
Blind With Rage

As soon as Laina left with Kol, Dante turned his attention back to Kragen. He cracked his knuckles as he took a step towards the werewolf. 

"My feud is not with you, Dragon King!" Kragen roared with rage as he lunged towards Dante with a curled-up fist. 

His berserk-like fighting technique was useless against Dante, who easily dodged all of his attacks. Fed up with how erratic his movements were, Dante caught one of Kragen's punches mid-air. 

The Dragon King crushed Kragen's hand with ease. Kragen cried out in pain as he fell to the ground while holding his crippled hand. The Alpha werewolf was blind with rage. 

He wanted revenge, nothing but revenge. 

Dante wiped his hand on his jacket as he looked over to Kragen, "You might not have a feud with me, but I have a bone to pick with you."

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