
The Dragon of Dreams

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Everything in this story has a purpose, and every detail has an explanation, i.e. nothing is explained with 'it works cause it works'. The more questions you ask when reading this story, the more you will understand later on. If you just turn off your brain to read you won't know why things are happening the way they are. Nothing is random. If something feels 'forced' it's meant to be, ask why and I guarantee you will enjoy the novel more. ------------------- Synopsis: This is the story of a young man who was reincarnated as a dragon with a near-insatiable curiosity. Initially sparked by questioning his own reincarnation, he quickly gets lost in the endless world of magic, using his deep understanding of advanced sciences to learn the laws and properties of a new type of energy known as mana. However, soon enough, the table would flip, and he would begin using that very same energy to expand his knowledge of science, to the point that he would begin questioning his own understanding of the world. Although not his original intention, with the combination of his intelligence, expanding curiosity, and the 'miracles' that occurred to allow for his existence, he quickly found himself climbing the mountain of strength as if it were a small hill before eventually climbing to a point where it seemed as if he himself was the peak itself. Even if.. that was never the case... - There is mild gore, and profanity is 'censored' toward the beginning, but not later in the story. - Tags: Action, Discovery, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi Sub Tags: Reincarnation, Magic, Non-Human Lead, (Extremely) OP Protagonist, Mystery - New Chapter twice a week, on Monday and Friday at 1:30 PM EST! (Unless Stated Otherwise) - Uploads not on Webnovel, Royal Road, Wattpad, or Scribblehub are ILLEGAL - Community Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Dv7G5bQD4v Account must be at least 3 days old. Note: This novel takes place in the same universe as my other novel, TSH (The System's Harvester) on RR (Royal Road) and SH (Scribble Hub)

Commander_843 · Action
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375 Chs

Chapter 155: A Horrible Sensation

Early Evening - Late Spring : Strait of Western Elynnor


"I'm here to make a deal."

Piercing straight through my instinct, her words filled my mind with a deep and distracting confusion. -W..wh..what?-

I stared at the ancient with a look of bewilderment.

Seeing me stop fighting back, she slowly let go of my tail. "Sorry if I scared you. I got a bit excited after finally finding you."

It was as if my brain was stun locked. I simply didn't know what to say. "W..why were you looking for me?" As much as I hated to admit it, I was plainly inferior to such an overpowering and domineering dragon. The difference in our strength was so vast that I wasn't sure if even nuclear would work. -What could she possible need me for..-

"Before I can get to that, let me do something." Quickly closing her eyes, she started moving a disgusting amount of mana to create a brutally inefficient space rune. It looked like she tried to copy one of the space runes left by Bahamut through pure brute force.

-She wants to isolate us?- Although the rune she was making was extremely crude, it did indeed create space mana, just instead of making a gate, it made a cloud that just warped our surroundings.

"Here, let me do it.." Finally snapping out of my mental stun, I dissipated her rune and created a gate, just instead of sending us to the void, I kept us inside the gate.

"How did you.." She looked around in awe as our surroundings vanished into a pure darkness.

"Hooh.." I took a deep breath to calm my nerves before I spoke. "If you wanted to kill me, Id already be dead so..."

"R..right. An old friend sent me to make a deal with you." She turned to me with a determined look.

"Why didn't your friend come themselves?" -And who is that friend to be able to send you?- I was already skeptical.

"Well, it's not that simple... In any case, let's get down to business." Her face quickly became serious. "I need you to kill someone."

There was a short and painful silence that wrapped around us. "Excuse me?"

"I know it sounds crazy, but my friend said it was someone that threatened her life that even I can't kill." The desperateness and worry in her voice felt genuine but it just threw me off.

-If its someone that even you can't kill.. then the f*ck am I supposed to do?- "You must be mixing me up with someone else. I'd be killed by you in a heartbeat, let alone someone even stronger."

"Well, I felt the same but after seeing you in person, I'm starting to think it's possible. You're fundamentally different after all."

-What… How does she..- Questions ran through my mind, one after another, but I couldn't think of an answer for any of them.

Before I could finish thinking, she opened her mouth and pulled out a weird looking purple sphere with trillions of black, moving tubes inside of it. -A hypersphere?!- It instantly reminded me of the tesseract I saw when I first reincarnated. The color, and design on its shell was the exact same.

As I was staring at it, she casually threw out another bombshell. "The fact you recognize this is proof that you're the person she told me to look for."

The instant I realized what she said, I felt a shock of electricity course through my body. -The only people that know about that are Mother and Father..-

"The man you need to kill is named Magni. I don't know too much about him either, but 'you'll know him when you meet him'."

