
The Dragon of MHA

Our unfortunate/fortunate character Suzuki Hanakawa, was ran over by a Truck and was transported to a game show for some reason. Then he got reincarnated into the MHA universe with the powers of the Fire Dragon Slayer, Natsu Dragneel. Read along to find out how he makes the best of his second life. The first few chapters are just to get the story going, and I think their garbage, just saying. So don’t rate the story if you’ve only read a few chapters. This is my first fanfic I’ve written so gradually I’ll improve Once you get to Chapter 10, the words increase to around 2k+ on average. Sometimes I'll write more, depending on how I feel that day. ========== Discord: https://discord.gg/BMtDTUtyh2

Chopstiksman · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

It Must Hurt

*All Might POV*

"To be attacked during a training camp that was meant to prepare students to fight villains…" Nezu sighs, "We should be ashamed of the irony. We feared the revitalization of the villains, but our understanding of it was naive. They had already started their war. Their war to destroy hero society."

Midnight puts her hands to her chin, "Even if we had understood it, would we have been able to defend against it? With all these persistent developments unfolding one after another… Ever since All Might, most organized crime had been weeded out."

Present Mic sighs, "So we all got too complacent during peaceful times without realizing it, thinking we had time to prepare."

All Might puts his hands over his face in shame and anger, "I am angry from the bottom of my heart at my own cowardice. While they were fighting desperately, I… was relaxing in the tub."

Snipe leans back in his chair, "Having the sports festival right after the attack… We can't keep taking unyielding positions like that like we have until now," he slams his fist into the table, "Not just one having three students kidnapped is U.A.'s biggest failure. They not only stole our students, but they stole the trust that the people had in us heroes."

I look down at the newspapers in front of me, "All the news outlets are filled with criticism of U.A. right now," I pick up an article and show it to them, "If they were trying to get Bakugo, then it was probably because of his violent nature was made public at the sports festival."

I speak up, "My connections in the police department told me that after interviewing the students, they found that Tokoyami's Dark Shadow has a violent personality when out of control. They probably tried to appeal to his chaotic side. As for Natsu… I have my theories, but it may be because of the danger that he poses to them."

Nezu nods in agreement, "His rate of growth is well beyond the others. It's almost scary how quickly he learns and adapts. So, they may try to eliminate him because he may hinder their future plans. As for Bakugo and Tokoyami... If either of those two are won over by the villains, then it's over for U.A. as an educational institution. I don't see Natsu as the type of person to switch sides that easily."

"A phone call is here! A phone call," my ringtone goes off and I look down at the caller ID, "Naomasa Tsukauchi."

I stand up and head for the door, "Ah, sorry about that. I have to take this call."

Present Mic reprimands me, "We're in a meeting you know. Turn off your phone."

I walk out of the door and slide it shut, before looking at the floor and gritting my teeth, "What kind of Symbol of Peace can't even save his own students…? What kind of hero…?"

I sigh and put the phone to my ear, "Sorry about that, what is it Tsukauchi?"

My long-time friend replies, "We just got the statements from Aizawa and Vlad King, but there's been an unexpected development! We may be able to determine the whereabouts of the League of Villains."

My eyes widened in shock, "Really, Tsukauchi!?"

"Yeah. About two weeks ago, one of my subordinates was gathering information and found out that a man with a patchwork face was seen going into a building that was supposed to be vacant. The man was said to be in his twenties, so he checked the records for past criminals, but he didn't see anything notable. After checking in with the owner of the building, he found out that there was some sort of hidden bar there, so he thought it was unrelated and ignored it. But one of the villains who kidnapped the students this time had the same markings! With the situation as it is, once we find evidence, we'll be on them at once! This is top secret. I'm only telling you because it's you. We're planning on asking for cooperation from a lot of pro heroes for this rescue and cleanup mission. All Might, please lend us your power, too!"

I stay silent for a little as the faces of my students shuffle through my head.

Tsukauchi seems concerned at my silence, "All Might?"

I clench my fist and transform into my muscle form, "I… had a wonderful friend. This is what I'll say when I meet those guys: "I am here… to counter-attack!"

I can hear his happiness, "I'm glad that you're on board, now I have to make a few more calls regarding pro heroes. Thanks for your time."

But before he hangs up, a certain person flashes in my head, "Ah, wait Tsukauchi!"

He sounds confused, "Something come up?"

I shake my head, "No, I just remembered. I have an old acquaintance that would be highly interested in joining us, especially since Dragneel was kidnapped."

"Dragneel? Why? Are they a hero?"

"No, but-"

However he cuts me off, and his attitude turns serious, "I'm sorry but I can't let that happen. This needs to remain… wait… you don't mean…"

I grin, "Yes. Him."

There is a moment of silence before he replies. "Fine, but only because it's you and him."

"Thanks, Tsukauchi, I owe you one."

He chuckles, "If we pull this off, I'll owe you."

He hangs up and I scroll through my contacts before arriving at the number. I call and the dial rings for a bit before someone answers.

A rough but quiet voice answers, "Toshinori… What do you want? I'm not in a good mood."

"How are the limbs?"

