
The Dragon Mage old

Akebono is a nobody in his world of science, but in the world of magic, he will soon find out he is much more.

SPAMATRON64 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The New Start

All I see is darkness. No light, no sound, nothing. I'm here all alone. What just happened there. The woman and man fighting. She looked nice with her black hair and beautiful smile, but the knife. The knife made out of what looked like ice. It just building itself in her hand. She also knew my name. How did she know me? Why would she know me? I'm a nobody. Not to mention her attire. It was weird. The white and gold straps. The whole bright, light thing. Ohh yeah didn't she like blind the man with a light. What was that? It seemed almost like magic.

The man was also weird. He was in a suit and was a cop. He didn't really seem like a cop, but he did seem more concerned about me than the woman. He did give off a bad feeling about him though. He was off, a white man in a suit with short blonde hair seems normal enough, but something about him wasn't right. I don't know what it was, but he definitely wasn't a normal person.

My family. Will I ever see them again. My sister. This must be heartbreaking. My brother must care too. He may not show emotion, but I know he feels it. I know they'll miss me, but why would they? It's not like I'm important. I'm just a failure that only ever brings them down. Even now I'm just causing them pain. Why would they ever still care about me; an absolute nobody? No, I'm worse than a nobody. I'm a negative, not a zero. It's all gone now. At least I can't bring them down anymore. It's just darkness now.

It's all black. Then a light appears in the sky. I hear a voice. "You are a very lucky man. You have been chosen to join Thera, the counterpart to your Earth. Now listen to me here. What I'm about to say is important. You are from Earth. You are going to be reincarnated in Thera. It is very different from your Earth. Most importantly there is magic. There are 18 different types of magic. Ten of them are considered general magic: life magic, summoning magic, water magic, ice magic, air magic, tera magic, fire magic, lightning magic, metal magic, plant magic. Four of them are dark magic: demonic magic, shadow magic, draconian magic, and energy magic. Four of them are light magic: light magic, angelic magic, energy magic, and draconian magic. Those are the types of magic. The dynamic of this magic and how it's used is up to you to figure out."

The voice asks, "Anything you need to ask now." I tell the voice," That's not much information to go on. Can you elaborate on more than the magic." "Alright," the voice says," You will be reincarnated on Thera as a child 14 years of age as a first-year in high school. As soon as you are reincarnated you will remember everything from your past in Thera. You will find out more about things on Thera as you go on." I yell out, "My sister, will I ever see her again." The voice just simply replies with, "Maybe and good luck." As I was yelling out that he didn't answer my question. The light disappeared and silence fell upon me. Next thing I know I'm waking up in bed to an alarm.