
Going Home

The old woman reunites Ying Yue with the other ladies. Everyone was sitting in another part of the building waiting. Ying Yue spots Zhi Ruo and runs to her to share the good news. Smiling from ear to ear, Ying Yue runs and grabs Zhi Ruo's arms.

"Zhi Ruo! Guess what?!"

"Ying Yue? Where have you been?!"

"Nowhere Zhi Ruo, they simply took me away to talk. I have good news!"

"What is it Ying Yue?"

"You're all going home!"

With a smile on her face, Ying Yue looks to Zhi Ruo who couldn't stop her tears of joy from flowing. Yu Wei and her trio were too ashamed to look at Ying Yue after what they've done. Slightly throwing away her pride, Yu Wei walks to where Ying Yue and Zhi Ruo were.

"Ying Yue Yang, I apologize for all the things I've caused. I am ashamed of myself."

"I forgive you, so long as you've learned something from this. We will be leaving shortly. Unlike the other dragon clan people, only the royal blood and holy one can create a portal. We won't be travelling on foot. As we speak right now she's working on creating the portal that will transport us back to the cave we came from."

The room was in an uproar, the girls couldn't stop celebrating. Ying Yue chose not to tell anyone of what she has to do for their freedom. In the moment of celebration. Ying Yue notices that the girls were walking now. Wondering what happened to all their wounds, Ying Yue turns to Yu Wei.

"What happened Yu Wei? Everyone can all walk again."

"Oh! Yeah, our wounds were healed! It feels great to walk again."

"What? How is that possible?"

"I'm not sure, the pretty people we saw earlier came to apologize on behalf of what Zi Tai did. They poured something that looked like water onto our wounds and it slowly healed. They even healed Wang Shu!"

Thinking nothing much of it, but as a way to make amends; Ying Yue brushed it off. After sitting around for a good ten minutes, the pretty people and Zi Tai returned. Ying Yue watched as they entered the hall with the old woman.

"Preparations are done, we will be leaving shortly."

"Who are those people old woman? Are they coming as well?"

"Hehe, you are the only one that calls me that. Yes, these are the generals of the great dragon kingdom. You all know Zi Tai already. These two are Ah Mei and Fang Li, they are twin sisters and the only female generals. These two other guys here are Tao Chen and Fu Jia. They were raised in the temple by me and are more like sons to me than generals. In perfect unison the five generals all lightly bended their waist, with their hand clasped together in a fist to greet Ying Yue.

"Greetings Ms. Ying Yue."

"Ah, Hello everyone. Please, no need for formalities."

Zi Tai was the only one who couldn't look at Ying Yue and the other noble girls. After getting a smack to the back of his head by his friend Tao Chen, Zi Tai turns to Ying Yue and the other girls.

"I apologize for being rough with you all. What I did was not acceptable and I am reflecting on it. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me."

Everyone was shocked, they didn't think he had it in him to apologize. After a moment of silence, Ying Yue finally speaks up.

"I understand why you did what you did. We are intruders, it only makes sense. I can forgive you, but that doesn't mean the others will. So, lift your head, you're a general and respected by your people, they will be disappointed seeing you in this state."

Zi Tai wasn't expecting to be forgiven, He scratches the back of his head and stares at Ying Yue and the other girls. Ying Yue decided to brush off what had occurred between them earlier. Ying Yue turns her attention to the head priest.

"When are we leaving?"

"Right now, the portal is open. I had it directly connected to the location of where the holy tree should be. Follow me everyone."

Unsure of what was happening, Ying Yue followed the old woman and the pretty people to a small side building. They entered a empty room. It was dark, and cold. It had hard wooden floors that creaked at every movement they made. The only thing lighting the room was small light emitting from the portal.

"Uh...are you sure that's safe to go through old priest?"

"Of course, I will enter the portal first if you are worried."

