
The Dragon Emperor In Beyblade Burst

This story is purely a fan fiction about beyblade burst original. Ryuga will be reincarnated in this world when mysteriously disappeared from his original world after passing down the star fragment to Kenta... (Not any random Otaku... it's Ryuga himself who will be sent to another world)... Watch as how he rose from nowhere(i mean new world where he never born so it means nowhere, right?..)to world strongest undefeated blader in the world. ALSO DON'T GO COPYING MY STORY.....COPYCATS.. _____________________________________________ !WARNING! Beyblade burst series belong to its original author, I asked for permission to writer this story, so no copyright issues will be implemented... except Ryuga character, all are same in this fan fic. In my story, Ryuga is the main character in beyblade burst not Aoi Valt. Also I will not explain how each beast come out of the bey.. I will explains some ... For example:- Like how Valt's Valkyrie rise from his bey. Okay.!.. So, you can check in the internet yourself if you want. I will only changes some events... But first u have to watch all the original episodes, then read this later it will give you some satisfaction to read properly. Also I am an inexperience author and this my first story, so please help me in spreading this story. Also there will be some grammar mistake, sentences mistake..so I will try my best not to make many mistakes. In This, Ryuga will be Op as hell, will have many rivals (guess who's them). I changed his Beyblade to my liking...will explain in chapter.. And also he has the same pride that he showed in his world.. The Dragon Emperor's pride. THANK YOU! YOURS TRULY AUTHOR ====================================

IWhoMustNotBeName · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 3

Next morning, Ryuga already awoke from his sleep as he is now sitting cross legged for some minutes, as the dawn came, he got up from his position then preparing to leave to his next destination for registration i.e., the Beikoma , where the Tournament will be held...

Now starts.....The journey of The Dragon Emperor...

Few hours later,

Ryuga is seen walking towards a park... suddenly he heard a voice coming from the nearby location, as he went to see... when he reaches there and saw,

A boy looks like same age as him but he is quite short compared to others. He has water blue hair that's help up by blue head band, brown color eyes, also has a red marking on his left cheek below his left eye, wearing red T-shirt with blue short pant that goes down into his knees. He is standing in front of another boy..who has light blonde hair, tall, fair skinned boy with same eyes color. He wears a bandage on bridge of his nose, has a habit of keeping a lollipop in his mouth & a carries a large white paper fan. His attire consists of a black gakuran jacket slung over his shoulders, akin to a cape, a dark-red tank top underneath, black gakuran trousers, a white sash as a belt, and brown laceless shoes. When he battles, initially placed his comic books around his waistband...he spoke while pointing his fan to the blue haired boy

??? - Haha.. you want to battle me, the great Rantaro Kiyama... it seems your brain's cells also destroyed during the last battle.... right! Valt..

Boy named Valt then replied him with cheerful voice..

Valt - This time I will win! This is my bey, Valkyrie,...shows his bey to the blonde boy.... again said with loud voice...

"Let's show him our power Valkyrie".

Ryuga who saw this only raised his eyebrows as he thought 'That Valkyrie is powerful, it has plenty of potential to become one of the strongest attack type bey while other is a stamina type.., it seems same as a bey I fought in the past....what was it again?....hmm hmm. i don't remembers clearly..let it be...that bey also has same potential., hehehe....

Interesting...This is very interesting, it seems this match will be not boring,..let's wait and see what's going to happens?'

As he hides in the corner to watch the match with strange glints in his eyes and a smile evident on his face...if anyone see his face now they will scared shit less because this smile looks same when a 'Predator f.....no, a 'Dragon found it's prey'...

( I changed this as Valt and Rantaro will be battling in a park where's the bey stadium is located near a water fountain... as for why I did this you will see when u read.)

(I will call Rantaro as Ran, from now on)

Ran - You sure have guts shrimp, to challenge my Ragnarok.. ok I accept said while pointing his finger to Valt again spoke..

Ran - I will crush your Valkyrie with my Ragnarok so you will thinks twice before challenging me again..

