
The Dragon Lord's Lover

Self-doubt, the true limitation any potential Kalil has ever had in her. As a struggling healer fighting to get herself recognized and realize what her parents had always dreamed of for her. Born and wired different from your everyday healer was just a bonus to make her journey chaotic. What she never expected was a Dragon Prince fighting to become a Lord, in all his glory and arrogance, to be the one helping her past her insecurities.

ialwaysneededtime · Fantasy
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9 Chs


The day after Yiorgos' training, Yiorgos got together with Sinta for his educational lesson. Today he was learning human language. A topic he was the least interested in, firstly he thought learning such language futile. Their history at the other hand, was at the very least interesting, for he could learn about their failure, weakness, and how he could strategize for a way to weaken them and rule over the human race, as they were made superior to the human by their God.

"You were doing better than last week, my prince." Sinta complimented Yiorgos in Benadamian, a language system established for human and also including ones evolved as Immortus.

Yiorgos took the paper from Sinta to evaluate today's exercise, taking note of his mistake, most of them from misspelling, his grammatical competence seemed to have improved over the last few months of his weekly language training.

"Languages are not my forte. I am much better in combat exercises. So do not expect me to perfect those mistakes and to do well in the upcoming exercises." Yiorgos replied, not bothering to reply in Benadamian.

"That does not explain your vast vocabulary and your use of perfect grammar as well as formal Darakonia though, your highness." Sinta smiled at Yiorgos softly to remind the young prince that he already did well and that he excelled in all the courses she delivered to him.

Yiorgos was about to open his mouth to retort when one of the castle's servant came to deliver his refreshment. It was normal for the servants to bring him his tea with different snacks in the middle of his educational lessons. What made him wonder is the extra cup of tea in the tray that the servant brought.

The servant served Sinta's tea first, then he moved to Yiorgos' side to serve his.

"I beg your forgiveness, your highness" the servant apologized as she served a plate of crispy fried Thyatira's meat and a cup of tea delicately next to a few books and papers loitering around the garden's table.

"Who told you to serve my lecturer?" Yiorgos asked cuttingly, not bothering to beat around the bush.

"T-the head chef, your highness, he commanded for us to serve your lecturers starting from today." The servant replied meekly, gloved hands trembling from their position on the servant's lower back.

Yiorgos delayed his reply in scrutiny. From what he learned, the kitchen never served any of his lecturers nor his trainers. He could care less whether they will start serving or they would never serve them. What concern him was the clearly different colored teacup. He knew all types of dining appliances in their kitchen headquarters. Including ones for non-royalties, be it guests, workers. He gathered the information from his observation, and he recognized the different type of cup. It was of different material too, it was neither porcelain nor ceramic. Rather, it was bone china, the material of containers normally used to store poison.

Sinta stared at the young prince confusedly, he hadn't dismissed the servant, and with each ticking second, the servant's anxiety seemed to grow, and it ticked Sinta too, she wished to open her mouth to just calm down the irritated prince, but refrained as she thought that it is unwise to do so. The prince was agitated over something that she has yet to know the reason to.

In a cold voice, Yiorgos finally opened his mouth "You, drink the tea"

The words seemed to shock the servant to her very core, eyes widened in panic and hands trembling on the either side of her body.

"Why? Can't you drink a normal tea?" Yiorgos tested

"I-i...." The silver haired servant can't seem to form any word at the command.

"That is enough, young master, if the kitchen decided to start serving your lecturer, isn't that a good thing?" Sinta can't stand the tension anymore and finally opened her mouth and empathetically defended the poor servant, though the idea of Yiorgos not wanting the kitchen to serve for his lecturers sting for a bit.

"Shut up, this does not concern you" The youthful face of the prince turned towards Sinta coldly, effectively shutting her up as she felt the terrifying aura that he exuded. She never felt such powerful aura of an enraged Abzu, and the spook reached even her spine. Sinta held both of her hands in front of her chest.

Abruptly, the young prince stood up, despite his height only being about four feet, the power was enough to almost made Sinta and the servant shook like a leaf.

"I said drink the tea!" Yiorgos pointed at the horned servant angrily. "Do you want me to force it down your throat?"

The servant shook her head in fear and gulped. Finally gathering her courage to drink the poisoned tea, the servant cursed the head chef for delegating such task to her and slowly drinking the tea.

The servant was on her fourth gulp as she could feel the poison taking effect, her hands shook in tremor, but not of the anxiety, rather from the poison affecting her nervous system. Despite being physically stronger, being an Abuzan, the dragon blood in her having more resistance than human, she still felt the severe pain attacking the area of her intestines first, then spreading to her entire body. In five minutes, she started convulsing.

In anger, the young prince made his way to the kitchen, upon seeing the head chef, Yiorgos manipulated the Caelum energy around him to start flying and made his way to the head chef rapidly, catching the chef off guard as he choked the poor stocky man and slammed him to the wall, the impact of the slam rattling the kitchen appliances, making even some of them fell to the ground.

Had the head chef was a human, he would have been dead already.

"Explain the reason as to why you would poison my lecturer?!" Yiorgos gritted his teeth in anger as his eyes glowed red and claws started to transform akin to a dragon, sharp and big and puncturing even the hard scaly skin on the chef's neck.

"I, I did not his highness..." The head chef Higen replied, voice coming out coarse as his airway was cut due to the choking.

"Stop lying! Your servant is in her deathbed drinking your tea, I will not tolerate this, I will disembowel you, and feed your gut to my pet!" Threateningly, Yiorgos lifted his free hand, claws glinting dangerously.

"No! Please, spare me his highness! It was the Lord's order." Higen finally opened his mouth in panic as he got alerted that Yiorgos was not about to hold back on disembowelling him.

Yiorgos' claw was a hair's breadth away from touching Higen's stomach, the Abuzan's perfect reflexes allowing him to stop in a moment's notice.

At the chef's statement, the young prince's anger spiked impossibly higher, he might disrespect his father, the emperor of the land for the first time since his birth just in a moment.