
Age doesn't matter

His golden eyes sparkled like glitter leaving me in a trance, again he asked, so what do I have to do to make you tell me your age hmm? "My age I said dreamily" then reality kicked in and I realized he was getting even closer to my face I'm sure my lips were almost touching his now I turned my face away from his, oh he said even a kiss wouldn't encourage you to tell me your age? I blushed and shouted NO! It's not that, the problem is I still don't know you and your trying to force yourself upon me! I was getting angry again my patience dwindling every second he pinned me on the bed... you have to the count of 3 to get the hell off me oh I will burn you and your house to the ground! 1! 2! Fine fine he said I'll get off, he took a breath as he sat next I sat up still wrapped in a blanket but not like a burrito anymore, I was liking this world less and less I didn't care how handsome this guy was he was pushy and rude! "Listen i won't try to force myself on you, I would never try to hurt you. I think a good meal would do us both good what do you say?" He said. I turned away again and said I'm not hungry, humph! But my stomach gave me away with a load GRoOWWlL!!! I blushed embarrassed "he chucked "not hungry you say? I think your stomach sounds hungry enough to eat a horse" fine I said I'll get something to eat! Now will you please leave! " ok I will but I don't think you'd like go to dinner dressed in your nightgown so I'll have the maids bring you fresh clothes you might also want to bathe but that can wait till after dinner" I grabbed a pillow to throw at him... fine I'm going! he said closing the door behind him, finally I said crawling outta my covers " also" he said peaking his head behind the door "you look very pretty today!" I grabbed a pillow and threw it at the door missing his face by several inches, "miss me miss me now you gotta kiss me!" he said chuckling, I threw another and it did hit and he retreated closing the door,