
Game Crash

Alright y'all, this ones just for fun. Thought I might try writing as well and have some fun with it.

Lemme know whatchaa think…


"It's true what they say." Nathaniel muttered. "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain."

He sat on the couch playing quite a popular game, and his character being hunted down by guards is the very reason he muttered the quote.

Skyrim was —is— a long running game that has been popular and overplayed for years, decades at this point.

As he himself had been playing since he was still a child as well.

The main story, the side quests and every thing one can possibly do in the game has been achieved more times than a normal person can do without losing interest.

He has played every race, every character build and maxed his characters level every time.

Mods? Downloadable contents? Bugs? He has done every one of them again and again, but yet he creates a new character and does the same again.

That's the fun thing about Skyrim, as repetitive and overplayed as it gets, it's still fun to play it, because there can always be something that a gamer missed or overlooked.

At this point, it's the little things.

He is currently playing a maxed out character with a Nord, on the path of a berserker with the Nordic Carved Armor with a simple Steel Battleaxe.

Though it's never simple for gamers like Nathaniel.

There is a certain bug he loves to exploit in the game, one that requires one to use three certain skills in the game, Alchemy, Enchanting and Blacksmithing.

If done right, then a gamer can fully raise the power and defenses of their armor and weapons along with their Magicka, Stamina and their Health.

Of course, there is a certain amount one can raise these stats to, or else the entire game will crash and will close out the entire game.

And so Nathaniel uses the bug to enhance the equipment of his already maxed character to the point the game won't crash, and starts killing every character, at least those that are killable.

Including the kids, especially the kids.

As he looked at the tv, his character stood bloodied with bodies of guards and citizens in a certain favorite city, waves of guards —however many were left— rushed towards him to their deaths.

"Where is Braith?" Nathaniel muttered again with a glorious purpose. "Or Nazeem…" he switched his target as a certain character appeared.

He used his axe to strike the Redguard bastard, but of course the man was unkillable.

"Maybe there's a mod that makes these loveable characters killable." Nathaniel thought out loud.

"Ahh shitt!!" His screen slowed and froze. "Well I guess that's it for this one."

The game suddenly crashed, and kicked him out into the Playstation home screen.

"Alright, let's start a new o—Wha— what?!"

Not only did the tv screen blacked out, but his vision suddenly dimmed, his body lost control.



In a certain kingdom, the skies darkened and a windstorm seemed to have arrived in this land.

The people of Ladon kingdom ran to their homes to shelter from the sudden change in weather.

The kingdom guards ran around, preparing their defenses for the large city, because they knew better.

Few of the citizens thought of this phenomenon as mother nature's anger, a simple storm, but many of the warriors as well as the King and his court knew this could be an attack from a powerful being.

This world had the privilege to experience evolution through their own will, if one wanted to be a warrior or a mage, then it wasn't just something one can fantasize about but achievable through will and opportunity.

"Your majesty, the defense is just about ready." One of the advisors said to the king as they stood at one of the palace's balconies looking towards the skies.

"That's good." The king said, but he didn't believe their kingdom could withstand the coming danger they were observing. "And the warriors?"

"They are on stan—"

"At your command, My king." A man walked in and kneeled just a bit away from the king followed by a handful of other warriors behind him. Their armors and weapons had scratches, showing their time and experience in the battlefields.

"Richard." The king called out to the man without turning back, keeping his eyes on the dark clouds.

"Your will is my command." Richard, the warrior, responded.

"What do you think?" The king asked for his opinion on their situation.

"I will lay my life for whatever comes, I'm sure everyone thinks the same." Richard showed his undying will to stand against the coming dangers.

The king chuckled helplessly and joked. "You will lay your life? Are you not gonna raise your sword to fight for a chance to survive?"

"I will raise my sword to defend and protect until my last breath." Richard said, no humor in his reply.

The king smiled but frowned moments later, his kingdom is not fit to handle this kind of power, this occurring power that he can feel is more than he can handle let alone his warriors.

"Fetch my armor." He said.

"You—your majesty! You wish to—"

"I'm sure many of you already know this…" The king interrupted his advisors' worries. "But this is not something we can handle, the least I can do is fight alongside my warriors and protect our people. So I will don my armor and raise my sword with my men."

The advisor sighed helplessly, he bowed before running off back into the palace.


Thunder rumbled as powerful lightning fell all around the city and outside it's wall.

"The clouds…" Richard stated as they looked more closely.

The clouds suddenly swirled before parting ways, as if giving way to something.

The energy in the air and clouds became so thick and potent they showed their colors to even the citizens.




"It's heading towards the mountains!!"

As the clouds rumbled and parted ways, a bright light shined as something flew out, streaking towards the mountains just near the Northern wall.

The King's expression widened, he turned towards Richard and the other warriors in panic. "GO AND PROTEC—"



Whatever flew out from the clouds crashed into the base of the mountain so hard that the city shook slightly, a shockwave spread from the crash point before spreading towards the city, the Northern city wall cracked.

And the shockwave, although slight, was more than enough to shake the city's foundations, enough to bring down many buildings.

