

I chucked " your kidding right? This is some kind of joke I'm dreaming aren't I?

I'm afraid not Love " he said " don't call me that! I replied a little harsher then I planned

I thought to myself that me engaged to this handsome guy? I don't know if it was a dream come true or a night mare I was now sitting on the bed pondering what he had told me only moments before. My blood began to boil he had no right to say we're engaged I've never even met with him a day in my life let alone dated him or anyone even in omg past life! "what makes you think you have the right to get engaged to me while I had no say in the matter! I said. I don't even know who the hell you are for all I know you could be evil or worse! Worse? he replied, like what? A.. a pervert or something! I said I was standing now ready to get outta this place. A per.. pervert? Hmmm how intriguing you say some of the most interesting things about me why most girls would call me charming their one true love and other things but I am not familiar with this word per,vert? He said trying to pronounce the word pervert. Yeah well right now I think you are one I replied grabbing my clothes and drawing my blade at the ready. Are you planning on using that? he said starring at my blade. Only if I have to! I said slowly moving to the door aiming the blade between us so he didn't come any closer

You really don't know who I am do you? He asked. Nope and I don't wanna know! I ran out the door slamming it behind me and ran down the hall and down the spiraling stairs I heard the door swing and foot steps behind me as the so called Prince of dragons chased after me I ran faster thankful I had learned breathing exercises so that I didn't run outta breath from running but unfortunately this body wasn't used to these exercises and I still got a little winded "I gotta find a way outta here! I ran down Turing left then right then another left I then came at a dead end "oh shit" I said turning around ready to run back the way I came but was blocked by my so called fiancé

There's nowhere to run let's talk about this he wasn't even breaking a sweat me on the other hand I was so warn out sadly this body was not as fit as my original body " I don't want to hurt you he said I can explain everything plz let's go back to your room" in my world that was a danger sentence to me. I was feeling like a cornered animal I began to panic my body began to tingle and feel like rushing waves again I fell to my nee's trying to control my emotions trying not to let it get outta control " no not again I said under my breath" he came closer reaching out for me grab my hand he said " Get back!" I said slapping his hand away, He came even closer "take my hand now I can help! " i said… GET BACK! As a rush of magic exploded from me he then did something I didn't expect, Stephan rushed at me and hugged me from behind then from behind him wings inclosed us and the pain of magic extinguished I collapsed weak with fatigue the prince was holding me close I was blacking out again " it's ok I've got you now" he said holding me close I'll protect you Vanessa I promise.. the last thing I remember was starring at his golden eyes then blackness.....