
The Dragon Sorceress: Quest to Defeat the Shadow Lord.(Completed)

Just a very short fantasy novel. Give it a try

Cross_22 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: The Quest for the Dragon's Eye

The group had heard a rumor that there was an ancient artifact, called the Dragon's Eye, that could help them defeat the Shadow Lord. The Dragon's Eye was said to be a powerful gemstone that could amplify the magic of the person who wielded it. The group decided that they needed to find the Dragon's Eye if they were to have any chance of defeating the Shadow Lord.

They traveled to the mountains, where the Dragon's Eye was said to be located. They encountered many obstacles along the way, including treacherous cliffs and fierce beasts. But they persevered, and finally arrived at a cave where the Dragon's Eye was said to be hidden.

Inside the cave, they found a dragon who was guarding the Dragon's Eye. The dragon challenged them to a battle, but Li Ming was able to communicate with it using her dragon magic. She explained their quest, and the dragon agreed to let them take the Dragon's Eye, but only if they promised to use it for good.

With the Dragon's Eye in their possession, the group continued their journey towards the Shadow Lord's stronghold, feeling more confident than ever before.