The palace wasn't safe from the shockwave and quake, the balcony that the king and his warriors stood on cracked before tilting ready to fall.

The king turned and waved his hands swiftly.


That simple wave pushed Richard and the warriors away from the falling balcony.

"Your majesty!!"

"I'm fine." He said calmly as he fell along, but made sure to say his demands. "Go help the people in the palace, Richard, see to my family."

"As you wish!" They obeyed before quickly dispersing.

The palace was built with stones and were quite old so the quake was enough to break it down a bit.

On top of the falling balcony, the king made sure no one was below before he jumped off.

He waved his hands and waved them forward as wind blew him forward towards the heart of the city.

From the looks of it, he can use the wind to balance and ease his fall before landing.

In the residential area of the city, the houses are mostly made of wood and stone, which is easy to break down from storms.

He saw that most of the dangerous situation are around the stone buildings, which caused injuries to the people near or inside.

"It's King Marco!!"

The people nearby shouted with smiles of relief.

The king simply nodded before using his manipulations of the wind moved heavy stones or the people stuck under the fallen buildings.

In most of the areas, he can see that the city guards were a bit disoriented but are making their way back up to help the citizens.

King Marco only helped the more severe situations as he still had his attention on whatever that fell from the skies.

He then spoke some comfort to the citizens and told the city guards to help quickly and move to the other zones in the city.

He then turned and made his way North, where most of the damage was.

As he moved in closer, he noticed his vision blocked by the sandstorm rising in the Northern area.

His vision wasn't of much use, but his ears picked up the screams and shouts in the area.

The cry of children and mothers looking for each other, the cry of pain and the coughs rung out endlessly in King Marco's ears.

His face scrunched, infuriated by the situation and the cause.

He breathed out before he brought his hands together and a swirl of wind showed between his hands before it grew.


The more it grew, the more King Marco distanced his hands, it grew and widened until it was the size of himself before raising his hands up with his palms facing forward and pushed.

The spell started as a small whirlwind and has now turned into a small hurricane, but King Marco still controlled it and it followed his hand gestures, rising into the skies as it grew bigger until it turned violent.

The sandstorm in the area slowed and is slowly being sucked into the hurricane.

King Marco used his hands to slowly move the hurricane around the Northern zone of the city, clearing as much of the sandstorm as he could before breaking the spell.

Despite being tired he still made his way towards the people that needed his help and attention.

"Your majesty!"

"Richard…" King Marco turned to the kingdom's strongest warrior just after him.

Richard saw the look and immediately knew what the king wanted to know. "They are safe, your majesty. The queen as well as the princes and princess' are well."

"That's good. Thank you Richard."

"My duty requires no gratitude, your majesty." Richard bowed.

"Duty without gratitude will not satisfy the heart, if your duty is long without receiving gratitude or acknowledgement then there is no honor in such duties." King Marco stated as he raised an injured child from a rubble of stone, passing the child to it's crying mother.

"Come, it is time we go see what the Sun God dropped in Ladon." King Marco led the way through the weakened and cracked Northern wall.

The sandstorm outside the walls were sorst then what they experienced behind inside, the raging winds didn't help.

King Marco didn't use any wind spells to disperse the sandstorm as he didn't have enough in him to do another, and even if he did he wouldn't, it would be wise to save some energy in case a fight comes.

As the guards and the rest of the warriors positioned themselves in the city and the Northern wall, King Marco and Richard disappeared into the sandstorm making their way to the crash point.

It took them some time to get there, but they frowned once they caught a clear view.

At the base of the mountain, a large crater lay in front of them.

What's worse was that they couldn't clearly see in the middle of it.

Richard paused, he had been slowing down but at this point he could barely move forward as a heavy pressure weighed down on him. He wasn't completely sure, but whatever —whoever— is on the ground on the center of the crater was a powerful being.

The energy around that being itself is so thick and potent that Richard could see it, he never saw anyone with energy that powerful. The small amount of it that Richard got seemed to be shivering just from it.

King Marco had it worse, he could also barely move. He could keep moving but he paused just as Richard did.

He sees and feels more than Richard could, King Marco's own energy shivered just as much as Richard's did.

But what shocked him more is the armor and pure physical power he could sense from the man laying in the middle of the crater. At least he assumed it's a man.

He could feel that this person had both the power of a Mage and a Warrior, both powerful enough to make their instincts scream.

He had also seen his share of enchanted items and relics, but he never felt enchantments as powerful as what he feels from those silver armor and steel battleaxe.

"Yo—your majesty…" Richard called out, worrying about the situation.

A frown showed in King Marco's face, he was also worried. Someone as powerful as this, who is clearly still alive, can single handedly influence the kingdom for better or worse depending on what kind of person they are.

Of course, if this being is a good person then that would be a great thing, but history has repeatedly proved to them that most powerful beings aren't exactly benevolent and could care less for the weak, and they are definitely weak considering they can't stand upright a few feet away from him.

"No one is to come near, put up barriers to block anyone to come to this side and close down the Northern gate."

Next chapter