
The Dragon Realms Saga

Elucard is a young elven boy thrown headlong into the Black Rabbit assassin clan. There he must adapt to the grueling training, cut-throat competition, and deal with the morality of being a killer. Along the way he must make difficult decisions and it is up to him to become the man he was born to be!

Fancyotter98 · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Ch 22: Elucard and Inle Train

Inle's strained to move his arm to block the incoming attack. The weights on his wrists slowed him down considerably and his body could no longer exert the energy to keep up with Elucard's quick and graceful movements. A spinning butterfly kick connected with Inle's jaw and he twirled chaotically to the ground. Inle lay motionless, struggling to find the will to stand again.

The two Rabbits had been sparring for at least three hours. Inle's wrists, shoulders, and ankles bore heavy weights that hindered his otherwise naturally agile movements. Elucard, however, was free of such a handicap.

Inle slowly rose to a knee and then managed to stand. Exhausted, battered, and bruised from the bout, he did not know how much longer he could press on. His vision was blurred from a swollen eye and his eyes stung from the sweat that dripped into them. Every inch of his body ached. Even all his years as an acrobat in the circus had not prepared him for such excruciating work, but he loved every second of it.

Elucard floated from toe to toe. He danced around Inle's worn and pathetic defenses before landing a series of jabs to Inle's kidneys and a devastating hay-maker to the side of Inle's face. The blow sent a mixture of saliva and blood whipping from the shadow elf's mouth. Inle's entire world crashed sideways as he slammed into the hard frozen ground.

"Enough. Rest," Elucard said before removing his tunic. His toned muscles glistened from the sweat that beaded down his body.

Inle watched entranced. Elucard was a young attractive elf. Even with the scars that crossed over his back and chest, it made Inle's heart skip a beat as he watched in infatuation. Since the moment Elucard stepped in front of Inle and removed his mask, every movement, every exchange, every moment, Elucard was locked in Inle's heart.

Elucard tossed a water skin to his student, "Hot day today. You're starting to give me a work out."

Inle smiled, struggling to grab the water skin that fell just shy of his reach. Even stretching his arm was a feat for Inle. He rolled to his back as he poured the reward down his throat.

"Easy Inle, don't hurt yourself."

Inle nearly passed out from the pain as he burst out laughing, "Master, you'd make a good clown. You have a knack for comedic timing."

Elucard sat down next to his apprentice, cracking a smile when he realized where the joke came from, "What was it like entertaining a crowd in Lost Dawns?"

Inle sat up, reminiscing about the life of an entertainer. The Ebonpath Traveling Circus. It consisted of his parents, three uncles, and seven sisters. He was the youngest of them all. They were a close family, which made it harder when the Black Rabbits took him. However, life in the circus, as adventurous as it seemed, slowly became monotonous. The same routines, the same laughs, the same gasps. The only thing that changed from performance to performance was the city they were in.

"Inle?" Elucard poked, seeing his student lost in thought.

"Lost Dawns is a grand city. I've never seen a tree so big. The people are a traditional crowd. They laugh and cheer when queued like marionettes. If you know which string to pull, they'll do whatever you want."

"You didn't like being a clown?" Elucard asked curiously.

"I grew bored of it. It's nothing like being an assassin. I can feel my body tightening, growing stronger. I'm reaching a new level. What's more, I'm making more of a difference now than I was delivering trite punchlines."

Elucard took back the water skin and took a sip. He fell silent for a moment or two before speaking quietly, half mumbling to himself, "I wish Jetta had your fortitude."


"An old friend from my village; my only real friend. She counted on me for everything… but then… I became a Rabbit." Elucard drifted for a moment, remembering the promise he had made to her. How he said he would always be there for her, that he would be the brother she did not have.

"She was recruited wasn't she? She must be somewhere around here training then." Inle pressed his hand to his brow and imitated the gesture of a scout searching high and low for her.

Elucard laughed and released a distant sigh, "She doesn't really understand the good we do here. She's fighting every step of the way and she's going to suffer because of it."

"Have you seen her yet, since she's arrived?"


Inle nodded, slowly seeing the picture that Elucard was painting of Jetta, "It comes down to you not giving up on her. Now more than ever, she needs you. The Black Rabbits aren't going to salvage her. You need to. You want her to survive? Well, then you have to be there with her. You must think of her as your Blade Sister."

"I see that now. You're wise beyond your years, Inle."

Inle winced as he let out a meek, bloody smile.

"Inle, the Blood Forest comes in less than two months. Veiled Menders will be assigned to each group. I'm going to arrange that you be paired up with Jetta."

Inle nodded quickly, "Say no more, Master. If she can keep me alive, I'll be sure she makes it out of that forest."

Elucard jumped up and grabbed Inle's hand, lifting him to his feet, "Well then, we'd better make sure you're ready. How about another round?"