
Power system

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I will update this page as the novel progresses.

Though, ngl bro, this chapter is basically useless.


Systemless Hunter:

*Don't have systems to help them. Are not chosen by the systems.

*They awaken through training and effort. Ex: A Systemless hunter whose a swordsman, became one solely through training with the sword.

* Though unlikely, it is possible for them to have more than one class since they don't have a system to restrict them.

*Are considered weak since they don't have systems to help them.

*All hunters were systemless before the dungeons and systems appeared.

*Don't have limited potential since no system.

*Their power can't be accurately measured since they don't have a status window.

*Don't need to do quests for XP.

*Don't get penalties for failing quests because they don't have systems to give them quests.

* Most resources that could help systemless hunters advance mysteriously vanished around the same time the systems appeared.

*Can not enter dungeons. (Unless, of course, they have a fake system hehe.)

System Hunter:

*No one calls them system hunters. They are just called 'hunters' because they are the norm and unless specified that they are systemless people will assume they have a system.

* A hunter who has a system that helps him.

*Can either awaken by being chosen by a system at random, or drinking a drug called elixis.

*According to the empire's scholars, F-rank is the lowest and S-rank is the highest.

*Elixis has a naturally high chance of working unless someone's circumstances deem otherwise.

*People's eyes turn yellow when they have Elixis in their body.

*Elixis is NOT EATEN. It penetrates the body through the skin.

*Elixis has a unique gold color that can't be hidden.

*Elixinot is eaten or drunk.

*Elixinot cancels Elixis and can prevent someone from ever getting a system. It has a half-life of four hours and is only harmful when mixed with Elixis. (Aka Elixinot must be eaten less than four hours before Elixis)

*Elixinot cannot take away someone's system. Only prevents.

* They Cant reproduce with someone of a different class(supposedly).

(Ex: swordsman x swordsman = ✅

but swordsman x mage = ❌)

*They Grow by doing quests

*According to scholars, they cant have two classes meaning a swordsman can only be a swordsman not a mage.

*Classes are inherited. If you're dad/mom is a swordsman you will be one too.

*If you're dad/mom has an B-Rank system You will likely be a C-rank, B-Rank or A-rank. Within the same ranks.

*Have skill cards. Such as Duke Blackwood's lie detection skill or the emperor's status window skill.

!Read to chapter 10!

[Spoilers below]


Karavan's eyes:

* Currently In the form of a ring that Cas wears.

*Is more complicated and powerful than it looks.

* Karavan says he can control everything that happens inside the realm of this artifact.

*Initially, the realm looked low-key like the TV isle in a shopping mall cuz of all the floating screens, but then Karavan made it look like a garden so he and Cassius could discuss business.

*Apparently, part of the reason why Cassius can have a fake system.

* Karavan says he can make Cassius the most powerful man in the world with the help of this artifact.

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