
The dreaming boy is a genius!?

Follow the story as we see how Kiyotaka Ayanokouji handles himself in another body, with a........ questionable background "I'd say that's putting it lightly" HEY YOU! NO BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL. "Then don't put me in the body of a simp next time..." HOW DO YOU EVEN- Actually nevermind, you did get his memories afterall.

sewerslvt · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The call


Class was over so I decided to pack quickly and leave as I had a call scheduled with the lister of the babysitting job later that evening. I overheard most of my classmates talking about going over to Natsukawa's house later that evening, however I wasn't particularly concerned, she was simply a classmate after all. 

"Y, you… are you really not going to come?"

"You mean over to your house?"

"Y..yeah, so are you coming or not?"

"I wasn't invited. Also I believe I remember you telling me to stop following you?"

Unlike the original, I wasn't particularly interested in Natsukawa nor her little sister. I also already had plans for later. If it were someone else's house I may have considered going as it would have been a good method to integrate into the class more; however, I also just didn't like interacting with Natsukawa honestly.

"Huh? Uhh well you're in───"

"Pardon the intrusion, is Sajou-kun here?"

A low voice that suddenly echoed. But, even if it was low, it was not a man's voice, it was a dignified woman's voice. That was why it was easier to hear than anyone else's voice.

"Kya-, Rin-sama …!?"

Ashida screamed at the sudden appearance of a big shot.

Disciplinary Committee Chairman, Rin Shinomiya-senpai was looking into my face right after she entered the classroom. Her line of sight focused on me, and when our eyes met, she smiled.

"Hello, everyone. I know the long day is just over, but can I rent Sajou-kun for a while?"

"S-s-s-su-sure! You could boil him, or fry him, or even post his picture on SNS!" 'Does she take me for some type of meat?'


"Oh right, my bad Ai-chi~"

"Ah, Natsukawa right? Did I perhaps interrupt you?"

"N-no it's nothing! You can take him senpai!"

"I see, thank you then."




The student guidance room. It was a cell-like place where students who disturbed the school's ethos were lectured and scolded. It was also a place that opened to students with certain authority.

"So what did you need from me senpai?"

"First of all, let me say thank you. Thanks to your advice, I was able to handle Yuyu better. I realised that it was not all about being close to me as much as possible."

"I'm sure anyone could've given that advice to you senpai, I didn't do much."

"That isn't the case at all though, even if that were the case.. it came from you, not anyone else."

"You have a great ability to understand people and get along with them."

It appears Shinomiya-senpai placed a high value on my skill.

"───That's why, I don't understand you anymore."


"I mean, you see. Yuyu, she… she was depressed that she couldn't get you to understand her."

"What?… What are you talking about? It was about 'dispelling her weakness towards boys', isn't it? I think it's a good goal…"

"I think so too, but the focus of the story is not that."

Shinomiya-senpai approached me as if looking into the back of my eyes. Her face was getting so close that if I were to make even the slightest movement our noses may brush against each other.

"Don't you think you're getting a little too close?"

"Hmm? Oh I apologise."

'She says that but hasn't actually moved back much.'


Being in close proximity to the opposite sex utilising your beauty. It's a method used to fluster the target so it becomes easier to probe them or compel them to comply with any unreasonable request made that they may usually decline. 'However such a method has no effect on me.'

"I know you didn't just call me to the guidance office to tell me thanks and get closer to me…so, could you get to the point?"

"Unless of course I misread the situation and you're interested in me. Which in that case I apologise senpai but I don't know enough about you───"

"STOP! Jeez… I heard from your sister you were cheeky but I didn't expect it to be this much…"

"Alright ~ahem~ basically Yuyu told me she thought you seemed disappointed."

"Well she isn't exactly wrong."

"What are you even disappointed in? I personally think her goal is admirable."

"...While her goal of self improvement may be admirable, her approach left far more to be desired."

"I'm not sure I follow.."

"You see, she came with you to apologise and make her declaration right?"

"Yes, I don't see why you ask such an obvious question?"

Inatomi-senpai's weakness was towards men. By running away from me, she had taken a step away from her goal, and by apologising to me, she had returned to the original position. However, bringing in an ally called Shinomiya-senpai, the balance between her fear of men and the courage to move forward couldn't be reached. And so, instead of moving forward to her goal, she was still half a step away from her original position.

"That is the problem itself, she came with you because she thought she would have more courage with her senpai there to support her."

"If she truly wanted to see such a change she would've told me that on her own, one on one."

"That's why I was disappointed."

".... I see, you don't mince on words do you?"

"I see no reason to soften my words."

In the end, Shinomiya-senpai didn't scold me for my bad manners. However, when I left the student guidance room and looked back at it, I could see her figure, who was slowly locking the room, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

~Brrring Brrring~

I was currently calling the person who posted the ad for the babysitting job. After my meeting with Shinomiya-senpai I went home then completed my assignments. 

<Hello? > 

<Ah yes hello, My name is Wataru Sajou. I was calling about the babysitting job.>

<Oh! It's still open, would you like to accept it?> 

<Not exactly, I wanted to ask some details first if you wouldn't mind>

I had zero intentions of accepting a job I had zero information about.

<Not at all~! So what did you want to ask?>


<Firstly, which days in the week would I have to come over? You see may after school activities.>

'While I may not currently be in a club, I do intend on joining the music club. As such I can't exactly have a job getting in the way of club meetings too often now can I?'

<Well, you wouldn't have to actually be there everyday!>

<I just put that in the listing to avoid lazy people from applying. Actually, you would only have come over on Wednesdays and Fridays.> 

<However, the catch is that if something comes up on a non assigned day you'd have to show up~!>

'That doesn't sound too bad, although it may be troublesome If I already had something planned on that day.'

<I see, I'd just have to hope I don't anything planned that couldn't cancel.>

<Well I wouldn't mind if you did have to cancel know~.>

<...Really? >

<Of course~! Just don't expect to get paid hehehe.>

<... >

'I fell right into that one..'

<Hahaha! Don't worry though, If I do end up having to call you out on one of the days not assigned I'd let you know from the morning!> 

<That would definitely be great.>

<Alright I also wanted to know If i would be able meet the children before accept?> 

<Not saying your children are misbehave however I wouldn't want to babysit troublesome afterall.>

<Of course you can! My Aquamarine and Ruby are well behaved know< strong> ~hmppf~>

'Quite the weird names for children… Also I haven't met the children so how would I know how behaved they are?'

<Okay, thank you for taking your time to respond me. You can send the day, and meeting place this number.>

<You're welcome~! Well I'll do just that then. Have a great day~!>

<Thank you, you aswell.>


The lister of the post seemed to have quite the energetic character. However, I couldn't seem to shake the feeling that I've heard that voice somewhere before. 'I just hope this doesn't become troublesome.'


Author note: Apologies for missing my daily uploads. Grrrr I was on a streak too, oh well. Hope y'all enjoy the chapter as the plot thickens haha. As always please point out any errors I may have made and drop any suggestions in the comments

Love y'all

pce out.