
The Dragon Protectors

hiii this is not a Synopsis I just don’t know where else I can tell y’all this. sorry I’m not used to this website lol. but this nove is NOT really a romance book, idk how to change it, I’m really sorry!! I’ll get that fixed as soon as I know how. thank you

ValaMalDoranSG1 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Aunt Megan

Lucy awoke to someone gently shaking her. She opened her eyes confused, she'd hadn't expected anyone to wake her this early in the morning. Lucy looked up to see it was Claire, she had a warm smile on her face when she saw that Lucy had awakened. "Sorry to wake you at this hour but I have some exciting news to share that cannot wait." Lucy yawned and looked at the woman puzzled. What in the world could be so important? "A visiter came here not long after I put you to bed, she claimed to be your aunt and…" Lucy stopped her and chuckled sadly, "I have no aunt, I don't have anyone left." Claire smiled, "Or so you thought. Even I didn't think she was telling the truth, it's very common for people to try to steal children that way, however we gave her a background check and a DNA test, she is your aunt." Lucy looked at Claire dumbfounded, it couldn't be true. Her mother would never have lied to her. Right? The pile of questions just kept growing. "Come on, best not keep her waiting." Claire then opened the door and ushered Lucy to follow her.

Although very interested to see her new aunt, Lucy had her doubts. It had always been Lucy and her mother, no one else had ever visited or sent cards or made any efforts to acknowledge their existence. Her mother wasn't known for lying. When they got to the front Lucy could see a beautiful woman waiting for them. Lucy gasped as they got closer, surprised by how similar the woman looked like her mom. Only difference was her dark brown hair, instead blond. She was also a few inches taller. Her confidence practically made her skin glow and her eyes were kind, but also fierce, maybe adventurous? Lucy's head started spinning, she didn't know what to do, what to say. Why would her mother lie to her? Maybe her aunt was a terrible person and her mom just didn't want her to know. However she didn't look like a mean lady. "Hello Lucy," her aunt said in a British accident smiling sweetly. Lucy stared at the woman for awhile before eventually snapping out of it, "Um hi um…" "You can call me Megan." Her aunt winked and then held out her hand. "Well shall we go?" Taking a deep breath Lucy held her head high and took her aunts hand, she had to be brave. They walked out the front doors, and then her aunt started walking away from all the parked cars and instead headed towards the back. "Are we walking home?" Lucy asked confused, the closest neighborhood was miles away. Megan grinned, "Oh no, home is much to far away, Lets just say, I like to travel in style." Lucy's eyes widened when they turned around the corner. Exactly 10 feet away from her was a giant green and gold jet. Lucy looked at her aunt and then back at the jet and back at her aunt. "Best way to travel, don't you think?" Then she went up to door of the jet and placed her hand on it. Suddenly a blue light appeared and started scanning her hand. The door opened and a set of stairs folded out.

Megan grinned at Lucy. "After you."

And for the first time in what felt like ages, she smiled.