Just like that, the holy priest entered the portal and disappeared to the other side. Ying Yue slowly followed, and one by one all the other girls did as well. Ying Yue was back to staring at the large waterfall in front of her and the beautiful golden leaf tree. The old woman didn't hesitate, she started on creating another portal that would transport everyone back home. Ying Yue walks back to the tree and lightly touches it.

"Who would've thought we'd be back so soon?"

Once again, Ying Yue hears the man's voice call her.

"...Ying Yue, come find me....."

Ying Yue paused and turns to the other girls and generals. Unsure if it really happened or if her ears were playing tricks on her. Ying Yue couldn't help, but shiver at the thought that it might be a ghost. Ying Yue decides to ask everyone else if they heard it as well.

"Did you guys hear a voice just now?"

Everyone looked at each other, before shaking their heads no. The head priest had to focus on creating the portal so she did not pay attention to what Ying Yue was saying. Zhi Ruo couldn't help, but be worried about Ying Yue. She walks to where Ying Yue was, and whispers a question.

"Are you alright Ying Yue?"

"Of course, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I guess, if you say so. I won't pry too much then."

They chatted away for a good few minutes, before being interrupted by the priest woman.

"The portal is ready. I had it connected to the royal palace in your human world. I doubt you all wanted to be transported at the mountains again."

With hopeful eyes, everyone ran to the portal. Ying Yue watched as everyone entered it. One by one, Ying Yue walks Zhi Ruo to the portal and before Zhi Ruo could enter, Ying Yue pushed an item into her arms and whispered something to her.

"Zhi Ruo...please take my sword back to my mother and look after her."

Before Zhi Ruo could say anything, Ying Yue had already pushed her through the portal. Facing Ying Yue, Zhi Ruo saw Ying Yue break into a sad smile. Just like that, Zhi Ruo had returned to her world. Zhi Ruo quickly stands up and looks around her. She was in the main palace hall. All the other noble girls were standing around. The emperor, crown prince, Jia Li, ministers and aids, even her father was there. Everyone was there, but not Ying Yue. Zhi Ruo watched as the portal slowly closed up in front of her.

"Where's Ying Yue?!"

Yu Wei watched Zhi Ruo frantically try to enter the portal again. Yu Wei quickly grabbed hold of

Zhi Ruo's waist as she tried going back through the portal. Unable to go back, Zhi Ruo tears up and screams. The portal was now closed off. There was no way to get back to Ying Yue. Duke Dong quickly ran to go grab hold of his daughter who was crying frantically. The crown prince glances around the noble girls, and saw no sight of Ying Yue. Since their parting last time the crown prince hasn't gotten over it. Walking to where the girls were now, he grabs hold of Yu Wei's shoulders and shakes her.

"Where's Ying Yue?!"

Unable to answer the prince, Yu Wei remained silent. Everyone was still in shock seeing the portal open in front of them. Jia Li, bites her lips in anger and runs to the crown prince, grabbing hold of his left arm.

"Your highness, you are hurting her!"

The crown prince glared at Jia Li, before slapping her hands away.

"This happened, because of you! You lied to me! If you weren't carrying my child, I would've had you executed!"

Ying Yues father was confused and wanted to know why the crown prince was saying such a thing. He figured the crown prince loved Jia Li, hence why we he married her. Stuttering over himself to question the crown prince.

"Prince Wang Yong, what is the meaning of this?!"

"Exactly as you heard, marquis. Your daughter lied to me; she should've been executed for lying to the royal family."

"Your highness whatever Jia Li has done, please let us talk about it in private. It is not good create a scene right now."

The crown prince glares at Ying Yue's father, and then turns his back on him. He returns to where Zhi Ruo was. Still crying in her father's arm. In a soft low voice; with his lips quivering, fearing the worst. crown prince Wang Yong asks again.

"Tell me... where is Ying Yue?"

"Sniff...Sniff...still in the dragon kingdom, your highness."

