
Why don't we have a deal then?

Then Suddenly... A man descended from the sky!

"What the!" I was surprised at Damien's entrance.

"I hope you don't mind me joining you..." He said with his very deep and enchanting voice.

"Help yourself" I said to him.


"Hahahahahaha Is that the best you got??" Damon said as he flexed his arm.

"Can you please stop? It's embarassing already... Have you seen Navi and Damien?" Nabi said as she combed her fingers through her hair. People were mesmerized by how stunning she looked when she did that.

"Ugh. Look at you hogging the lime light by yourself! Mmmmm they did not procreate without us right?" Damon said while scratching his chin.

Nabi kicked Damon and stomped her feet in anger.

"That lecher! How could he $@#!*%& do this to us! Uuuugggh! I'm so mad! Let's go back to the palace now, I'm so gonna kick his balls! Nabi walked away fuming mad leaving the dumbfounded Damon behind.

"Wait if she's gonna kick his balls then- Oy! wait up!" Damon said as he chased after the fuming Nabi.


"Achooo" Damien sneezed.

"Old man, it seems like you shouldn't go out a lot at night, you should go home now or you might catch a cold hahaha!" I said, teasing Damien. We're actually in the middle of a fight right now and it seems like I'm not the only one enjoying.

"Old man my ass, I'm just a few years older than you!" He said smiling while punching and dodging the guy that came his way.

We were able to fight almost all of "Mac and Cryles" henchmen, though the rest of them ran away after seeing us fight. I was in a good mood while fighting so I decided to just let the other men run, they would've learned their lesson by now so I don't really need to bother. I must say Damien's fighting technique was a bit brutal, he broke the enemies' bones in one clean swoop and made them bleed, his fighting style are totally different, he is brutal and messy while I'm swift and clean. Our differences made me more interested and I'm amazed! I would love to fight with him. I'm so interested in the moves he used while fighting, although our enemies were not super strong, they cannot be considered weak either. If one is not careful, he may also suffer heavy damages.

"You know-" Both of us spoke at the same time.

"You go first..." Damien said.

"No you go first your majesty" I said courtly.

"I thought we're already on a first name basis?" He smiled devilishly at me.

"Uh okay, so what do you want to say?" I asked.

"I'm curious, they say only the women of the Drachenoff clan have golden eyes... so as a man why do you have golden eyes?" Damien asked. His question caught me off guard but as I have answered all the royalties and nobles. I looked at him and smiled,

"Fluke of nature I guess? And that's what makes me special right?". I notice him looking at me with mesmerized eyes. Is there something wrong with what I said? This man makes me feel... confused.

"Hahahaha Fluke of nature huh?" He gave out a deep hearty laugh.

'Wow this guy is so... attractive... I don't understand but I feel like being drawn to him more and more. This is dangerous, I have to stop myself' I thought to myself. When he noticed my gaze, he looked into my eyes and slowly walk towards me. I don't know what's happening so I slowly took steps back, and then my back hit the wall. He is leaning closer to me and when his face is an inch far from my face, he suddenly said,

"Mmmm... Indeed you are special". He was leaning so close to me and I'm starting to get uncomfortable.


"Can you back off a bit? You're way too close!" I said while looking at his eyes. I don't get why he's doing this, is this how they treat royals in the South? Is this some kind of acceptable southern behavior?

We were cut off when we heard running sounds, it looks like Mac and Cryle's henchmen did not learn anything at all! They came to us with twice the number and now with swords and clubs. These pathetic fools, they really want tk be beaten real bad huh? I guess I need to make a statement.

"Looks like we're in for more, Northern men are hospitable indeed!" Damien said as he punched and kick the men who came close.

"Some people just never learn" I said grinning. I have eaten a lot tonight so maybe this is just the right level of "burning" I need.

Mac and Cryle's henchmen kept coming one after another, it seems like an endless skirmish! 'Pietro and the others would be envious if I tell them about this' I thought excitedly to myself.

We managed to beat every last one of the them who came after us but then...


A Man sneakily crept behind me while I'm busy fighting and he managed to slash me when I turned to face him.

"Ugh" I let out a grunt. I held my chest and kicked him on the jaw, the man lost consciousness right away. There was blood all over my cloak and shirt and I saw Damien running quickly to where I was. Damien caught me in his arms and then placed his hand on my chest and muttered something, after that I lost consciousness.


I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. I was trying to remember what happened and then I heard Damien said,

"You know you shouldn't stand up right away..."

"I feel okay already..." I said as I propped my body up on the bed.

"Well, you would feel okay because I healed you... but I'm not gonna be okay if you keep seducing me like that..." He grinned at me

"huh?" I was dumbfounded by what he said and when he noticed my confused look, he pointed towards my chest.

"!" I got flustered and I pulled the blanket up my neck. The bandage that I used got slashed by that sneaky bastard! My shirt got torn and my cleavage was showing.

"How much did you see?!" I asked flustered and mad at the same time.

"Mmm just enough to appreciate" He smiled and winked at me.

"You've got nice and big-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence when I threw a pillow at his face.

"YOU PERVERT!!" I screamed at him! I'm so embarrassed to the point of death and if the floor would swallow me, I'd gladly let myself be eaten.

"What? you asked me how much I've seen HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" He said while laughing.

'This bastard is enjoying this' I thought to myself

"Do you want me to kill you???!" I said glaring at him.

"If I would die drowning in your wonderful bossom, then who am I to say no?" He said smiling at me.

I put my face in my palm as I think of ways to get out of this situation. I was in a deep thought and I did not notice him getting closer to me. He placed both of hands on the bed and placed his face an inch away from mine and said,

"Now that the secret is out, why don't we have a deal then?" Damien smiled devilishly as he looked into my eyes.