

"One more please."

"Two more. Sis, I want another too."

"Ok, three more please."

"Three more?"

"Yes, look at Irina."

Irina hadn't stopped reading since long ago. I passed her the cake and she just ate without noticing. I looked at her delighted eyes when eating but she kept munching without being distracted from the book. Goodness! What is that damn book to make her unfocus from seeing this amazing piece of human creation? The cake that was served to us was certainly extremely delicious.

I thought no other cake could compete with this one when another aroma came to my nose, it was chocolate, an amazing kind of chocolate truffle cake. Oh my God! Simply marvelous!

"Would you like anything else, Miss Lucia?"

The cute attendant came at the right time.

"Yes, please, is there a chocolate cake?"

"Yes, we have a great variety. Which one would you like?"

"Mmm, it is a cake of truffle chocolate… It smells delicious."

The little attendant was stunned. Why is that?

"Miss, our truffle cake is about to come out. Would you like to wait a bit?"

"Yes of course."

She walked away from our table a few steps but I could hear her murmuring. "What a weird Miss. How could she smell the cakes? They are not on display right now."

Humph, I am not weird, just special.


From the upper floor, a man was looking intently at the three gluttons surrounded with clean plates and many attendants carrying out the empty dishes.

"Hehe, what a funny woman?"

He kept looking at the woman in black clothes and beautiful face wiping her mouth with such delicacy and elegance that no one would think that she almost devoured an entire cake on her own.


The old butler Hughes was the new manager of the store was also looking at the people below. It would be little to say that he was stunned. He was in utter shock.

The three of the people below had attracted the attention of the few people inside the shop instantly from the moment they crossed the entrance.

At first, they had outstanding appearances. The woman with the book was in maid clothes with reddish hair arranged in a tall bun, her lovely eyes were bright green shining with intelligence even though she looked very young. However, she had a cute face and a gentle bearing. She was a beautiful woman, even more than any noble girl from the Capital.

The little boy, on the other hand, had blonde hair and amazing golden eyes. He looked very proper and smart. His cuteness attracted every single woman from the shop. It would be difficult to count how many girls had passed the entrance and became instant fans of the boy.

However, the extremely outstanding one was the woman wearing a black dress. Her eyes were tinted in golden color and her lips were stunning red. Her skin was pale white and seemed soft as velvet that her smooth and delicate black hair didn't stop highlighting. It was perfect. One could stop breathing for a second just watching at her. The woman's figure, face, and imposing and mischievous temperament were simply perfect.

"Master Lucas, are you interested in those three?

"James, send them the specialty, the golden cake."

"Yes, Master."

The old man was amazed. This was the first time his master was interested in other people. Other than cooking and testing new enchantments.

After all, Lucas Eylos was the great Wizard of the Kingdom of Eylos. He had been traveling from long ago and established the Deli Shop around the continent to alleviate his hobby and find new tastes and raw products for his receipts and research.


"Miss Lucia, on behalf of the manager of the shop, we present you our specialty and best cake of the house. The Golden Cake. It is very famous around the nobility in this country."


"Yes, Miss?"

"This is different, it doesn't smell like the rest. Is there any like the others?"

"Miss? I am sorry, I don't understand."

"It is difficult to describe, the others had a very different smell, were they done by the same person. It is a kind of a special touch."

"Miss… I…"

I heard a few claps came from the floor above and a young man with glasses and a refreshing smile looked at us with interest. I knew he was looking at us from some time before, but the rest of the customers were also doing the same.


The little attendant made a slight bow. Oh, so he is the owner. Wait… he smells so sweet.

"Miss, I felt you have an outstanding taste."

"Mm, you smell like cake."


Sorry, I had to tell him. His smell was sweet, I bet his blood is the same. My fangs won't deteriorate if I bite him, right? Should I test my theory?

** **

From the door of the Queen's study, a knock could be heard. It was Sir Thomas but his face looked a bit stunned.

"What is it, Thomas?" Miriam could see the shock on his face. He had never shown that face before, if not for a serious matter or something else.

"Your Majesty, the Duke of Lyon is waiting outside."

"Lyon? Let him in quickly."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Duke of Docrem was the most respected man in the whole Kingdom after he subdued the former King. When the Queen was crowned with the support of her brother, a big banquet that lasted a week was held in his honor. However, no one was able to see him after that. He only stayed one night for the banquet and left immediately. Only his knights knew the reason. Some of them followed him, the others traveled around the town and cities looking for someone.

The Queen ordered his return as she was extremely concerned, but he never gave her a definite answer. The only way of making him come back was the news of master Killian's illness. But he left no longer after.


The Queen was stunned by his appearance. He looked completely changed. The last time she spoke to him, he was gloomy and indifferent, his thoughts were lost somewhere else, but he was strong and healthy.

Only after several inquiries with his knights, especially Sir Elton, the blabbermouth, she discovered the death of his fiancée, the woman her elder brother, the last King imposed on him as a transaction for lands in Crotia. She never thought that the woman would be able to capture his heart.

She knew her brother was a man that would be completely loyal to his dearest ones. He would choose a life alone and never look at any woman again in his life if he found the right one. So, when Elton told her about the death of the woman, she also felt so much pain for her brother. She knew he decided to live a life of solitude to morn for his lady than to look for another.

However, she decided to help him, if only to let him forget and recover, but he was hard to crack. No one of her candidates entered his eyes.

Then some news came that Princess Rebecca of Crotia was very close to the Duke and the most likely to win his heart and cure his loneliness.

"Lyon, are you alright? You look pale."

"Yes Miriam, it's only a passing condition."

However, something was different. She could feel it as she has half of the seal. But looking at his warm and lit expression, she could only let it pass for now. He stayed silent for a long time looking at the cakes and pastries that were being served.

'I must bring some of these to her, she would like that. She may even reward me.' His expression was of delight and happiness, now she knew why Sir Thomas was so shocked. It was a bit scary seeing him that way. Usually, when he smiles, someone is about to get a misfortunate death.


"Yes… *cough*… sorry."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, of course, it's all wonderful. I want to talk about something with you."

"Mmm?" This is quite rare for him.

"I am getting married. I found my wife." He smiled tenderly.

Next chapter