Like a sword to the heart, the crown prince was filled with regret. He knew Ying Yue would never agree to be his anymore, but he at least wanted to apologize for how he treated her. Now she's really gone. Walking out of the main hall silently, the crown prince walks back to his residence with his guards. Ying Yues father ushers the maids nearby to take the crying Jia Li back to her residence. The emperor watched in silence as everything unfolded in front of him. Cracking into a smile, the emperor was satisfied with the result of things.

"Ha Ha! If all nine of you are here. That means Ying Yue has sacrificed herself for all you to return. The ceremony was a success then! The kingdom will prosper from here on out everyone. We shall have a celebration tonight for the returns of our daughters!"

Filled with disgust, Zhi Ruo looks at the emperor in shock. Someone has just lost their daughter and yet here he is wanting to celebrate. Zhi Ruo, remembers what Ying Yue had whispered to her. Unable to calm herself she was shaking with anger at the emperor. This was the kind of man Ying Yue had to serve? This was the kind of person Ying Yue had to die for?

"What's wrong my daughter?"

"The least I can do for Ying Yue is fulfill her last wish father."

Still holding onto Ying Yues sword, Zhi Ruo breaks away from her father's hold and bids the emperor farewell before making off with Ying Yues sword. Riding off in her father's carriage, Zhi Ruo had finally made it to Ying Yues home after fifteen minutes on the road. Lightly nodding to the two guards outside of Ying Yues home.

"I am duke Dongs daughter, my name is Zhi Ruo. I am here to see Ying Yues mother, madam

Bai Shun on behalf of Ying Yue. Please let me through."

The guards nodded to each other and agrees to let Zhi Ruo in. Chunhua spots Zhi Ruo walking in and sees her with Ying Yues sword. With a sad look on her face, she knew at that moment that Ying Yue was not coming back. Walking to the lost Zhi Ruo, Chunhua offers to bring her to Ying Yues mother.

"I am Chunhua, the personal maid of Ying Yue, what brings you here?"

"I come bearing Ying Yues last wish, please let me see her mother."

Lightly bowing to Zhi Ruo, Chunhua gestures Zhi Ruo to follow her. After walking for ten minutes, Zhi Ruo was now standing in front of an older building, that looked almost abandoned.

"Knock Knock"

"Madam it's me, Chunhua. You have a guest."

Zhi Ruo slowly walked into the room, noticing how small, cramped and dirty the place was. Zhi Ruo broke down. This was the life Ying Yue had to live. This was the life her mother had to live. How was she going to tell her that Ying Yue was gone? With her lips quivering and tears rolling down her eyes, Zhi Ruo falls to her knees. She looks at the thin figure sitting before her.

"I... I am Zhi Ruo. The daughter of duke Dong. Ying Yue was my friend and savior. On behalf of her last wish, I've brought you back her sword."

"What do you mean last wish? Where's Ying Yue? Did she not return from the dragon kingdom?"

"I'm so sorry madam Bai Shun."

Unable to look at Ying Yues mother, Zhi Ruo slowly hands Ying Yues sword to her mother. All she could do was watch Ying Yues mother cry while hugging Ying Yues sword. After a moment of silence, Ying Yues mother snapped out of it and realized Zhi Ruo was still on her knees.

"Ah, where are my manners. Please come have a seat. Chunhua, please go prepare some snack and tea for our guest. Zhi Ruo was it, tell me. What happened when you all went through the portal."

Zhi Ruo began from the top, talking about how Ying Yue found her in the cave, about how they all got captured, and about how Ying Yue saved her from being sold off. Before long two hours had gone by. Zhi Ruo was tired and needed to leave. Thinking that her father is probably worried sick about her too.

"Madam Bai Shun, I believe I've been here long enough. I will retire for the day, but I promise you I will be back to visit you."

"Thank you for telling me everything Zhi Ruo. I can tell that Ying Yue was a great friend to you."

Zhi Ruo breaks into a gentle smile and bids Ying Yues mother farewell and heads back out to her carriage. Sitting in silence, Ying Yues mother heads back to her bed while holding onto Ying Yues sword.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, while listening to this tune. It made it more emotional for me. Lol

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