1 Prolouge, Darkened Days

I keep waking in the middle of the night and each time something new happens. Am I waking up ? Or is my dream so strong that it feels real enough for me to think that it's happening? The land I see changes over time but, I feel like I know this place. Like i've been here before but, I can't remember! Then I remember what Dad said " if you pinch yourself you'll wake up from anything..." As I go to pinch myself I see a weird object floating and then a I hear a crash noise. I jolt up on my bed to find myself in my room, surrounded by all the same boring objects. I take a deep breathe and go to investigate what the noise was. But as I exit my room I get the smell of copper. The only thing I can put to mind is blood! Instead of running like a normal person would do I tiptoed closer. Then I saw it this huge puddle of blood, I feel like I might puke. But when I look to see who's blood, all I feel is this cold dead weight and I know it's my body falling to knees. Cause the body on the floor is my sister, Elaine. The next thing I knew was that I was waking up, in my bed with my mother looking down on me with her worried look. I am so confused on why she is my room I don't ask what is wrong! I see her mouth move but I don't hear the words. But I could read the words that came out and she had said... "Sweetie your sister died last night...." then I see the tears come streaming down her face. I know that I should feel something but I feel nothing.
