1 Hana Qartal

Haaah... agggghhhhhhhh...

The night air taunted Hana with its merciless chill, as if mocking her desperate gasps for air. Panic tightened its icy grip around her chest, urging her to draw in the life-giving breaths that eluded her grasp.

...Aaa... breath, Hana... breath...

Her fingers trembled as they fumbled with the now-empty inhaler, a cruel betrayal in the face of her dire need. 

How could it be empty? She had purchased it barely a night ago, a beacon of hope now extinguished in the darkness.

...What is happening...

Doubt and fear clawed at her mind, drowning out the sound of her own racing heartbeat. Each futile attempt to inhale felt like a suffocating plunge into the unknown, the world around her spinning into a disorienting whirl.

...How come the inhaler is empty...

The question echoed in the silent void of the deserted road, unanswered and haunting.

 The once-reliable device, now a hollow shell, offered no solace, leaving Hana adrift in a sea of desperation and confusion.

...I only bought it last night.

The bitter taste of betrayal lingered on her lips, a bitter reminder of the cruel twist of fate that had left her gasping for air.

Her surroundings blurred into a disorienting haze as Hana's vision betrayed her. Panic surged through her veins like a relentless tide, urging her to act swiftly.

 With a determined haste, she flung her bag to the ground, a muffled thud against the unforgiving pavement.

It wasn't the first time this suffocating darkness had threatened to consume her.

 The memory of a near-fatal encounter flashed before her eyes, a stark reminder of the stakes at hand. In that desperate moment, her coworkers had been her saviors, rushing her to the hospital just in time.

Now, the emptiness around her echoed with the urgency of her struggle. Alone and with no one to rely on, Hana knew she had to fend for herself. 

The seconds ticking away felt like an eternity, and she couldn't afford to hesitate.

Fingers trembling, she delved into the recesses of her bag, a clandestine corner where she had stashed an extra inhaler for emergencies. 

The touch of its familiar shape against her fingertips brought a surge of relief. 

In one swift motion, she retrieved the lifeline, the cold metal meeting her palm like a promise of salvation.

Hana's resolve solidified. With the renewed inhaler clenched in her hand.

As Hana's fingers clutched the inhaler, an unforeseen weakness invaded her limbs.

The strength drained from her muscles, leaving her powerless..

Before she could bring the lifeline to her lips, an abrupt collapse seized her. The pavement met her with an unforgiving embrace as her body crumpled, the inhaler slipping from her grasp. 

In the midst of her uncontrolled descent, Hana's attempts to open her eyes proved futile.

The metallic clatter of the fallen inhaler echoed in the stillness, its mocking sound amplifying Hana's rising fear. 

The cold pavement pressed against her cheek as her body lay sprawled, and the weight of impending doom hung heavy in the air.

"Am I going to die?" The whispered question lingered, unanswered, in the desolate night.

 Panic and uncertainty gripped her, amplifying the already oppressive darkness that surrounded her.

The inhaler lay just beyond her reach. 

Hana sensed hurried footsteps approaching. The seconds ticked by with agonizing slowness until a pair of hands enveloped her from behind. 

A sudden rush of metallic taste brushed against her lips, jolting her senses.

"Breath... breath," a voice urged, the words laced with urgency. The familiarity of the voice teased at the edges of her consciousness, but in her weakened state, recognizing the speaker proved elusive. 

All she could discern was the forcefulness of the person beside her.

With each forceful intervention, the mysterious figure labored to coax air back into Hana's constricted lungs. 

The rhythmic exchange between breath and resistance continued until a semblance of normalcy returned to her breathing. 

The weight that had pressed on her chest began to lift, but an enigmatic fog still clouded her senses.

Yet, as the panic of asphyxiation subsided, another obstacle emerged—she couldn't muster the strength to open her eyes. 

It wasn't solely the aftermath of the asthma attack; the fatigue from a day's labor weighed heavily on her, casting a shadow over her consciousness.

In the cocoon of those strong arms, Hana felt herself being carried. The gentle, measured steps resonated with a quiet reassurance, creating a paradoxical sense of calm.


As Hana's eyes fluttered open, she found herself in the familiar yet disquieting surroundings of her home—the apartment she shared now with her father and malevolent stepmother. 

Blinking away the remnants of confusion, she sat up abruptly, scanning the room with a mix of apprehension and relief.

The space was cluttered with boxes and belongings that didn't belong to her. 

A stark reminder of her stepbrother's intrusion, these unwelcome additions filled the room.

Despite the unpleasant sight, a profound sense of relief washed over her. 

The knowledge that she was back in the safety of her own space, away from the haunting night, prompted a sigh of reassurance.

As Hana's mind struggled to untangle the web of confusion that clouded her memory, her thoughts fixated on a singular, pressing question: How had the inhaler been emptied last night?

She couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that there was more to the story than mere coincidence.

"Is it too far to be a coincidence? Is she doing this intentionally? Is she trying to kill me now?no …this is impossible"

Doubt and fear coiled within her as Hana's mind raced through the labyrinth of possibilities.

The intrusive sound of her stepmother's voice pierced the uneasy quiet of the room, jolting Hana from her tumultuous thoughts.

"Hana... Hana …wake up... you are late."

The words, delivered with a sharp edge of disapproval, reverberated through the air, a stark reminder of the oppressive presence that loomed beyond her closed door.

Hana's heart clenched with a mixture of dread and defiance as she braced herself for the inevitable confrontation that awaited her. 

The mere sound of her stepmother's voice stirred a tempest of emotions within her—resentment, fear, and a simmering anger that threatened to boil over.

With a heavy sigh, Hana pushed herself to her feet, steeling herself for the challenges that lay ahead. 

Hana sought solace in the bathroom. As she splashed water onto her face, the reflection in the mirror stared back at her, a familiar yet discontented image.

Hana's gaze met her own reflection, and she sighed—a ritual of dissatisfaction that had become a part of her morning routine. 

Despite being objectively attractive, she carried an invisible burden of self-critique. Her short, dark hair framed a face adorned with dark eyes, features that, by societal standards, should have been embraced. 

Yet, the mirror reflected not only physical appearance but also the weight of inner struggles and the unseen battles that raged within her.

After that,Hana hurriedly entered the kitchen, driven by a desire to assist her stepmother, only to be met with a sight that sent shockwaves through her.

There, seated with a disconcerting ease, was Aiden Ryde—her stepbrother and the person she harbored the deepest resentment toward.

 His military-built frame seemed to dominate the space, the chair strained beneath the weight of his presence, his golden hair with a military cut looked like always.

The terse atmosphere in the kitchen was shattered by the sharp exclamation of Hana's stepmother.


The single word carried a weight of impatience and displeasure

Aiden, seated with an air of casual indifference, finally turned his attention towards Hana. 

His piercing gaze, devoid of warmth or empathy, bore into her with a coldness that sent a shiver down her spine.

 As he sipped his dark coffee, his blue eyes seemed to lack any semblance of a soul, projecting an emptiness that made their gaze all the more unsettling.

Despite the absence, Aiden's refusal to utter even a simple greeting spoke volumes. The chasm of resentment between them seemed to widen with every passing moment.

Months had passed since they last crossed paths, yet the reunion was devoid of the customary pleasantries. 

It was not merely a lack of civility; it was a stark illustration of the dysfunction that defined their familial relationship.

The unexpected shift in her stepmother's demeanor left Hana puzzled.

"Hana ….come here , " Kaya said.

 The usual tone of disdain was replaced by an uncharacteristic attempt at kindness. A real breakfast, a departure from the norm, was placed before her.

"Here, sit, eat, and go to your shift," her stepmother instructed, the words carrying an unspoken tension beneath the surface. 

Hana hesitated for a moment, the unusual display of consideration triggering skepticism. 

Nevertheless, she complied, seating herself reluctantly at the table, directly across from Aiden.

" A cake !" Hana wondered.

Hana's thoughts turned to the unexpected presence of a cake before her. 

A rare indulgence, she pondered when was the last time she had enjoyed such a treat. 

The idea brought a genuine smile to her face, a brief respite from the tension that usually permeated her home.

As she began to eat the piece of cake, the sweetness and texture offered a momentary escape from the complexities of her life.

However, as the last morsel slid down her throat, an unsettling sensation began to wash over her. 

It started as a subtle discomfort, a gnawing unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. 

Confusion furrowed her brow as the joy of the moment transformed into a growing sense of apprehension.

A sudden wave of dizziness enveloped her, and the room seemed to spin.

 Panic flickered in her eyes as an invisible force constricted her chest, making each breath a struggle. 

The taste of sweetness turned bitter, and the once-enjoyable experience became a descent into a surreal nightmare.

"Another …attack !" she wondered .

Hana clutched at the edge of the table, her knuckles turning white. Fear and confusion mingled in her eyes as she gasped for breath. 

The world around her blurred, and a cold sweat broke across her forehead. In that harrowing moment, she felt a profound sense of vulnerability and helplessness.

Her voice, barely a whisper, faltered as she attempted to voice the inexplicable torment seizing her.

"Wh-what... What's happening?" she managed to stammer, the words escaping her trembling lips in gasps.

She looked ahead…for a second , she thought she saw something …something that made her think that she was hallucinating …

Aiden' s face had a look …a weird look .

As Hana teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, the room spinning and the ground swaying beneath her, a distant and muffled voice pierced through the haze. 

Struggling to discern the words, she strained to focus on the unexpected interjection.

"What did you do to her, mother!"

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