
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The King Of Earth Is Attacked

"Dr. Brief was it?" Sora clone asked with a smile, making the old man look at him while nodding. Sora placed some food before the old man before speaking,

"as someone who is the smartest person alive, I'm wondering if by chance you ever came across something supernatural," Sora asked with a smile, stunning the old man but after some thought he shook his head,

"do you mean like ghosts?" He asked, to which Sora shook his head slightly, but reading the old man's body language, he understood the old man had no idea what he was speaking about. In this world, the supernatural stuff was still people flying in the sky or doing some superhuman stuff, although dinosaurs could be seen walking the planet in some places.

"you seem to be martial art... I have heard of some martial arts capable of doing some superhuman things. If you want to challenge yourself, maybe look into them." Dr. Brief said after taking a look at the clone, it was well built and seemed pretty strong, so he guessed Sora was seeking strong rivals or something like that.

"Thanks, I will look into it," Sora said with a slight nod, Dr. Brief wanted to pay but Sora waved it off, saying knowledge is worth more than any worldly wealth. Nodding slightly, Dr. Brief thanked Sora and went off with his daughter.

Sora ignored her, many kids entered this place and they were all charmed by him. some wanted to make him their elder brothers, some wanted to replace their father with him, and those he found themselves in love with for the first time began drinking of marrying Sora. Of course, Sora had no interest in such a thing. mortals were not his type.

Sora went on to begin looking into the martial arts world in his free time, and he quickly began sensing a few people who had Ki, or at least reached the superhuman level. they shocked Sora, but they were all weak. asking around, Sora found that some of them, like some guy named Master Roshi would only have a power level of around 80 or so, which was nothing before Sora's eyes.

Disappointed with the planet's strength, Sora returned to his restaurant. The restaurant's time of being opened dropped, to only twice a week, which left many people disappearing, but Sora could care less.

time passed and in the blink of an eye, Sora was now 15 years old. With his long black hair tied into a ponytail, Sora's main body was currently working, looking to be much older than he was and now old enough to work, he no longer created his clone. the clone he created and himself didn't look that similar, he was more handsome and more charming than his clone, forcing him to wear a face mask as it was troublesome to deal with some people.

"What can I get for you?" Sora asked calmly while looking at the young woman in front of him who was dazing off while looking at him. She was in her mid-20s, with long black hair and beauty which could make any male take a second look.

She snapped out of her dazed-off look and blushed slightly, not knowing what she should order. Sora didn't mind much, people like this came by at least once a day, they hear his charm and rush over to get anything to get.

"Do you have anything you would suggest?" She asked softly, Sora thought for a moment before answering.

"it would depend, what are you into?" Sora asked, making her smile slightly.

"Anything you cook would be alright." She said softly, to which Sora nodded and got to work, all while she watched. once the food was complete, she paid but she left behind a huge tip. by the time Sora noticed, she had run off and hopped into a car.

"..." the woman looked at Sora who was looking at her car for a moment before shaking his head and putting the money away. She smiled slightly before she looked at what Sora cooked for her, but upon seeing what she got, her face turned red as she realized something.

even if her tip wasn't enough to buy all of this, there were 3 things Sora made, a bowl of reman, Shusi, and fried rice. there might be a chance some of this was for someone else, with a blush she got out of the car and headed back in.

"... I didn't know there were so many." She said weakly, Sora looked at her for a moment before shrugging.

"It's cool, I don't normally do this, but you can take all," Sora said calmly, the woman was stunned for a moment but she shook her head.

"I just can't do this... allow me to at least earn it." She said softly, Sora looked at her for a moment before shrugging and pointing at the dishes. the woman nodded and went on to work, she didn't have the money to buy all 3 of these, so this was the best thing she could do.

after some time, the day came to an end and the woman entered her car. She said bye to Sora and left with the new food Sora cooked for her since the other got cold, after which she drove off to her apartment building, where she looked at the food which was all for her.

