

Bastard of House Blackburn, Duke Blackbrun's mistake, good-for-nothing, rouge, villain, trash. That is what I was called by the nobles and people around me throughout my life. My step-sisters and their mother bullied me day and night while the duke ignored everything related to me. Even when I wanted to take revenge, I could do nothing to stop them because I had no power. The most I could do to take my anger out was blackmail the servants, visit merchant shops and brothels then leave without paying. Just so I can damage the Blackburn name. I wanted to get kicked out of the Blackburn house but the duke did no such thing. That was how I was wasting away my life when a mysterious opportunity came. An opportunity that would make me commit despicable acts and will probably make me the enemy of all the world. Should I take this opportunity or continue living my life being ignored and ridiculed? Ha Ha Ha Ha, why even ask this question when the answer is obvious? ****************************** Message for the RoyalRoad.com staff: I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com I would really appreciate it if you all check some of my other works there too. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/125284/fictions Note 2: Please be patient and don't get confused as everything will be explained properly as the story goes on. Note 3: Writing this just as a hobby so I'll write whenever I have time. If it gets a good response then I'll start uploading more frequently. The cover is not mine all rights reserved to the original creator.

RealRomanLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Prologue : The Opportunity (R-18)

I grunt and release my load deep in Natsumi's throat.

"Phew, nothing like a good face fuck to relieve your stress",

I say while pulling out my 8-inch cock from Natsumi's throat and letting her limp body fall to the side.

I move away from her and gaze at her unconscious face with her tongue lolling out, nothing of the previous elegance and coldness was to be found.

I chuckle as I remember her face when she saw my member. The look of shock and surprise made all of the money I spent worth it.

At first, I was amazed by her endurance as she was taking all of my dick deep in her throat quite calmly but after a minute of continuous thrusting, tears finally came out of her eyes and she started gagging with a painful expression.

Seeing yet another expression that I had never seen on her face before made me want to be a little mischievous. So I put my cock deep in her throat, stop moving and pinch her nose. Whenever she was close to fainting from not being able to breathe, I pull out my cock, let her breathe a sec, and then shove it back in.

I continued doing this and she lost consciousness the fifth time I shoved it in.

The face she was making when she could not breathe and wanted to stop me but couldn't, just made my dick harder.

Why could she not stop me? Well, that is because of the complete submission contract of course. A contract that is found in the Black Market and costs a fortune.

Normally, this type of contract is almost impossible to get as making and selling it is punishable by death. But I have some connections that don't care about those things.

I go near Natsumi, crouch near her face, and start poking her cheek,

"Oooe~ Natsumiii~ you alive?"

No response came but I could see her chest moving up and down proving that she was indeed alive.

I grab her right breast and start fondling it,

"If you don't get up quickly I am going to fondle your breasts", I say while already doing the fondling.

I was not even close to being satisfied with that release and wanted to do more.

I was about to move down and start removing her long skirt when I see the whole area around me go dark.

I stop what I doing and move out from under the tree to see what was happening.

I open my eyes in shock and amazement as I see the giant magnificent beast flying over me in all its majesty.

A dragon

One of the rarest and most powerful beasts that lives in this world since ancient times. They are free creatures that mind their own business most of the time and rarely attack anyone. Some consider it a sign of luck just spotting one.

"Ha, today really is my lucky day",

I say with a happy expression and quickly take out my phone to take its picture. If I were to sell it in the black market, I am sure to make some money.

I point the camera towards it and take the picture with max zoom. The picture came out a little blurry but nothing a little bit of editing can't fix.

I was taking a final look as it flew away when I notice the dragon shake and something fall off.

"Huh, did that dragon just drop something",

I say calmly but then realize what the situation is.

"NO WAY!!",

I shout and run into the forest without caring about the unconscious maid or my pants.

Anything that comes out of dragons can make a person filthy rich. A single claw or scale will get you about 100,000 gold. Even if it's just their shit, that will get you 50000 gold for half a kilogram.

I was running towards the area where that thing might have dropped and was chanting,

" Please don't be shit, please don't be shit, please don't be shit ".

If it was indeed dragon shit, then it will be a little problematic to carry it back with me. Never tried to put shit in a storage ring but if it comes to it, I'll do it.

I reach the area panting and start to look around for anything that might look like it belonged to a dragon. And after 3 minutes of searching, I finally come across a bag hanging off a tree branch.

I notice some small broken branches and leaves under the bag and confirm that it is most probably the thing that the dragon dropped.

No idea why a dragon was carrying a backpack but I needed to act fast because someone was coming.

"Tina, I am telling you it for sure dropped something"

I hear a man's loud and excited voice.

"Jake, If you brought me here for nothing then forget about dating me"

"Now I am definitely finding it"

Normally, I would use words, my noble demeanor, and my extremely handsome face to trick them into leaving this place but the problem was that I had no pants on.

Now, would a person listen to anything a half-naked person has to say?

Yeah, no way they would.

Since there was no way I could climb that tree and get down fast enough, I take out my phone, open the [Fun Spell] app, and cast the spell [Float].

Mana comes out of the phone to surround my body and I start floating.

I get close to the bag, grab it, float back down and quickly hide inside the bushes.

"Look Tina something did fall here"

"Sigh, then where is it"

"I...I don't know", says the man in with a sad face

"Great! I came out here for nothing", says the woman in anger and leaves

"Tina waaait~ you were kidding about the dating thing right?"

I sigh in relief and start making my way back to the hill.

The first thing I notice is that Natsumi was gone.

I was a little sad that I couldn't fuck her but now that she is my property, I can do that whenever I want.

I wear my pants and sit with my back against the tree.

Opening the bag's zipper, I take out all the stuff and put it in front of me.

Inside the bag, there was a big black box and a letter. I was curious about the box but first, read the letter.


Greetings to the one who is reading this.

You are one of the 7 people I think might have the power to become someone great.

So I am offering you a chance, a chance to make the world yours.

Just sign this letter and pass it back to the person who gave it to you.

After confirming that you have indeed signed it, he will provide you with a box.

A box that will change your life forever.

Your Future General,

Casandra Demigal


After reading the letter I was a little confused but there was one thing I was sure of,

"No way in hell I am signing anything"

I crumple the letter and throw it away.

Next, I move my attention towards the black box.

'What could be inside the box for her to be making such a big deal out of it' I wondered

I open the box and see 5 small circular objects placed neatly on a cushion.

When I took a closer look, I see that they are finger rings.

Simple black rings with no decoration or designs.

I was about to pick one up when suddenly they turn into liquid and jump towards my left hand. I move my hand away in panic but was not fast enough. Now, the rings were occupying my 4 fingers and thumb.

I was examining the rings when suddenly the rings started to get hot. I groan in pain as the rings keep on getting hotter and quickly try to pull them off. But the rings were latched on to my fingers and were not coming off no matter how hard I pulled.

I was afraid that the rings will burn my fingers off and was pulling on them desperately when I hear a ping sound and floating screens started appearing before me,


[Detecting Sin...]


[Sin found, checking Quality...…]


[Supreme Quality]


[Candidate Approved]


[Congratulation, you are qualified to become one of the demon lord candidates]

[Accept] [Reject]