
Chapter nine

"Please, I promise I was kidnapped ma'am " Amanda begged a middle aged woman who was seated across her.

The woman sighed, " why should I believe you? You're the talk of the whole town AJ and I'm sorry, it's not like I believe what they are all saying about you but then, I have to believe what I've seen with my own eyes " the woman said

"Madame Grace, what have you seen with your eyes that would warrant you don't trust me?" Amanda asked

" isn't it obvious? You claim to have been kidnapped but just look at you, you are glowing way more than a princess would so how would you expect me to believe you? Sorry, I have no choice but to withdraw this job from you Amanda, sorry so please leave " Madame Grace said

Amanda exhaled in a depressed tone, she'd just lost her job without a doubt because of that kidnap and the worst of it all was that no one believed her when she told them she had being kidnapped. They all thought she told lies because strangely, she looked so beautiful but one thing surprised her, how did she look so great? What was in that egg that kept on making her glow? These were questions that kept running through her head.

With her head bowed, she started walking towards the door. When she got to the door, she stopped abruptly.

" what is it ?" Grace asked

" madam, you're firing me because I didn't come to work for a few days right?" She asked as she walked back to the woman who rolled her eyes

" yes I am" she said

" how about this, I work for five days straight without any salary to make up for the days I missed? And then on the sixth day, you could start paying? How does that sound?" She asked with a smile

Madame Grace looked at her, if there was one thing in this world someoje couldn't say no to, it had to be Amanda's smile. She wasn't the smartest or the best or the most beautiful but her way of doing things just screamed uniqueness and that was one thing she admired about the girl

" if I say yes will you leave my office?" She asked

" will I? Say yes first and then I'll do something before leaving " she said

" yes. If you can work for five days without any pay, then on the sixth day, you can get your pay" she said with a smile and Amanda rushed to her, giving her a big hug.

" thank you ma'am, thank you" she said and rushed out

" a girl like you couldn't ever have a sugar daddy but then Amanda, even I have to believe you have a sugar daddy because that's the only reason you'll look so good " she thought to herself and shook her head. " but then, if you had a sugar daddy, why would you still want to work? You are a very complicated human being Amanda, very complicated one!" Madame Grace thought to herself

" what did she say?" A girl who seemed to be in her mid twenties, older than Amanda asked

" my charms always work Lara but then, I'm not expecting any pay in the next five days" she said as she put on her apron

" why is that?" Lara asked

Amanda sighed before explaining everything to Lara who shook her head.

" I'm sorry. Even I wish I could help you out but you know how tough things are for me right now so I'm sorry" she said

" I know. Even I can't ask you for money and even if you gave me, I couldn't collect it. Luckily, I work in a restaurant so I can eat whenever I want" she said with a smile

" what of Phoebe? You can ask for her help " she said and immediately she mentioned Phoebe, Amanda's countenance changed " what is it? Did you two have a fight?" Lara asked

" I wish it were only a fight that we had but you know, it hurts to know that your best friend doesn't trust you" she said as she walked to the counter " she also thinks I have a sugar daddy and it hurts, especially when I know I don't have a sugar daddy but it's fine, she'll come back to her senses soon" she said with a smile and Lara smiled at her.


Gionna sat on the floor in tears, there was blood everywhere and King Adolph looked very disappointed in himself.

" I'm sorry Gionna, I didn't know that….."

" you didn't know what father? Do you know what would have happened had she succeeded? This is what happens when you let the whole kingdom know you have locked the princess in a room all by herself. Of course the witches would come attack her" she got up and walked to her bed, " thank goodness I had the blessing of Ariel or else, I would have been ..." she covered her mouth in shock " I would have been a goner" she said and burst into more tears

King Adolph clapped and two guards rushed in " the punishments is still not lifted. However, it doesn't mean I don't care about the princess so until her punishment is lifted, you two are in charge and trust me, should anything happen to the princess, I'll have you two beheaded like I did this witch" he said and pointed to the maid that lay on the ground, lifeless and headless.

They gulped, there was no way they wanted to end up like that maid… no one did!

" yes your highness " they said and bowed

King Adolph went to Gionna, " everything will be fine, just get some rest " he told her and left.

" do you need anything my princess?" The guards asked

Gionna cast them a look of hatred and they hurriedly left with the lifeless body, locking the door behind them.

