
Crown Prince

Day breaks, and Jia Li was ready to go meet the mysterious man that her sister had been writing to.

"Nanjing do my hair for me, dress yourself up a bit too. You will be accompanying me to this meet up."

"Yes, my lady."

Jia Li knew she was a beauty; she could easily get any other man. Yet she hated Ying Yue, and knowing she cannot beat Ying Yue in combat she was going to crush her using other methods. Jia Li finished dressing herself up. She had her finest dress on, a light blue dress with gold embroidery of a phoenix. Her mother had it tailored at the finest store for her birthday last month. Along with her long black hair and golden hair pins, her rosy cheeks and lips. Jia Li was ready to set off.

"Ha! Nanjing look, there's not a single man that can take their eyes off me."

"Of course not my lady, no one can match your beauty."

Happily walking through the town Jia Li finally reaches her destination. The was no one there yet. Thinking they may be running late, Jia Li seats herself onto a stone chair and waits. An hour passes and there was still no one to be seen. Feeling anger and embarrassed Jia Li was about to give up until a soft low voice called out the pen name Ying Yue was using.

" Lu Hua?"

Jia Li freezes in spot, she knew who it was at that moment. Slowly turning herself to face the man, Jia Li was now floating on cloud nine. She would've never guessed that the man Ying Yue was writing to would turn out to be the crown prince himself! There's not a single noble lady that does not know about crown prince Wang Yong and what he looked like. Tall, handsome, elegant, and a genius. Jia Li calls out crown prince Wang Yongs pen name.

"Mao Feng? Is that you?"

The crown prince Wang Yong, bursts into a smile. Happy to know that the women he had been writing to, turned out to be a noble and beautiful one. Jia Li knew the crown prince was enchanted by her beauty. Using that to her advantages she wanted more details on how Ying Yue ended up talking to the crown prince. Jia Li breaks into a smile and questions the prince.

"Oh, where are my manners, please have a seat. Help yourself to some of these snacks my maid prepared.

"Ah thank you, that's very thoughtful of you."

"Mao Feng, if it's alright with you. Can you tell me about how this all started?"

The crown prince stopped smiling that instant, and stared at Jia Li before questioning her.

"Lu Hua, you should know this. Why ask me?"

"Mao Feng, please don't over think it. I just want your perspective that's all."

Jia Li knew she couldn't pester the crown prince too much or it might give her away. With her heart nearly beating out of her chest and her cold sweating hands. Jia Li, tries to divert the prince from thinking into it too much. Jia Li smiled like she had never before, lightly using her arm to support her head, she places her elbow onto the stone table and stared right back at the crown prince. Realizing Jia Li was staring at him, he snapped out of his daze.

"Ah, pardon me. I apologize for staring too much. Let's see.... now that I think about it. It's been a little over two years since I've been writing to you. I came to this exact location to get some fresh air. I wanted a place that would inspire me to write my poems. Seeing two birds fly together like they were in love inspired me. I wrote my poem and folded it into a boat. I let it drift down the stream. I never thought someone would reply to it. A few days later I came back and there was a piece of paper folded into a crane crushed under a rock on this table. I guess this is how it all started for us."

Confused, Jia Li wondered why the crown prince had never tried to find out the identity of the person writing to him.

"Mao Feng, did you ever try to find out my identity before today?"

"Of course, many times actually. I tried, but you were too unpredictable. I had some people follow you back to find out your location once, but even they lost track of you. You must be really fast Lu Hua."

"Ah....ha...Is that so."

Jia Li was nervously sweating at this point. She had to change the subject before the prince asked too much.

"Mao Feng, how about a stroll? The scenery here is beautiful."

"If it's not too much trouble. I would actually love that."

The crown prince and Jia Li ended up spending the rest of the day chatting. Jia Li won over the crown prince like nothing. All she had to do was remember some of the poems she had read the night before. Before long the sun was going to set soon. The crown prince turns to Jia Li and looks into her eyes.

"It is late now Lu Hua. No, that's not your real name. If it's alright with you, would you tell me your real name?"

"Jia Li is the name of this one. My father is marquis Zi Wei Yang, your highness."

"Oh? You knew who I was?"

"I did not at first your highness, it wasn't until I saw your face that I realized it was you."

"I have seen your father before, he's a well-educated man. Your sister Ying Yue, is she not the current imperial General?

Jia Li groaned at the sight of hearing the crown prince mention her sister Ying Yue. She knew she had to change the subject before Wang Yong asked any more questions about Ying Yue.

"Your highness, my sister is at war while I am safe and sound here. I am worried for her wellbeing I can barely sleep. Please do not mention her or I will be reminded of this guilt."

"Ah! Of course, I shouldn't have. I apologize Jia Li."

"Your highness you are a prince, you don't need to apologize to someone like me."

"Jia Li, how did you know I was the crown prince?"

"Your highness, there is not a single noble lady within Xin that does not know your face, your highness. You're tall, well built, young, educated and very handsome, that's hard to miss."

Slightly embarrassed from what Jia Li was saying, the crown prince; Wang Yong took Jia Li's hand and placed it inside his own hands, before whispering to her.

"Jia Li, would you come and be my consort?"

Jia Li wasn't expecting to get the crown prince to ask her so early, it took her off guard to the point she stuttered to reply.

"You....you want me?"

"Of course! I will have no one else if I have you Jia Li."

Jia Li breaks away from the crown prince's gaze and slowly turns her back to face the crown prince. Jia Li knew she was close to beating Ying Yue. In a soft weak voice Jia Li cons the prince once again.

"Your highness, I am not pure enough to be with you. My mother is a commoner, I'm afraid I will not match you. The empress; your mother, will judge me for my dirty blood."

"Jia Li! She will do no such thing! Believe me! I may be the crown prince, but I have no one in my harem. They will not reject you."

Jia Li breaks into tears, with a smile she looks into the crown prince's eyes and agrees. This was her win. This was Jia Lis moment to defeat Ying Yue once and for all.

"If you will have me, I will be yours, your highness."

"Of course! Jia Li you don't know how happy you just made me. In a few days I will send out my men to notify your father of the news. I promise to come pick you up when the time comes."

Jia Li and the crown prince Wang Yong falls into small embrace before parting. As the sun was setting Jia Li knew she had to leave.

"The sun is setting your highness, I must return before my father wonders where I am. Thank you, prince Wang Yong, for allowing this lowly one to accompany you all day today."

"No, thank you Jia Li, I will see you soon."

The crown prince turns to leave with his guards. Jia Li knew she had hit the jackpot. Jia Li waited until they were out of her sight before bursting out with laughs.

"Ha Ha oh my god Nanjing! I'm going to be a princess. Can you believe it?!"

"Yes, congratulations my lady. Do not forget this maid when you leave for the palace."

"What are talking about, I'm going to take you to the palace with me as my personal maid there."

Filled with excitement Jia Li and Nanjing heads back home to tell her father and mother of the great news. Meanwhile Ying Yue is about to encounter some troubles.

How's the story so far? Any input will help me better it. I read all comments, just FYI. :)

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