right at her knot, instead of pulling back she pushed forward using her might to fully fill the doctor. With a loud pop she was finally in and she dug in, doing small, quick strokes to increase her pleasure as the doctor's mouth hung open, her tongue sticking out as she let out a voiceless moan.

That was only her first step though, as she opened her jaw and grew closer to the fairy's neck, ready to take a bite and inject her scent, forcing that addictive substance right through the doctor. She thought it was ironic that the doctor was about to be brought down by the very thing she recommended, it was at that moment when it hit her. 

Gina stopped completely in her tracks and letting the doctor's hands go, allowing her to drop to the bed in shock, "What? What are you doing? Finish this!" Before gasping at her slip of the tongue.

Gina laughed, letting out a hearty chuckle as she stared down at the perverted doctor, "You wanted this to happen. You wanted me to force you down and take you without a choice." Dr. Willow balked, she was rapidly thinking of coming up with the right words to say, but it was too late, "No wonder I broke your magic so suddenly, you released it all to let this situation happen. I mean really. Suggesting the addictive addiction to the musk, binding and teasing me so long only for the chains to break so suddenly, I should have seen this instantly." 

"T-That's not true." Quinn shook her head in denial, but it was obvious to the both of them that Gina was completely right.

Gina leaned forward practically whispering in the doctor's ear, "Don't lie, I don't like lies. Now we can do this my way or your way, I'll pull out, leave you wet, aroused, pussy just begging for more never to be fucked by me again, or you can beg me. Beg me to punish you, break you for your trick and make you a permanent hole for my arousal, the choice is yours doctor, not mine." 

The doctor swallowed the lump forming in her throat, she had always fantasized about being forcefully broken by some muscular hunk before being left to suffer, but this humiliated herself to become a permanent toy. It was so much more arousing, "Please Gin-"

Interrupting her with a slight nip on the ear Gina spoke again, "Mistress, if you refer to me as anything else the deal's off."

The heat was unbearable for the fairy, "Please Mistress. I beg you, make me a toy that can do nothing, but be a convenient hole for you to dump your load. Humiliate me in whatever way you desire and punish me for my stupidity to think I could ever best you!" 

Gina smiled, "Glady!" Pushing down the fairy's head, she started back up, thrusting without mercy into her soon to be permanent toy's ass, giving out harsh spanks that let out loud cracks with each slap. Leaning forward she opened her jaw again, putting the fairy's throat around her mouth before gently biting down, injecting a constant stream of musk into her neck. It was too much for the poor fairy as her eyes rolled back into her head, letting out the largest scream she had made while riding through the hardest orgasm she had ever gotten. 

Releasing from both her upper and lower heads she had doused the doctor with her lavender scent, but there was still work to do, she let that damn break inside of her and began pumping shot after shot into the fairy's womb, crushing the doctor into the bed with her weight as she continued for minutes on end, filling her to completion as she continued to pound into her, her new toy only able to moan as she orgasmed with each pump. 

With a loud pop she pulled out of the doctor, Gina admiring her handiwork at her first of many concubines, a completely wrecked fairy, pounding into near oblivion still twitching in constant orgasmic spurts as she leaked her mistress's hot load from her gaping pussy. A perfect start to her new life.