Immediately they left, Gionna got off her bed and started yelling in anger, throwing everything in the room around. She looked at the blood stain that was on the floor before bending and using her index finger to take some of it. " was it all of nothing? Did I end your life for nothing?" She asked herself " what kind of a father do I have? Even after knowing that while in custody, my life is in danger, he still let me stay locked up? You'll pay for this father, you will " she said to herself and walked to her cupboard before changing. " after I become the supreme dragon queen, everyone will fear me and I will make sure that everyone shivers at the sound of my name,….. Gionna Ericsson… oh no, Gionna Tolan" she said and burst into laughter.

She stared once again at the blood, " your life was wasted and yet I didn't get what I sought. Shows how useless you are but then, what was to be done was to be done" she said to herself.


" my princess please, the king has given strict orders for you not to be let out of this room so I couldn't let you leave, please" the maid said, head bowed

Gionna walked to her, " is that true? Am I not really allowed to leave? Have I become a slave in my palace?" She asked angrily as she took a dagger from her dress and slit the maid's neck in anger

" aaaah" the maid gave a silent scream as she fell on her knees.

Gionna dragged her by the hair, " will you really not let me leave? I'll like to see how you do that?" She asked and slit her very own wrist.

" aaaaaaah" she screamed loudly and before the maid knew it, Gionna put the dagger in her hand and made it look like they were both struggling for the dagger.

Some guards rushed in, " my princess!" They yelled and they pulled the maid back before Gionna fell

" what is going here?" King Adolph asked and on seeing Gionna, he gasped in shock. " what has happened here?" he asked

" my… my lord" the maid tried speaking but then Gionna cut her off

" she is a witch father, a witch" she yelled as she got up. " father, she had being sent here by her clan to come and kill me so that Lero has no heir" she said in pain

" is this true?" Kind Adolph asked

" would I ever lie to you father? She is a certified witch" she said

" no my lord, I….." before the maid could say something else, Gionna grabbed the sword from King Adolph and sent it through the maid's body from her stomach. " aaaaaah" she screamed in pain

" let her speak princess Gionna " king Adolph said and before the maid could speak, an amulet dropped from her stomach and GIonna gasped

" father!" She bent and picked the amulet to show the king " i promise that this is a witch's amulet, only they have access to this" she said as she continued to examine it

A guard respectfully took it from her, " I'm afraid the princess is right my lord. This really is a witch's amulet which only means….."

" she is a witch!" King Adolph completed the statement and then took the sword and angrily sent it through the maid's neck.

"Ah!" The maid screamed as she finally fell to the ground, lifeless.


" so what if I framed a maid just to gain freedom and it didn't work? Im princess Gionna and I'm a soon to become supreme dragon queen so why should it bother me if I have to send some creatures to Ariel earlier than they should to gain freedom? This is just the beginning, I'm willing to do anything, absolutely anything as long as it ends with me becoming the dragon queen " she said to herself with a smile.


King Adolph paved his throne room, he'd never felt so incompetent in all his decades of ruling. What use was it protecting his kingdom when he couldn't protect his own daughter from almost being killed by a witch?

" whoever is there, call me Toban! Tell him to meet me in the throne room now " he said before going to seat

While he was still seated, Toban, a very charming dragon walked in.

" greetings my lord, how may your bumble servant be of help to you?" He asked in the most humble voice ever

" the princess has been attacked by a clan of conniving witches whose plan it was to end her life " he said

" oh my goodness! However did that happen?" Toban asked, shocked. He couldn't believe that a witch could make it through the security of the gates of Lero.

" that I do not know yet so I want you to find out everything, make sure to investigate how a witch could make it into the kingdom, unnoticed. Especially into the palace!" He said and Toban bowed

" your wish is my command my lord" Toban said and bowed

" you may leave now" he said and just as Toban was about to leave he called him back " hold on " he said

" yes my lord"

" I would like for a message to be sent to the king of Ahor and his brother, Jentzen Cameron. please get the messenger and a pen as well as some paper " he said

" of course my lord" Toban said, bowed and then left

" is there someone working with the witches and I don't know? Because how could one come into the palace without my knowledge? It only means someone is helping them!" He thought to himself.