
The Drive for Evolution

When an entity above all of existence, determines that the universe is stagnate, it decided to give the lower existences, a drive to evolve, or face pure annihilation

God_King_4480 · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

The prologue of the drive


That was the only word in the human dialect that could come close to the knowledge that was coursing through his mind, no it was more accurate to say his whole being, which would be a proper assessment of the concept that was him.

He possessed knowledge that would make any lesser existences go insane by just a glimpse of the perception that he was experiencing, the reasoning behind his existence baffled even a being such as him, to have knowledge that transcends every civilization that had been or will ever be, yet having no knowledge of what kind of entity he was, it was truly vexing.

Though He had an idea of what he was, seeing everything from his perception, he began to think that he was a being above everything and everyone, that was the only rational explanation to identify his existence, seeing that he was knowledgeable about almost everything thing in the Universe, it wasn't a far fetched conclusion.

He had the knowledge, the power, the intellect necessary to comprehend the universe and the dimensions that were outside of it, everything was below him, he was in what he perceived as the highest plane of existence, and since everything was below him, he started to believe himself the most powerful entity in all of the planes.

He was right in his hypothesis as he searches throughout all the dimensions, yet he found none that could challenge him, so he began to look towards the main plane or the mortal realm as he dubbed it, yet found nothing of note.

He found various species, all of them had their unique appearances none bothered him, he was more interested in what they accomplished in their lifetime, only two ever made it off their planets and began expanding in their galaxies, while most of them never evolved past the stone age, it was sad, for them to never see the stars in their irrelevant existences.

He watched as they lived, died, the civilizations they made live on but there were no struggles, no enemies to fight, no wars between races, they weren't any conflict between races, all of them lived content with living on their little planet, living and dying with no crusades, slavery, war crimes, genocides to push them to evolve. It Bewildered him.

he insight and comprehension of the universe, immediately understood this was the result of them not having a reason to hate one other, no gods meaning no incentive for religious crusades, there wasn't any racism because of them never encountering each other so nothing ever came close to a genocidal degree. It was like there were no souls in them, no individuality, most of them didn't have any ambition and just aimlessly existed.

But that will change, because if they had no objective of evolving, then only him the being above them to push them to the level that they start to think for themselves and progress as a proper civilization. No matter how much blood, suffering, death, extinction.