

Helena entered haughtily, not expecting to meet Raven there. On his arrival, her face sank into disappointment. She quickly collected herself before speaking with a bow,

" Your Highness! How come..you are here?"

Raven looked up at the woman longingly. His eyes narrowed before asking,

" What is she doing here? Wasn't this place sealed?"

Helena bit her lips hard. Yes, she knew that it was sealed but because of her influence on the king, she always thought that she could do whatever she wanted. Letting out a nervous laugh, she replied through her gritted teeth,

" It's just..she broke some rules and I punished her by sending here."

As expected, Raven didn't bother to ask what rules she had broken. His trust in Helena was unbreakable. However, he sent her a firm warning,

" I don't care but don't send her to this place which is risky. I promised to keep their heir safe. You want me to go back to my words? She could have died here. "