
The dragons unidentified mate

Dragons are the most powerful clan, which is ruling the world with an iron fist. All the other clams are considered beneath them. Humans are considered the lowest of the low. Drake Hamilton is the most powerful orange dragon. He is rich, handsome and powerful. Dragons have the option to choose their mate. But once they sleep with anyone, automatically that person will become their mate. They cannot change it. Only the death of their mate will give them the chance to choose another one. Using that as an advantage Drake's step sister drugs him, so that she can sleep with him and become his mate. But fate has another thing planned. Drake escapes and sleeps with a human named Nyra. Nyra has a hidden past. When she tries to help an injured Drake, under the influence of the drug, Drake forces himself on her. Marking them as mates. Nyra now has an orange Dragon Tattoo, which is marked as Drake's mate. she is adamant to hide it and Drake is desperate to find her. Who will succeed in their quest? Will he find his mate? What happens when her past comes back to threaten her? will he save her?

pravs_3618 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


"What are you doing Caroline?" Carlos asks his sister.

Caroline smirks and continues mixing some powder into one of the glasses of whiskey.

"Caroline" Carlos snaps at his twin sister impatiently.

"Relax brother. It's just a drug to make my position as Drake Hamilton's mate" Caroline signals for a waiter.

As soon the human waiter arrives, she looks straight into his eyes and hypnotizes him to do as she said and forget everything soon after.

"Give this whiskey only to Drake Hamilton," Caroline commands the waiter, who is under her control.

Carlos panics at what his sister is about to do.

"Drake will kill you if he finds out" Carlos warns his sister.

"Relax brother, 'if he finds out'. Which he never will" Caroline says smugly.

Carlos and Caroline are the step-siblings of Drake Hamilton. Their mother and Drake's father Roland Hamilton married each other a few decades ago, when Roland's mate died.

"What is that you mixed in his drink?" Carlos asks his sister, fear evident in his voice.

"A drug which will boost his sexual desire. Only sleeping with a female will satisfy him and nothing else will" Caroline said with excitement.

"You mean, you want to sleep with him and become his mate?" Carlos gaped at his sister with shock.

"Yes, like mom did, I will become the most envied woman in the world and the most powerful. Moreover, I am obsessed with Drake. Only he didn't reciprocate my feelings" Caroline said with a cunning smirk.

"I am scared sister" Carlos gulped with fear.

"Don't worry, after tonight, I will be his mate and you too will hold power over the dragon clan" Caroline assured her brother.

Drake is a very cruel and the most powerful Dragon. Very few saw him in person and only a couple of them saw his Dragon form. He is cold and ruthless. The Hamilton's are the most powerful and rich Dragon clan in the world.

They can make or break any government with just a look. Drake Hamilton is the CEO of the Hamilton group, which is a leading company worldwide. With its various business ventures in oils, gold and diamond mines, constructions, gaming, software, entertainment, and whatnot. They monopolized the business world single-handedly.

Nothing happens within the trade market Sensex without Drake knowing about it and deciding it himself. He is as handsome as he is cold. He is as powerful as he is handsome.

Dragons can choose their mates. The whole female dragon population is vying for his attention. But he fancied no one till date. They are too scared to approach him themselves.

Unlike Werewolves, vampires, and humans If a Dragon loses his or her virginity to anyone, then they will become their destined mate. Either by mistake or not. It's the same for both males and females. They cannot become sexually active with anyone else until their mate is dead.

Drake Hamilton looked around the big banquet, which is decorated with expensive and rare flowers. If it's not for his father, he wouldn't have agreed to this meaningless party hosted by his stepmother on the occasion of their 30th wedding anniversary.

"Don't look so enthusiastic" Mason said from beside him with amusement. Mason is Drake's childhood best friend and his right and man.

Drake snorted in reply. 

"How charming" Mason commented drily.

A waiter approached Drake with a whisky.

"Sir," he extended the tray forward, towards Drake.

"I didn't order this" Drake said coldly. 

But there is no change in the waiter's expression.

"Take it, man. Your dad must have sent it for you" Mason persuaded Drake.

Upon hearing his father's name, Drake reluctantly took the drink from the waiter.

"Cheers," Mason said and sipped his drink.

Drake shook his head and sipped his whiskey as well. After a few sips, Drake started to feel hot. He frowned his eyebrows with confusion. But masked his expression after a split second.

"What's wrong man?" Mason inquired upon noticing his friend's strange behavior.

"I will be back" Drake left the venue which a 7-star hotel. He reached the terrace in just a few seconds and shifted into his dragon form. His dragon is a rare orange in color. 

Caroline closely followed Drake, not to miss the opportunity she created for herself. When she noticed Drake flying away in his dragon form, Caroline too shifted to follow him.

But Drake is much faster and bigger than any average Dragon, so she couldn't keep up with him and lost him after a minute.

Drake flew as far away from the venue and into the forest where no one will be there. He understood what is happening to him. If he gives in to this lust and sleeps with anyone, he has to accept her as his mate.

Drake is such a person, that he cannot be forced into anything. He is determined to stay away from females until the effects of the drug passes away.

The effects of the drug became so strong, he couldn't fly anymore. He crash-landed in a thick jungle and shifted back into his human self.

But his luck seems to have run out because as soon as he shifted a very tempting female scent assaulted his nostrils. It's jasmine and innocence. He knows that scent belongs to a human female.

"No, no, no..." he thought in horror.

Nyra is a human girl who is living with her maternal grandmother upon the death of her mother. Her father remarried soon enough. Her stepmother and her two-step sisters hate Nyra with a passion.

Nyra was heading back home from her evening walk when she heard a loud noise. Nyra rushed towards the direction from where she heard the noise and saw a man with his back facing her.

He is naked and his body is bloody. Nyra gasped and rushed towards the stranger to offer her assistance. 

"Sir, are you alright?" She asked with concern and tentatively approached him, pointedly not looking down.

She understood that he might be a shifter.

"Go away," the husky voice of the man commanded.

Nyra instantly stopped in her tracks. Her body trembled with fear. The raw power emitting from that man is scaring her. But the man seems to be in pain.

"Sir, I can help you. You look like you need a doctor" she offered softly.

Drake even in his lust-filled haze, is impressed with the courage the human girl is showing. She is offering him help, despite knowing that I can be dangerous. Drake became intrigued by the human girl.

His interest added with the effects of the drug, increased his lust. His body became hotter and he is losing his control.

"Run, run as fast as you can" he warned her with his last shreds of control. He know he started craving her as soon as he smelled her scent. There is no way she can outrun him.

Nyra took a few steps back at his warning, but she is not completely aware of the danger she is in.

At least, my mate will be interesting, Drake thought before he lost all reason and give in to his lust-filled haze.

Nyra looked in horror as the man turned around and walked towards her with a purpose. His face is filled with blood and mud.

He came at her before she could blink and tore her clothes into shreds. 

"No.. Let me go" Nyra yelled with fear and horror. She knows what is about to happen to her. She tried with all her might to push him away, but she is no match for his strength.

"Let me go.." She struggled in his hold.

Drake, who is under the influence of the drug, violated Nyra not once, but several times throughout the night. He took her virginity and gave away his.

Nyra lost her conscience, after a few times. 

Early morning sunlight is peeking from between the branches and the birds are chirping happily.

Nyra woke up on the ground naked and in the arms of the man who's face is still covered in mud and blood.

She was scared that he might wake up again. So she ran back home to her grandmother.