
The Dragon Mage old

Akebono is a nobody in his world of science, but in the world of magic, he will soon find out he is much more.

SPAMATRON64 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Hour of Magic

My third class has just started. The teacher has just stood up and started speaking.

"So I'm Mr. Himura, and today we'll be awakening our magic abilities. Now those of you who are innate will just be observing. The rest of you please pick up a crystal from this box." He told the class. Everyone gets up to grab a crystal, then immediately after they sit down.

The teacher speaks up again, "Now that we have grabbed the crystals, I'll explain to you what these are. These crystals are a special type of meso-crystal that will help you awaken an element. After I say you can you will need to grab the crystal tightly with body hands and focus. You will enter a dream-like state where you will see a marble-sized ball. Some of you will see more than one. Grab only one and then you will wake from the dream-like state. You should have summoned an element out of the crystal and you will see it on your desk. You may now proceed with the awakening."

I close my eyes with the tiny crystal tightly between my hands and I hear him again.

I see the balls. Sixteen of them. Wait I hear something. It's the voice from before. The one from when I died.

"Hello once again, Akebono. As you can see you possess all sixteen elements, but as of now you can choose one to awaken and one to also awaken but secretly. Grab the two you want to awaken, and hold the secret one behind your back. Which two do you want?" The voice informed. I think about it. Lightning is one of the strong er ones. Besides summoning it's the strongest one. Why don't I choose both? Control over lightning is good, but it is rare and I don't want to attract too much attention. Summoning is good at higher levels, but at low levels it's weak. As I ponder which one I should take, the voice said something

"The bigger the sphere the stronger the magic will be."

That made me take a second look. Some of them are marble-sized. Most are like golf ball sized. The summoning one is more baseball-sized. So I will choose lightning and summoning, but which one will I keep secret. The lightning one is pretty rare, but not as rare as the summoning one. The secret one won't get trained as much so it will end up weaker. That makes me lean towards summoning as the secret one. Yeah that's sounds good. I then grab the lightning and summoning one and hold the summoning one behind my back. I then open my eyes.

I was the last one to awake. When I did the whole class was filled with a blinding light. It was my lightning. It scared me so I dropped the crystal. It stopped after I was done. My class had their mouths wide open. Not only did I make lightning I made more of my element than anyone else. I didn't just make sparks. I made bolts. Apparently, I was one of only ten people to awaken lightning. In my class, there were ten waters, seven airs, five teras, three plants, two metals, one ice, and me, the lightning user. I wonder what they got.