"... He is so cold, yet so nice." She said with a small smile before slowly taking a bite of the food, and instantly her taste buds exploded. her eyes widened before she slowly looked at the food in front of her... after a moment of silence, she began to devour food as if it had been years since she eat.

A few days later, Sora opened his restaurant and was stunned to see the woman entering the shop.

"... I came to help out." She said softly, Sora looked at her with a weird look for a moment, and after reading her slightly, he sighed softly and simply nodded. the woman smiled happily and went on to ask Sora what he needed help with.

with that, Sora's life became not so lonely. She was called Shiro, currently 31 years old, and when the store wasn't busy Sora got to know her a bit better, as she was more than happy to talk about herself.

Her parents kicked her out when she was 16, leading her to start living with some friends for a few years. now she lived in an apartment and worked at the bank in another city, in other words, she droves hours just to come here, which stunned Sora. but he didn't ask too much into her life, But she soon quit her job at the bank as Sora was paying her more than twice that job,

"Hey Sora, there is this anime movie coming out... you want to go?" Shiro asked with a smile, making Sora look at her blankly.

"don't give me that blank look, I know you were looking at the tickets." She said with a soft laugh. Sora was enjoying his life, from playing video games to enjoying the many types of tv shows and movies he could find, life has not been boring for him.

The movie coming out was called Two Piece, it was about a parent name Demaro D. Black, it followed him as he put together a parent crew with the goal to find the legendary one piece, Sora only pays attention to the best things, and this anime was one of them.

"You're into that?" Sora asked, to which Shiro nodded with a smile. before she met Sora she wasn't, but she saw him watching it and got curious. there was a saying going around, Once you start Two Piece, you can never go back. and the saying the two as she was hooked,

"I just started last month." She said with a huge smile, Sora looked at her for a moment before nodding.

"I see..." Sora said before an aura slowly came off him, making Shiro stumble backward while putting her hands up to block the air, while trying to look at Sora, who for some reason looked close by, yet far away.

"I can't go with you then. I shall wait for you in the land of Wano then we can go together." Sora's voice boomed in Shiro's ears, making her try to reach out to Sora, but Sora was too far away.

"Just wait, I will catch up to you. I will see you in the land of Wano... whatever that is." Shiro said with determination, she never felt more fired up in her life. and so once she closed the shop, she rushed home,

'if I cut my lessen my sleep, I will have more time to watch it.' Shiro thought that she did, she managed to watch 55 episodes a day, but there were over 900 episodes, and Sora was up there waiting for her. She had to break past her limits, so she did just that and watched 60 episodes a day.

it was a hard battle, she had to do many things to maximize her watch time to the fullest, she had to cook her food was watching it, shower while watching it, and so many more. by the time she went back to work, her head reach near episode 300...

a few weeks later, Sora stood outside a movie theater in the middle of a rainstorm, wearing a raincoat, Sora stood there with closed eyes, waiting. far away, a woman slowly walked towards the movie theater, seemly sensing her, Sora opened his eyes and looked towards her.

The two looked at each other for some time, before they both nodded and entered the movie theater. True fans of the anime needed to trade no words, by looking into each other eyes, they could read each other...

From that day on, Sora began seeing Shiro as a friend, it turned out they had many things they liked in common, which was just great. To have her not have to travel 2 hours every time to come to work, Sora had her move in with him, and they spent most of the time just laying on the couch, watching anime.

They watched many anime, like Sakura which followed the girl who wishes to become the Hokage and prove to everyone she was not trash...

the years passed, and nothing happened between Shiro and Sora. they were only roommates, and Sora welcomed her as she helped him realize that it's better to enjoy something with others than alone, mortals or not.

Soon, the year 750 came along. at this point Sora was done with running the shop, so he sold it at a high price. with it gone, Sora used the money and began looking for ways to gain passive income,

at the same time, deep below the planet. Sora bathed in a pool alive, before slowly opening his eyes.

'Finally, I broke through to Body Strengthing.' Sora said with a smile, it took some time because well, finding resources capable of helping him grow was hard. Simply bathing in alive alone wasn't enough, cultivation gets harder and harder as one goes on, without the right recourse to help within that than Sora would spend a lot of time breaking through some levels.

