

  " So apparently you don't needed anymore!", a maid glared at Alessia, sending her a smirk as she went out of the kitchen. Ever since Raven forbade her to serve him like before, she had been the center of their mockery. They joked about her, telling that she was being eaten and thrown off like garbage.

  Alessia didn't mind their words but the fact that Amaira had replaced her place and was attending Raven frequently, it made her needy in her heart. She tried to ignore the absurd feelings but it wasn't working quite right. Each day whenever she saw Amaira dressed up like a doll and went to the king's room, she felt a sting in her heart. She cursed her mate bond but deep down, she knew that it wasn't all about the mate bond.

  " You seem sad. Are you unhappy that the king doesn't want to see you anymore?", Kayla's voice snapped her out of her daze. She jerked, coming back to reality and saw that her soup was overflowing on the stove.