-God.. I wish she'd stop throwing up red flags..- Under no circumstances was this a deal I should take. The request was too outlandish and vague, and the contractor was someone who knew far too much about me. -But I really need that artifact..-

As I eyeballed the hypersphere, I tried to clarify something. "So.. that artifact.."

"This is the downpayment."

-Sh*t..- Whoever I was making the deal with was someone that knew I couldn't refuse the deal in the first place. "Fine.. I'll do it... Whats my time limit?"

She showed a look of relief once I agreed. "She said to just do it once you get the chance to."

-What kind of time limit is that?- It was once again, too vague to make sense of.

"But let me make something abundantly clear, Sir Ragnarok." She gave a threatening glare as she pressured me with her excessively heavy aura. "If you fail this commission, and my friend dies.. I won't stop with just killing you.."

It felt as if the world stopped turning for a moment. My entire body stiffened up and I broke into a cold sweat.

"Haah.." With a deep breath, she eased up her aura and lightly tossed the artifact to me. "Here.."

-Oi!- Instantly breaking into a panic, I tried to catch it as gently as possible.

The instant it touched my palm though, it shined a bright purple light and moved right in front of my face.


As I was flashbanged, an all too familiar robotic voice appeared in my mind.

"Clearance: Approved

Authorities: -Error-

-Update Impossible-

-Update Delayed-

-Please reconnect to a server at your earliest convenience.-

-Assuming Temporary Authorities-

Authorities: Approved

Conditions: Met

Activating Procedure: Ë̴͚͈͕́p̵̯̈́s̴̡͊i̶̪̯̽́ĺ̷̏ͅö̶̤̝́͋̓͜ǹ̴̬̔ "

-W..wha..- The voice was mostly clear and understandable, but before I could process what it said, a horrible pain, as if my brain and eyes were being ripped apart, shot through my head. 

As I lost control of my mana and the gate dissipated, I heard the ancient's voice again. "My name is Amphitrite, if you really do succeed, I will forever be in your debt."

The genuinity in her voice dissipated the anger that built up from the pain, but even if I wanted to do something, I couldn't move. 

Before long, my vision faded to black and my stomach was filled with that gut-wrenching sensation.

Even today, I can vividly remember the feeling of powerlessness mix with the feeling of sinking into the ocean..

What a horrible combination that was..

Once I finally woke up, I could only feel cold, dry sand beneath me. -Huh.. w..where am I..- Looking around, I noticed I was laying next to Ilios in some kind of underwater bubble, but even though there wasn't any light, I could see extremely clearly.

-So my thoughts have sped up, and my vision got better..- I was quick to notice the two obvious changes, but I didn't take the time to think much about it. There was something much more urgent weighing on my mind. -How long has it been?-

Normally, my internal clock (instinct) would tell me how long it had been even if I was in a dragon sleep, but this time, I was completely in the dark. -Sitting here and thinking about it wont do me any good though..-

As I slowly sat up, I accidentally woke up Ilios.


Without even seeing him wake up or move, I got assaulted by his licks.

"Haha, I'm alright, I'm alright." I tried to calm him down by petting him before things got out of hand. Once things finally calmed down, I mumbled under a guilt filled breath. "It doesn't help that I don't know how long you were left alone this time.."

As if understanding what I said, Ilios casually backed up and wrote in the sand.

'IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII' (6 and 12 tallies) He sat down and gave a proud look when he finished writing.

-Gosh.. so it's been 6 months... WAIT WHAT?!- Although just two sets of tallies, it quickly reminded me about how smart he was. -I guess he is an Ancient Fenrir...- "Did anything major happen while I was asleep?"

Ilios tilted his head slightly.

-I guess that question was a bit..- Before my thought could finish though, Ilios created a bright spotlight and illuminated everything outside of the bubble. -What is he..-

Outside of the bubble was the seafloor, an endless and dark abyss of sand and rock, but around a hundred meters away, there were several massive tentacles, lining the ground.

Not quite understanding what happened, I looked down at Ilios to see him puffing up his chest. -Haha.. why is he..- It took a moment for everything to click. "YOU KILLED THAT?!"

A broad smile came to Ilios's face as he gave a strong nod.

I sat in awe for a moment before a pure pride washed over me. "Good job, Buddy! To think youre so strong now!" I excitedly leaned down and rubbed my head against him. "Next time there is a big fight, it might be you protecting me!"

But Ilios didn't seem to like that idea. "Arw.."

Hearing the odd noise he made, I pulled away from him a bit. "Hm? What's wrong?"

Casually lifting his paw, he pointed to me and swirled his mana around the bubble.

-What is he..- "You want me to use magic?"

He gave a strong nod before giving a look of anticipation.

"A..alright... What kind of magic d-" I cut myself off as soon as I started controlling and reading my aura. -What.. the..-