

Bastard of House Blackburn, Duke Blackbrun's mistake, good-for-nothing, rouge, villain, trash. That is what I was called by the nobles and people around me throughout my life. My step-sisters and their mother bullied me day and night while the duke ignored everything related to me. Even when I wanted to take revenge, I could do nothing to stop them because I had no power. The most I could do to take my anger out was blackmail the servants, visit merchant shops and brothels then leave without paying. Just so I can damage the Blackburn name. I wanted to get kicked out of the Blackburn house but the duke did no such thing. That was how I was wasting away my life when a mysterious opportunity came. An opportunity that would make me commit despicable acts and will probably make me the enemy of all the world. Should I take this opportunity or continue living my life being ignored and ridiculed? Ha Ha Ha Ha, why even ask this question when the answer is obvious? ****************************** Message for the RoyalRoad.com staff: I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com I would really appreciate it if you all check some of my other works there too. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/125284/fictions Note 2: Please be patient and don't get confused as everything will be explained properly as the story goes on. Note 3: Writing this just as a hobby so I'll write whenever I have time. If it gets a good response then I'll start uploading more frequently. The cover is not mine all rights reserved to the original creator.

RealRomanLord · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Morgana Moncrox

I reach the door and a closed sign was hung on it. Ignoring the sign, I enter the shop to see an empty counter. When I was about to ring the small bell placed on top of the desk, I hear laughter coming from the area that was behind the counter.

I go behind the desk, walk the small hallway, and open the door that was at the end of it with the sign,

'Morgana's Room'.

As I enter the room, I see a woman with her event horizon-like body and long silky hair sitting on a bed wearing a black nightgown that left nothing to the imagination. She was laughing, making her giant breasts jiggle up and down while looking at her laptop,

Morgana Moncrox is the witch who is known in the Night Market for her god-like potion-making skills, sinister black magic, and voluptuous body.

She was once a famous witch that lived in some elven forest but was chased out after too many people came looking for her and trespassed the forests making the elves uncomfortable. Then she just wandered here and there until she found the Night Market and settled here.

When I entered the market for the first time, she was the one who got me out of trouble and then we just grew close as friends. I didn't trust her at first but she took care of me as I was starting my brothel business and provided me emotional support whenever the duke's youngest was not available, so started opening up to her.

One time I asked her 'why she was helping me' and she said,

"Remember the first time we met, I just didn't like the sad and pathetic look on your handsome face. So I thought, why don't I get rid of it".

It was a stupid reason, but I could tell she had no ulterior motives and that made me feel warm inside.

From then on, for the next five years, we just grew closer and closer until she was like family to me.

At one time I started wondering 'if my real mother was alive, would she be like this?'

Morgana notices me with her jewel-like amethyst eyes and says,

"Sage, come here and look at this"

Feeling curious about the thing that was making her laugh so much, I go and see what she was looking at.

[Article Title: How Japan Kingdom is related to the Legendary Hero and his world]

Normally I would have laughed at this title thinking ' what kind of bullshit is this' but after reading that message on the floating screen, I just couldn't find this funny.

"Can you believe what kind of shit people are posting on the Mage Network nowadays? Everyone knows that there are no such things as demons and heroes."

I stay quiet and just look at the rings on my left hand.

Morgana keeps scrolling down while reading the article.

"Ha ha ha, look at this. 'The ruins that the adventurer Kent Brentwood ( later known as King Masamoto I) discovered were not some ruins left by an ancient civilization. Those were the ruins of the kingdom that the hero built', ha ha ha", she reads me a line from the article and proceeded to laugh.

"Sure, the things and information he discovered were extraordinary enough for King Masamoto to build his kingdom and revolutionized the world. But saying that those things came from the hero who was from a different world is just stupid"

I was still looking at the rings when I hear Morgan's voice,

"Hey hey, you there?", she says waving a hand in front of me.

"Huh, Oh yeah yeah ha ha funny indeed", I say with a small smile.

"Anyway, why the visit? Ara, don't tell me you came for some 'emotional support'", says Morgana while giving me a seductive look and licking her lips.

I was not opposed to the idea but resisted the urge to ponce on her,

"We can do that later but first can you take a look at these rings for me and tell me what these are."

"Rings? Yeah sure"

"Here", I say and show Morgana my left hand.

"Here what? show me the rings", she says while looking at my hand.

"What do you mean? I am showing them to you. They are on my fingers", I say while giving Morgana a confused look.

"Do you think I am blind? There is nothing on your fingers"

A frown appears on my face as I look at the rings that were clearly there.

"Can you touch my hand for a sec"

She touches my fingers and I was shocked to see her hand pass through the rings as if they were not real.

I was looking at them with a frown and was thinking about that letter when Morgana gently holds my face and turns it towards hers. Although her touch was gentle, her expression was anything but gentle.

With glowing red eyes and a frown on her beautiful face, she says,

"You little brat, what did I tell you? You can go fuck as many chicks as you want and even kill people but the one thing I won't allow is drugs. So what is this talk about some rings that are not there huh?"

Morgana is carefree and very gentle most of the time. She is like a big sister that will spoil you rotten but when she gets angry, that is when things get scary.

Some kind of dark mana was leaving her body making her hair float a little.

"ANSWER ME!!", she shouts in anger, and some potion bottles on her shelf crack.

"it..it's n...nothing, I just forgot to bring the rings", I lie to make her calm down.

"Then why do you keep looking at your hands, are you hallucinating? Yeah, that must be the case. I might have to do a thorough checkup of your body and take out the harmful substances. It might be painful but it's for your good."

Seeing that she was not listening to me, I decided to use the trump card that I accidentally discovered that one time,

"Please mo..mom calm down, I did not take any drugs. I just forgot to bring the rings, really", I say with a sad face.

All the dark mana vanishes and her gentle expression returns like she was never angry in the first place. She pulls me into her bosom and says,

"ufufufu, so that's what it was. Then just say that from the beginning, you silly child ", she says while stroking my platinum blonde hair lovingly.

"Haha, yeah my bad", I give out an awkward laugh.

"You know that I care about you right? So I can't have you taking drugs that may harm your body and mind. But if you still want to try them then I can make some for you. of course, they will be the harmless kind. They will give you the pleasure but won't harm….".

She went on and on about some type of drugs but I was more worried about my current situation.

If Morgana can't see these rings then I am pretty sure no one else can see them either.

Now I can't have someone check them and have to find out about them myself.

"So that article you were reading, do you have a book that has the original story?"

She stops speaking about drugs and says,

"Sure I have it, let me go get it for you".

I fall on her bed, extend my hand upwards and look at the rings with a neutral expression.

"What are these rings?"