

  " Thank you, Your Highness! You made me so

  happy today!"

  Amaira said with a bashful smile, her cheeks turning hot. Today was the best day of her life. The officials had seen with their own eyes who was the most favourite woman of King Raven. It would be easier for her to get the queen position next time.

  Raven didn't bother to reply. His eyes crawled back to stare upstairs. It was all empty now but a smirk gradually rose in his lips. Amaira didn't notice his eyes. She blushed harder before asking in a seductive voice,

  " Today..is a happy occasion..Can..can I come to your room?"

  He didn't ask her to serve for a long time. Truth to be told, no man had satisfied her like Raven did. She missed his body and the heavenly chamber of his. Raven merely grabbed a glass of drink from a passing maid. Taking a short sip, he murmured before taking his leave,

  " Enjoy the event, Amaira! I am sure, you know plenty of people here."