"He finished them up. They are good, but compared to my old ones…"

I grin even wider, "Well, wanna do a test run?"

*Natsu POV*

I groan in pain and try to rub my face, only to find that my hand is unable to move.

An unfamiliar voice mutters, "Oh, you're awake… good, good. I was worried that you had died."

I open my eyes and immediately shut them because of the bright light above me and everything that happened recently rushes back into my head, "Whe-where am I?"

I try and turn my head, but an intense pain shoots up my leg, "ARGHH!!!"

The same voice spoke again, "Well, well, well, welcome to my humble abode, Natsu Dragneel. Your wounds have been patched up, but as I suspected, it tends to leave scars when you get stabbed by ice and your flesh starts to freeze."

I open my eyes again, slowly this time, and move my eyes around to take in my surroundings. While half the room is covered in darkness, the other half is dimly lit from what appears to be medical equipment. My body is strapped to a metal board and metal cuffs are holding me down. I try to produce fire, but my body just seems unable to.

'What? Why can't I use my-'

The voice speaks again, "You must be wondering why you can't use your fire, am I right?"

'That voice… is it?'

A man in a wheelchair rolls into the light with several tubes and needles sticking into his body, 'All for One!'

His face, a patch of veiny skin with nothing on it other than his mouth, "It's a quirk inhibitor created by some small-time Yakuza. It only lasts a few hours but it completely nullifies your quirk during that time."

I stay quiet and continue to analyze my situation, 'If All for One is here, then am I in his main base? No, but with all this medical equipment… the Nomu Factory?!'

All for One grins at me, "You seem pretty calm for someone who is gravely wounded and in enemy hands, too bad you refused our offer."

I try my best to stay calm, but panic and fear slowly start to take over, bit by bit, "Well, I admit I was tempted, but in the end, I thought I was throwing away too much. By the way, who are you, I'd like to know my hosts."

All for One chuckles, "Oh, my bad, how rude of me, you can call me All for One. As for your refusal, I don't blame you, no point in making a risky decision when the pay may not be worth what you lost. It really is a shame that soon you will no longer have that rationality."

My eyes widen, "What do you mean?"

He laughs heartily, "Ahaha, even if you refused my offer, I still wanted you to join us, you simply chose the more… stressful route. Ever since your display of strength against the first Nomu in USJ, I have always been interested in you. Now, you reveal that you can even eat fire, and then use that as your own, I was shocked. At first, I was extremely interested in your quirk, but then I thought. All Might loves his students doesn't he?"

Without waiting for my answer he continues on, "It would be truly entertaining to see him fight against his own students, especially when that student is already more than a match against him."

The gears in my head are spinning as I try and think of a way out of here, 'I can't use my fire, my body is still in a bad condition from my fight with Gray. I don't know where Gray is, and in front of me is the nemesis of All Might, who can steal my quirk. I know that the heroes come, but how long can I last till they get here.'

"Oh, how are you gonna make me fight All Might?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "Simple, I'll turn you into a Nomu."


"In most cases, extreme body modification is required for the body to handle multiple quirks, because the body would literally melt due to the stress. It isn't pleasant to see or smell. But your body could potentially be on the level where you don't need body modifications, which thankfully makes the process a lot easier."

I start straining my limbs, trying to break out of the restraints, "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not."

All for One moves closer, "Take it as a compliment. Anyways, the first step required is to break your spirit.

"Haha, you can try."

"Don't worry… you'll break… they all break in the end."

He puts his hand against my head, and I feel something weird penetrate my skull, "I have the unique quirk of stealing other quirks. During my travels, I found a doctor in America that had a quirk that could create tendrils on the microscopic level and he used it to perform surgeries and other doctor things."

An intense pain travels through my brain and parts of my body start feeling as if they are burning, "I thought it was a waste of skill, so I took it. I found it particularly useful for controlling the nerves. Right now, if I'm doing this right, you should feel as if your toes and fingers are burning. Must be a new sensation for you."

I grit my teeth in an attempt to lessen the pain, but slowly, bit by bit, the pain increases and spreads up towards my ankles and wrists. I feel something wet drip out of my ear, and from the smell, it's blood.

"Hoho, not bad, by this point, most people are screaming their lungs out. But then again, you aren't really like most people, are you?"

He puts his other hand over my chest and lets it hover, "Tell me Natsu. Now that you've felt pain from the inside, let's try the outside, shall we?"

He places his hand on my chest and immediately, the surface of my skin feels as if hundreds of needles are being stabbed into me.

I let out an agonizing scream and All for One laughs, "Ahahaha, you did good hanging on till now. Right now, I'm tearing apart your skin and stitching it back together. It must hurt."

He continues torturing me for what seems hours, when he finally pulls both hands off of my body and I lay there panting, sweat and blood running down my body.

"Seems, like the first hour is done. I'll be back in ten minutes. We'll continue then."

He rolls his wheelchair away and leaves me alone on the table.

'It's only been an hour!?!? I need to get out of here… quick!'

AN: Well, on that note, anyone sees the Hololive Alternative teaser PV? That stuff looks smooth af.