

  Alessia looked down at his nervous eyes, astonishing. The proud king, Raven Grooves was actually looking nervous for her answer. Alessia bit her lips together tightly. She couldn't deny the truth that she didn't love the man. Looking deep into his eyes, she replied with a smile,

  " As long as you don't give me a reason to leave you, I won't, My King."

  Raven furrowed hard at her answer. So, she had a chance to leave his side? His dragon suddenly turned possessive. Growling, he sat up to lean against her face. Pulling her lips into a ferocious kiss, he muttered against her lips,

  " Even if you want this, I won't allow it! Ever!! You are mine! Only mine! "


  " Any news about Darsak?"

  Alessia asked in a worried voice, her body smelt sweet after the warm shower. After their hot passion, a shower was mandatory but she didn't meet her pack members alone. She didn't know why she felt unsafe around them. Only if Raven was around, she could put her mind on ease.