Level 4, level 7, and level 10 are considered the hardest levels to break into, they could take months, years, or forever block a person from stepping into them. this was because of this simple thing, level 1 to 3 was considered low, 4 to 6 was considered mid, level 7 to 9 was considered high, and level 10 was considered peak.

you were entering different grades within a cultivation realm, so of course it would be harder, far harder than others.

Now that Sora was at level 1 Body strengthening, the Dragon Sovereign cultivation art gave him a new ability. it was called Armorment,, this ability allowed Sora even gather his energy to form a layer of invisible armor around himself or a target. this could increase his defense and attack power, the higher his energy control is, and mastery of this ability was, the greater the boost of strength this ability could bring.

there were also some levels to this, making this technique even more powerful. of course, Sora the creator of this already mastered it.

Now with a power level of 640, and with the Ability Armorment, Sora could boost his power level to the fullest, which was currently only 2 times. but as his cultivation increase, the greater the boost would be.

So, by the year 753, he and Shiro bought a huge house where they most of their time locked away from the outside world, playing video games or doing anything else,

"When will you start dating?" Shiro asked calmly, making Sora throw a sideways look toward her, since when did he show any interest in dating?

"you're already 19, you should try and start your family and not stay locked away inside every day... touch grass." She said softly, making Sora roll his eyes, since when did he the dragon sovereign need to touch grass?

"..." Shiro looked at Sora, making Sora smack his teeth slightly.

"Fine, I guess I could try dating or something..." Sora said softly, making Shiro cheer in joy. but after some thought, she looked deeply at Sora.

"you're too handsome, let's try and find someone who would love you for who you are," Shiro said calmly, making Sora's eyebrow raise for a moment. that would take years, something which he much rather on himself. no mortal was worthy of so much attention to form him.

Although hard, Shiro went on to try her best to make Sora look as average as she could, this meant some makeup. after which, she left with Sora to help him pick up the girls. but after being rejected many times, Shiro was on the edge of fighting with someone the girls, forcing Sora to have to hold her back.

"Who knew finding your soul mate was this hard?" Shiro said while holding her head, almost pulling out her hair.

"I thought you would know best," Sora said calmly, making a vine pop on Shiro's forehead, what did Sora mean by that? But after a moment a sad look just appear on her face,

"Mine died..." She said softly, stunning Sora slightly, to which he apologized as he never heard this story.

"It's nothing... it happened over 19 years ago, we were planning on getting married, but he died of an illness." She said softly, making Sora's eyebrow raised slightly,

"you wanted to get married when you were 16?" Sora asked stunning Shiro who quickly shook her head.

"of course not, I was planning to do so when we were stable. maybe it was child love or something else, but we sacrificed many things for our dreams of being together." She said with a bitter smile, making Sora quiet for some time.

"It seems like I should be helping you find a date," Sora said, stunning Shiro for a moment before she snorted.

"Don't try and turn this around on me, I'm old and your so young and wasting away your youth," Shiro said with a snort, to which Sora shrugged while looking at the news which was being played on a screen, it showed a dog who was currently the king of the earth, accepting flowers from others.

"Don't ignore me," Shiro said before looking at the tv which was just the news, but an explosion suddenly went off within the tv, shocking the king of the earth who was quickly protected by his man, followed by the screen going black.

"what the?" Shiro said in shock, Sora also raised an eyebrow, it was clear something was happening, and it was huge. was someone trying to assassinate the king of Earth?

"I been thinking of becoming the kick of Earth... what do you think?" Sora asked with a smile, he was almost 20, time for him to start reaching out to the universe and conquer everything out there.

"... let's go back home, something doesn't seem right," Shiro said ignoring Sora's words, she didn't know what was happening, but whatever it was she knew it wasn't anything good. first thing first was to go home, buy a bunch of food capable of lasting for a good amount of time, and wait. that's right, she was already thinking of the worst, a war