As both stood opposite to each other..there's a round shape small bey stadium, black color slope with yellow center and red color outer ring(check in internet)

Both blader got ready with their launcher....

Valt - Lets win this Valkyrie!.. said while looking at his bey then he connect it with launcher , aimed towards the stadium..

Few students from their school are also watching this along with Valt's sisters..

A student become Refree for this match as he spoke..

Battle between Valt Aoi v/ s Rantaro Kiyama will now begin... said while showing on his hands...

Over Finish 1 point

Spin Finish 1 point

Burst Finish 2 points

Whoever scores first 2 points wins.

First Battle!

Ran already in his position looks like weak shooting (This style is similar to parallel launch but you will be pulling your ripcord slower than usual. Your beyblade will be slower and move erratically which make the battle harder for attack-type opponents.)

Ryuga became surprised when he saw this stances... he thought this stances is similar to that Gingka's fat friend (referring to Bull... haha he don't remember his name) it seems this one knows basics, how to battle with stamina type bey. I now wants to battle him more.,oh I can't wait to destroy that bey .. a big grin appeared on his face.... he then looks towards Valt,

he nearly tripped, when he saw Valt... then he began to analise Valt...

Ryuga - 'What the hell is that?' ...as he saw Valt's stances..'that leg and knee lock is totally on loose while that hand which holding the launcher is shivering ...that looks like a total newbie stances....is he a newbie? hey, you got to be kidding me!... damn I thought he must a splendid blader when he has that beyblade..screamed inside. It seems I wasted my time here or may be not, looks towards Ran..I will battle that blonde haired boy'.... thought as he continues to watch...

With the match,

Ran didn't notice Valt weird shooting style because only professional blader could noticed this...

Refree - Ready! Set!...

Both blader said at same time.. 3,2,1 ..... Go shoot.... then both shoots at the same time while Valt's shooting went wrong as his feet slip..well(you should be able to understand where the match will go right?....🤣🤣)

Both their bey touch the ground as they spun around the stadium.. with Ragnarok went to center while Valkyrie spinning around weirdly but only Ryuga noticed this..

Valt then said...

Valt - Go Valkyrie!... as his bey spun faster ..suddenly it flew out of the stadium and fell on the floor ...(How did it happen? you must be wondering right? when its tip hit the outline of outer ring of the stadium so it's flew upward).

Referee - Ov.. over finish, Ragnarok 1 point,1-0.

Ran - Hahahhaha.... You seems same everytime we batte... he mocked Valt..

With Ryuga.,

Ryuga - I already expected this he didn't even know about his bey as far I can tell... ( he is able to tell whether or not a Blader is in sync with their bey.. because of his bond with L-Drago, as he already become 100% synchronized with his bey)... what a watse of power?.. said inwardly... then look towards them.

Ran - Hey! did you admit defeats.... haha I knew it from the beggining....

Valt - Of course not! in next battle I am making comeback!. ... exclaimed while hurriedly connect his bey to the launcher..

Ran then broke his lollipop with teeth as he said

Ran - Is that so!.. let's have some fun, Ragnarok... then got ready for his shooting stance...

Second Battle!

Refree - Ready! Set!....

Valt - That was a mess up! This time I'll do an amazing shoot!.... 3..2..1....Go shoot..

What happened next left everyone who were watching including Ryuga speechless..

He shot with his eyes closed while aims his bey towards the water fountain....

Everyone - ...

Ran - .....

Ryuga - ....

When Valt opened his eyes he saw Valkyrie flying towards the fountain...

Valt - Nooooo...shouted with scared face...then started running like his life depends on it....

As his bey was about to fall in the water, suddenly out of nowhere a white color beyblade saves his bey by hitting it towards him which directly fall on his hand as he catch it.

Valt - Thank God! said with happy voice while rubbing his bey on his cheek....

Ran and others who saw this became surprised when they saw a bey flew to hit.... as they never saw anything like this..

??? - Come back! L-Drago... spoke a voice filled with pride and confidence

Everything got over the shock when they hear this voice while Valt crying tears..

They look towards the voice.. then they saw

the person who has a aura of an Emperor.